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AF Army 19th Aug 2008

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    AF Army 19th Aug 2008

    WIP, it's the pick and choose part that is confusing for me, as everyone is different. I'll post what I have on hand in a few minutes. I want to come up with somewhat of a plan to begin today and I'll be switching docs on Sept 1 and will ask him to do blood work and talked to him about the supps. I will make a list and take it with me.

    Cindi, thanks for starting todays thread.
    Everyone, great job and keep doing what works for you!
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      AF Army 19th Aug 2008

      Okay, here's what we have in the house:
      L- Glut - 500 mg
      B12 - 100mg
      Omega 3 - 1000mg
      Omega 3 6 9 - I think it's 400mg each (kinda hard to read the fine print)
      Niacin - 100mg
      Melatonin - 3mg
      Calcium Magnesium Zinc - 1000mg 400mg 15mg
      Potassium - 99mg
      Some of these I picked up for myself, some we have for my husbo per his docs advice for his health - not AL abuse.
      LTG AF January 13, 2011


        AF Army 19th Aug 2008

        I'm here! Got my combat gear on! AF, yep! That be me!
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          AF Army 19th Aug 2008

          LTG, i haven't used any of these:
          Niacin - 100mg
          Melatonin - 3mg
          Potassium - 99mg

          But all the others you have is what I started with - pretty much the same as WIP, although I do agree with WIP it is alot of pill to pop but eventually I got into a routine.

          The Milk Thistle is good to help your liver recover and detox

          I swear by the Omega3-6-9 as I know how good it is for hubby and daughters ADD.... anything to help with the memory as mine is shocking.

          Magnesium I was also taking but my Doc advised to take it in the evenings as it does make you tired.

          Hope that helps?
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            AF Army 19th Aug 2008

            DeeBee, thanks! That really helps alot. I saw the Milk Thistle at Walmart yesterday. I will pick it up Friday, which is payday. Does it matter what time of day you take it?
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              AF Army 19th Aug 2008

              Nice to see you Best!
              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                AF Army 19th Aug 2008

                Hey all. Close calls both Sunday night and last night. Sunday I went to see a show by one of my favorite local bands, in a bar. I was planning to have just two or three beers. Getting drunk in bars has never really been my problem -- too expensive and too public. But I got there rather early, and sat in the adjacent park writing in my journal. And I realized I was thinking more about drinking than about the show. How much could I have? How soon could I start? And I realized I was scheming to not moderate -- I was really facing a choice between getting on my bike and riding home, or getting drunk. And I rode home. But it was close, kind of frightening.

                Then last night.... I had a Dr. appt yesterday. Just a check-up to monitor my anti-D's and blood pressure and, yes, drinking. And my Dr is wonderful, caring and understanding. But it's still a very stressful thing for me. And one of my big triggers is the release from stress. "Whew, I no longer have that hanging over me, let's drink!" I stayed at work until my head came around to the rational place, "No, I don't want to drink," and then I made it home safely. The walk home is the most dangerous -- my habit is to detour to one of the liquor stores.

                So, feeling good about myself, but also disconcertingly vulnerable. Why do those same old traps still have power over me?

                Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
                A: Practice, of course.


                  AF Army 19th Aug 2008

                  LookingToGrow;386927 wrote: DeeBee, thanks! That really helps alot. I saw the Milk Thistle at Walmart yesterday. I will pick it up Friday, which is payday. Does it matter what time of day you take it?
                  I'd check the dosage recommendations on the box but I took mine 3 times a day initially and then only once a day in the mornings for the last month.
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    AF Army 19th Aug 2008

                    Hi All,

                    Just reporting in..... Day 7 for me today.
                    Not finding it too bad during the day but boy the evenings are hard - especially around the 6-8pm time when I am getting dinner ready, getting the kids to bed etc.... usually have a drink around then and I am finding it hard to get through this time in the knowledge that I can't have one even after the kids have gone to bed. Once I get past the 9pm stage it is not so bad but I am so hoping that this does get easier:upset:

                    Best Wishes to all
                    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                      AF Army 19th Aug 2008

                      Bandit, great job on day 7! My hardest time is dinner time also. It was just a bad habit to drink while cooking. Still struggling through it. I am going to start some supps today to see if that helps. Stay strong and keep your eye on the prize!
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        AF Army 19th Aug 2008

                        Deleted Post.

                        It wasn't my intention to be RUDE. Manners yourself, please. I noticed someone had also written about modding in this thread.

                        A PM asking nicely would have been a much better option.

                        I'm excited by my progress and have my struggles too. Be nice.

                        My point in the post was to emphasize that AF days are also very important to me even if I have chosen to moderate.


                          AF Army 19th Aug 2008

                          Wild, it's rather rude to post about drinking beer on an AF thread! Maybe you should go to a mods thread. We are struggling here to remain AF...
                          LTG AF January 13, 2011


                            AF Army 19th Aug 2008


                            Yep. You will stay vulnerable for a long time. That is why vigilance is required.

                            However, take heart. Over time those feelings will come less and less often, until suddenly they are just something that happens once in a while.

                            Life will not always be about fighting the urges forever and ever. It will become second nature to be sober with a just occasional urges.

                            Let's keep marching so you and I can FINALLY get to that point!!

                            One step in front of the other.

                            BTW, :goodjob: on not caving. That is wonderful news!!

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              AF Army 19th Aug 2008

                              Lilnev, I was chatting with someone the other day that stated around day 50 you become a non-drinker and the struggle turns into a way of life. I wish we could all fast forward to day 50 Anyhow, stay strong and GREAT job on not caving! Stay strong and stay close to the site.
                              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                                AF Army 19th Aug 2008

                                O2M, glad you are okay! See back on Thursday. Great job remaining AF
                                LTG AF January 13, 2011

