What reminds you of being a kid..Films..Music..What you Did..Just brings back fond or horrid memories..What formed you into the person you are today..
Fishing in a grid..
Climbing the biggest tree i could find..
Running fast in my slippers..
Going to watch Man UTD with my dad..
My grandad letting me drive his car at 6
Watching Jaws and actually loosing some poo..
Break dancing on lino in the street..
The smell of the jam factory at the end of my road..
Having as family night at home which ment pulling the couch right up to the telly...eating a glass of hundreds and thousands licking my finger and licking the finger pop and watching james bond on a monday night..
Going on holiday to Wales and watching my grandad fill his sock with stones and throw it about a mile into the sea..
Brown sauce sandwhiches..
Mixing milk and orange and pretending it was a potion..
Drinking out the warm tap to become a vampire..
And getting sweets off Deetah my black neighbour over the back yard wall..I never saw her face but a black hand with a bag of sweets would appear now and again, with a broad Jamacan accent..She was a top top woman...
I proberly got loads more but i want to hear yours.....
