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Kudzu Rescue True Calm

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    Kudzu Rescue True Calm

    I take Kudzu and True Calm, 1 each 2 to 3 times a day. I have been exhaust ever since. Does anybody else have this problem??? I can't stand being tired and having no energy. I was more active when I drank.

    Kudzu Rescue True Calm

    Hi Izzi,
    This to happen to me when i first try be AF, it does take some time for the body to adjust.
    I was going to bed at 7-8pm for two weeks.
    just hang in there you will feel the differents.
    just think all those years poring poison into our blood stream. the body takes time jusr listen to the body when your tired if need the sleep. Dont forget to eat and drink lots of water. Also you not mention L-Glutamine does help as well for tiredness.

    Take Care
    family is everything to me


      Kudzu Rescue True Calm

      The Treu Calm is probably what is making you sleepy. I only take it at night.
      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


        Kudzu Rescue True Calm

        I take one True Calm together with 1 MWO GABA (750mg) (I throw in 200-400mg GABA I have hanging around)-- no way will this make you tired. It is kind of a very calming energy bomb. I love it. It also eliminates all cravings for AL. It must be taken on an empty stomach along with vitamin C (and if you don't take the True Calm, you need to add Vitamin B-6).
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Kudzu Rescue True Calm

          Great thanks for the info, I love waking up every day AF, I just need to have some energy.

