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As a Kid

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    As a Kid

    I put this on guys group then realised that there's not that many of us..


    What reminds you of being a kid..Films..Music..What you Did..Just brings back fond or horrid memories..What formed you into the person you are today..

    Fishing in a grid..
    Climbing the biggest tree i could find..
    Running fast in my slippers..
    Going to watch Man UTD with my dad..
    My grandad letting me drive his car at 6
    Watching Jaws and actually loosing some poo..
    Break dancing on lino in the street..
    The smell of the jam factory at the end of my road..
    Having as family night at home which ment pulling the couch right up to the telly...eating a glass of hundreds and thousands licking my finger and licking the finger pop and watching james bond on a monday night..
    Going on holiday to Wales and watching my grandad fill his sock with stones and throw it about a mile into the sea..
    Brown sauce sandwhiches..
    Mixing milk and orange and pretending it was a potion..
    Drinking out the warm tap to become a vampire..
    And getting sweets off Deetah my black neighbour over the back yard wall..I never saw her face but a black hand with a bag of sweets would appear now and again, with a broad Jamacan accent..She was a top top woman...

    I proberly got loads more but i want to hear yours.....
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

    As a Kid

    lettuce and spring onion sambos in the summer...


      As a Kid

      Cindi Lauper...I loved her music
      hairspraying my hair until it stood straight up...the bigger the better.
      flourescent clothes and bracelets
      swimming in the pond behind the house
      running faster than most boys in my grade
      my parents getting divorced
      hanging out with my cousins
      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


        As a Kid

        Brittzak, I LOVE CINDI! Lovely to meet another fan!


          As a Kid

          The very first time I ever dunked a basketball;

          And for the men in the group, having several families over for Rocky Mountain Oyster Fry's. Can believe we actually ate those things!

          And of course, Nebraska Cornhusker football.
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            As a Kid

            Playing frisbee in the street

            Riding bicycles blindfolded


            Sliding down the hill on cardboard @ the river

            But I want to know why Macks grandfather threw his sock full of stones into the water????


              As a Kid

              White chocolate pretzels from my grandma from Marshall fields
              Pomagranites at grandmas
              popcorn parties where my dad let us each take a slug of beer
              playing cards with everyone and anyone who would play
              playing tennis with everyone and anyone who would play
              staying out all nite with friends and lying to our parents



                As a Kid

                Having my daddy reach up and grab the moon for me.
                Walking barefoot to the icecream shop.
                Skating on the road in front of my grandmother's house......skate key and clip on skates.
                My dad coughing up a lung from smoking.
                My mom never understanding or being on MY side of anything....
                My dad praying to die .....
                My grandmother always understanding and loving me unconditionally...
                Playing at the gravel pit where there were American Indian graves.
                Going to the beach and getting all sunburned.
                Porch swings...
                Tree swings...
                Swimming in the creek...
                Kisses in the dark...
                Drive in movies.....

                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  As a Kid

                  -- Eating whatever I wanted and never considering calories
                  -- Not knowing what alcohol was, not caring
                  -- Innocence


                    As a Kid

                    Playing outdoor "night games" --- "kick the can", etc.
                    Going to the pool every day, knowing nothing about sunscreen; stopping for popcorn on the way home
                    Going to "The Way We Were" at a drive-in with my sisters, having them shove my head under a blanket for several scenes... didn't get why
                    My wild, wonderful imagination run amuck ... writing stories constantly ... never stopping until puberty, when it all stopped
                    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                      As a Kid

                      Definately playing hide and seek and kick the can in our orchard growing up.

                      Building "forts" in the forest across the street.

                      Summer camping trips with my family.

                      Going to "Wild and Wet" water slides in the summer while school was out. SUCH FUN!

                      My parents having dinner parties, and my brother and I having to stay in our room, but spying on the grow ups from the stair case. Such a thrill of being caught!

                      Pushing my brother down the stairs in card board boxes...and no matter how many times it hurt, he believed "THIS TIME" it would work, and be fun!

                      Being around 10-11, shovelling the driveway while it was snowing, in the dark, feeling like you are the only person in the peaceful, silent...perfect.

                      WOW...lots...and enjoying reading all of yours
                      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                        As a Kid

                        Walking past the old graveyards on Halloween
                        Swimming in Deer Pond but being careful not get get suckers attached to you
                        10 cents from Dad each Friday for an ice cream cone
                        Picking apple drops in Snell's Orchards and getting 10 cents a box
                        Catching bull frogs in Spring but always letting 'em go
                        Listening to Whipporwills while falling asleep
                        Cleaning snow off the pond so we could go skating
                        Helping my Dad carry water from the spring when the well went dry
                        Hugging close to the woodstove while dressing for school in the morning
                        Saying good bye to my best friend when her Mom died and she had to move
                        Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


                          As a Kid

                          I have no idea Lucky...Possibly weird sort of Irish olympic sport?
                          Getting dressed by the fire after a bath is definatly one Mike
                          Big hugs to you Nancy..I had no idea..xx
                          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                            As a Kid

                            watching 3-2-1 on a saturday night
                            curry batter buns
                            sindy dolls
                            getting up early in the morning to have tea and toast with my dad before he went to work
                            sleeping with my hair in rags so i could have ringlets the next day for school...
                            ...always seeming to have one ringlet longer than the rest, because the rag loosened during the night.
                            ballet classes on a saturday morning
                            family holidays abroad... and cringing when my dad wore his Jesus sandals with his fluorescent green socks.
                            feeling really grown up when i was allowed a sip of champagne on New Year's Eve at 10 year old
                            hiding behind the settee when the Daleks were on Doctor Who
                            ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                              As a Kid

                              seeing my father and mothers smile,just playing with all the kids and not having a worry in the world,swimming at the neighbourhood pool,playing baseball but never being any good at it,hockey in the winter,on out door rinks,and last but not least my 1st kiss but i couldnt tell you who it was cause im such a good lookin dude that they all wanted kiss me hahahahha

