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Made it..

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    Made it..

    Hi Guys,

    I made it through my first day working in an office...and did'nt die..:thumbs:

    I think part of my problem is i worry too much..Infact i don't think i know...It also explains why i have trouble getting asleep while sober..Lying there its the only time of the day to get a chance to think about stuff..

    I feel a lot more comfortable now having spoke to quite a few tradesmen on the phone who are proberly on my level as thats all my work has ever involved doing.

    Anyway thanks for the encouragment..It really did come in handy today..

    Love Macks:l
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

    Made it..

    Hey Macks,
    Great to hear your first day went well.
    It should only get easier now....
    Funny how we build things up in our minds and get all worried when we don't actually have to.
    Bring on tomorrow aye?
    Well done.

    Sober since 30/06/10


      Made it..


      I knew you could do it!

      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Made it..

        Good for you Macks.


          Made it..


          New jobs are always a little scary.
          Gabby :flower:


            Made it..

            Hey Macks, great news!
            I think we are all a bit guilty of over thinking things and thinking the worst.
            I have a boss who likes to make me look small from time to time. I have to remember that she is ONLY another person just like me.
            Really pleased you are feeling OK about things.
            The only way is UP now
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Made it..

              Good for you Mack. All of us worry too much. Maybe that's how we got here.

              Anyway, for sleeping, there are many natural relaxants, that will allow you to still do the thinking, but not lose too much sleep (which is an inevitable side effect of cutting out AL)-- check the Holistic Healing forum for ideas, if you don't know it already.

              To save you time, just in case, these are some: Valerian, calms forte, 5-HTP/Tryptophan, lithium orotate, Benedryl (or generic equivalent)... and there is more. But these do help in the first weeks. Getting sleep is so important to keep our motivation going.

              (And save the orange juice for the morning).
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Made it..

                awesome glad to hear only gets better
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  Made it..

                  That shows how strong you are!!!!Stress like that have pushed me on my BUTT,more times than I can count...
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Made it..

                    Glad you are feeling good about it macks!


                      Made it..

                      Great news, Macks!!

                      I have to add, I agree with Beatle on the possible supps to try to help sleep.

                      6mg of Melatonin works AFTER the first week sober for me. And, I don't wake up groggy at all.

                      I have also heard Valerian is awesome.

                      However, don't go doing too much. Try one at a time.

                      I truly believe lack of sleep is a huge reason for early relapse. All of us drinkers suffer from it. Haven't met one yet who hasn't. (I am sure they exist but probably 90+% do suffer from lack of sleep.)

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Made it..

                        Right On Macks !!!!!!!!!!! 2 thumbs up !!! I'd say 3 or 4 thumbs up if I had them

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                          Made it..

                          Congrats Macks,

                          Stress is always an open invitation, and you turned it down! Way to go! The easier path is to blame stress for drinking, for tailgating, for yelling at the dog . . . but you handled it well. Thanks for the reminder that it can be done. We don't HAVE to cave. You just proved it.



                            Made it..

                            Macks, we all believe in you, now, you only have to start believing in yourself.

                            See, I told you it was simple. You're doing great.
                            A F F L..
                            Alcohol Free For Life


                              Made it..

                              Great job Macks! Now we will look forward to all of your water cooler stories!
                              :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                              AF since 10/11/2008

