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The Shakes

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    The Shakes

    Hi everyone,

    I'm sure this has been asked/addressed before but I can't seem to find any posts...

    I'm obviously drinking (and drinking too much) since I am asking this question. I wake up in the mornings and just feel like my whole body is shaky. Of course, what "helps" the most is getting home and having some wine. But, as we all know, this certainly isn't really helping.

    Is there anything to help get rid of this shaky feeling... other than more wine?

    Any help/advice is appeciated!!


    The Shakes

    Yes, stop drinking all together those are with drawal symtoms you are having and they only get worse as you continue to drink


      The Shakes


      Unfortunately, if you quit cold turkey, that could be very dangerous, considering your symptoms.

      Do you have the ability to go to a doctor and discuss this? They can give you meds to help you withdraw safely. (Librium or Ativan)

      Or, consider going to the hospital and asking for detox. (Some hospitals do offer this, I did that.)

      Please take care and in the meantime, drink a lot, and I mean a lot, of water.

      AF April 9, 2016


        The Shakes

        Hi MissCheryl,

        If you`re experiencing physical withdrawal, such as you describe, you must withdraw safely. i.e. gradually reduce your drinking over several days or by stopping drinking altogether with the help of a prescribed med under your doc`s supervision.

        My best to you,

        Darling x
        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


          The Shakes

          i have did it cold turkey and i had to come up with my own ways to calm down and what i use is isopropyl alcohol, rubbing alcohol, just pour some in your hands and for some reason it seem to help me calm down.. good luck stay strong and think positive
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            The Shakes

            Thank you all so much for responding.... I very much appreciate it.

            I have quit "cold turkey" before and been able to manage it - pretty easily actually.... but, obviously, have come back to drinking. *sigh*

            I've considered that it would be good/safe to slowly "cut down" each day to relieve the shakes.... but, unfortunately, once I start with my glass of Chardonnay it quickly/easily becomes 2 bottles.

            I REALLY have been trying to avoid the doctor... just because I'm scared of what insurance etc may find out.

            I've been taking Milk Thistle.... just wondering if there is some "natural"/non-Rx remedy for these "shakes"....

            Thanks again for your replies..


              The Shakes

              Hi there trlgs... we've met/chatted before. :-) Thanks for the suggestion... I'll take any tip I can get!
              Hope to chat with you again soon... :-)


                The Shakes

                I found my shakes were mostly blood sugar related. Try 4 teaspoons of sugar or a couple of glasses of regular soda. See if it helps within 20 minutes. If it doesn't it may not be sugar but it did help with me. If it does stop the shakes then try to eat a 1/2 sandwich or something like that. I stay away from sugar now but I did find what I always thought was w/d was really a blood sugar issue.

