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Almost Caved

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    Almost Caved

    Hubby has been having a bad day with the computer and when I called him up for dinner, asked him what he'd like to have to drink with his meal. If he had of said a glass of wine, I was prepared to open a bottle for him (us) as I felt so bad for his tough day. Of course, he'd have only had a glass and I would have drunk the rest. Thank goodness he asked for a glass of milk instead ... which we both had. I was very wobbly there for about 30 seconds ... surprised at how easily I would have caved (well, not really surprised I guess!).

    I suppose the way I phrased the question, I was really hoping he'd say wine so that would be my excuse! ---- tomorrow I'll ask if he'd like milk or water! Lesson learned.

    Almost Caved

    maybe no one likes your thread,but interesting,we have people here that get offended and some that dont,we all have been where you are,isnt it a present to no yourhubby cares,and maybe is thinkin of your health,thankyou gyco


      Almost Caved

      Newday, In the beginning, we all try to "kid ourselves" is those old habits slipping in......But, you rose to the occasion. The important thing is to pay attention and learn, which quite obviously you did! So congratulations you are on your way!

      I would be much more concerned if you drank with an Oh! laddy what attitude! Keep going!

      Best Wishes!
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Almost Caved

        Hi New Day,

        If it is any consolation - I used to do that with my hubby too - ask him if he wanted a drink or if he wanted me to buy some beer at the shop - hoping he would say yes because being honest I didn't really care if he wanted one, I did. Of course didn't take him long to cop on to what I was doing and he would get a great time winding me up about it!

        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


          Almost Caved

          Sorry Gyco if I said something wrong. I certainly don't mean to offend anyone on this site. I'm new, so if there's something in my post that is inappropriate, please let me know what it is so I don't reoffend.


            Almost Caved

            Thanks everyone ---- I guess there's nothing I've tried that anyone else hasn't! LOL!


              Almost Caved

              HI Wally ---- thanks. Yes, I see where there are people from all over ... amazing! It's been great reading a lot of the posts ... I've learned so much. This is a refuge for me, as I've not discussed my concern over my drinking except with my best friend (who happens to live half a world away from me --- in Oz). I'm trying to do this quietly on my own ---- haven't discussed it with hubby even. I guess I'm afraid of failure, but trying to prove to myself I can beat AL into being under my control.


                Almost Caved

                I'm glad you did not cave. I have played that game so many times myself. We are still learning what our triggers and weaknesses are. You are doing good!


                  Almost Caved

                  am so happy for you new day that you didnt cave in great job you can do this .. keep it up.. stay strong and think positive
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    Almost Caved

                    Hi New Day,

                    Isn't it funny that we all play these little games, and the "joke" is always on us! I've played my share of which I'm not particularly proud. One of the things I've discovered is that the further away from my "new life" date - when booze stopped taking center stage - the easier it is to fall back into the little games. The exhilaration of being sober has passed - no hangover am's are the norm now - and it's so very easy to slip. I think this 45-60 day period is a vulnerable one. The new habits are not as ingrained as they need to be, and the old habits are 'way in the past. Just more reason to be vigilant, and I appreciate your thread as we're both in that spot. I've come clean with my husband, so I can't "hide!" Stay strong - you've given me a boost!



                      Almost Caved

                      Hi New Day
                      Can't say I understand all of this thread, but I do understand how you felt. I think we all have that tricky little voice in our head. I know I I don't...yes I do sshhhhhhhhhh everyone:H It gets so noisy in here sometimes lol

                      Good luck to you
                      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                        Almost Caved

                        akgirl ---- LOL ---- yes, those voices just won't shut up sometimes! So glad to hear I'm not the only one with those! Will be getting my PJ's on shortly and heading to bed with a book, so that outta keep them quiet for tonight. Thanks everyone!


                          Almost Caved

                          "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                            Almost Caved

                            I know the feeling New Day. I poured hubby a drink the other day and I was soooo tempted to take a sip - I ended up nearly throwing the bloody thing in his lap I was so cross with myself and took it out on him..... although the polite thing would be to tell him to get knotted and pour his own bloody drink cause I am AF!!
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              Almost Caved

                              me too , done it ,soo many times and been gutted when he said no! Well done cos I would have just made an excuse and convinced him to have it or just drink it myself anyway.

