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    SOMEBODY PLEASE SAY SOMETHING...I AM SO SAD !!!! We drove 2 hrs. to help friends who had been flooded and the Police stopped us from going into the area.They said only that we had to prove we lived there to go any further.We phone our friends but NO ANSWER.This STORM is relentless and covering most of Florida.Many schools and businesses are closed.There is nothing to do but sit and wait....I AM NOT GOOD AT THAT...It is SAD,SAD,SAD and I feel MAD,MAD,MAD...I think I will take a long bubble bath,while we still have power and then try to NAP....Then read the laughing out loud section so any new jokes will be WELCOME....Sorry to be so negative...I will be my CHEERY SELF SOON....Evie Lou:upset::upset::upset:
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


    dont worry or feel sad ..we need the rain.. im here in hollywood going crazy but alive thank god nothing really bad happen ..and it wont last very much longer i hope ..and if it is raining tomorrow im just going to go to work in the rain ..but smile and count your blessings
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

      i am sure they are floating around somewhere in a boat or standing on a roof??? Good thing about Florida it is warm like all the time. Must have been power lines no entrance...???? Not even a cell call? .... i would be wondering.


        I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

        What a trying day you are having! Taking a bubble bath will help ease the stress you are feeling-maybe a nap after that? I just got in touch with my elderly parents in Florida. They seem to have been unscathed. It will be over soon and the sun will be out again. Keep us posted on what happened to your friends. kriger
        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


          I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

          I hope your bubble bath will make you feel much better. As someone who lives in Florida, let me assure you that your friends are probably just fine. It is just precaution and they may be without power, but the TS was not that bad. When you have been in Florida as long as I have, you don't get excited unless it is a category 3 storm or higher as Ivan was when it hit us head on several years ago or Katrina that was a 5. Fay is a baby in comparison. They may be out of their comfort zone for a few days, but it should be very minimal. Now a TS doesn't really bother me knowing that it isnt much more than wind and rain, a souped up thunderstorm. I know that isn't much comfort right now, but your friends are probably fine. Maybe sitting in a puddle of water, but fine none the less. Keep your chin up.

          I didn't mean to sound insensitive, just hoping to give you some comfort. They will be in touch very soon! You will see!

          All the best,


            I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

            And good for you Evie, for dealing with this by asking for help and knowing you need to take a bath and nap. Such a healthy reaction, with no AL in the picture.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

              Oh Evie, so many people effected by the force of nature! I am sure you will hear from them. So good of you to try to help. You are such a dear!

              Went to hospital mid day, from work. Curled my MIL's hair and put a little lipstick on her. She is so pretty, even when so despirately ill. Her sister, 80 years old- and brother in law were driving here this AM (about 8 hr. drive) and we got the call that they had been in a 3 car accident. Car totaled! They say they are alright, but I am making dr. appts. for them tomorrow. Their son started on his way to get them and finish bringing them here. Oh my, so many misfortunes. I feel so bad for MIL and now her sis and hub. Need to get my big girl pants on, like greenie says! My oh my! :huh:
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

                Evie, glad you are handling this in such a healthy way! Sometimes we just have to trust that the universe will take care of things!

                Best, so sorry to hear about your family in this accident! But glad they appear OK. The dr's appts sound like a good idea! Hope they are able to get the rest of the way safely.

                To all our Florida friends, you are in our minds and hearts!

                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

                  Whew! Just found out that they went to the ER and are fine, but will be very sore. They will be at our house in about 4 hours. Great news! Evie, I hope you get good news, too, about your friends! Keeping you and them in my prayers!
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

                    Just heard from our friends in Melbourne,Told them that we would be down for a painting party after they picked out their new flooring.It did not get the laugh that i was hoping for.You are right Trigs,we need the rain but I don't think that Melbourne would agree today.I lived in southern Florida during Andrew and hard got shook up.We lived in a new house that was just a house.Now Hubby and I feel like GUARDIANS to our 100 yr.old stately Victorian.She stands on some of the highest ground in our nations OLDEST TOWN (1565).We are very worried about her roof that is almost impossible to fix because of the rules about asbestos roofing.Our Chapel is on low ground(oh well we have not used it in 3 months,anyway)They say the storm will hit us in the morning so I my as well wait to pick up the Spanish moss and big old branches of our ancient live Oaks.I am so glad that your family members are OK,my dear friend BEST.I bet that MIL feels great after her MAKEOVER...You all are WONDERFUL...Evie Lou
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

                      Hi Evielou...

                      This storm is very safe.... we are clear. Just LOTS of rain tomorrow.... so having to deal with that, but what's new in Florida? I take it you are in the wonderful town of St. Augustine!

                      take care~
                      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                        I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

                        All my thoughts and prayers for all of you in Florida and Southern Georgia. Even though you are all relatively safe, it's still a collosal (sp?) pain in the butt.

                        Love to you all! Good for you Evielou and Best, for dealing very well with your trying situations.
                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

                          Yep.... its a real pain in the butt! We get to sleep in... kids are out... steady sound of rain.... sleep...LOL! Ahem. Sorry.
                          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                            I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

                            That is NORTH Florida.... just wanted to clarify!

                            Evie... is everything going well with your friends? We are blessed... the storm passed over us and reduced to a tropical storm.

                            Take care, and dont forget to NOT water your plants this week.

                            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                              I AM SO SAD...PLEASE HELP !!!!

                              Hello Floridians,

                              Evie, you are a very compassionate person to worry so about your friends. My hope goes to everyone in the sunshine state that the disruption to your lives is short lived. Just don't reach for any bottles . . .


