I now think that light goes on if I plan to drink. Therefore, I have to plan not to drink. The light was on the day I had my first drink after 2 ? AF months. This was for a very special planned occasion, with a special $100 bottle of wine. The DRINK light was on the day I invited a friend over for wine, then consumed 2/3rds of it before she arrived. The DRINK light used to always be on Sunday afternoons, which was when I binged. The DRINK light was on last week, when my husband left wine for several friends who ended up not coming. He usually keeps the wine locked up in our Eurocave. I no longer look for the key, and I no longer go out to buy wine or liquor, but given that supply, I drank. He was out of town.
I’m thinking on the rare occasion when someone offers me a drink I can accept. Is that realistic, or is that the Beast talking? I know that quitting can be difficult, and I did not quit after 3-4 glasses in a week, for a few weeks. I kept thinking I could do it, but I couldn’t. I was still thinking way too much about drinking. I do not go out with friends often to have a drink, maybe about 4 times per year. I do not plan to drink this year before Christmas. Then I might have a glass or two shared at the table with the meal. I would like to continue to join my friends occasionally for a glass or two of wine. I want to achieve that level of thinking when alcohol is “take it or leave it”, not important in my life, not counting the days and drinks.
Your thoughts?