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As a Kid

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    As a Kid

    spin the bottle
    robbing orchards
    robbing shops (sweets from wollies - doesnt really count as robbing)
    hedge drinking
    setting fire to stuff
    loitering with intent (my personal favourite)


      As a Kid

      Watching Lightning jets land at RAF Marham.
      Lying in a wheat field as a crop sprayer airplane sprays the wheat.
      My dad taking me on a glider flight.
      Spending most of my summer holidays up my tree.
      Watching Ali v Frasier with my dad.
      Opening my eyes under water at the pool.
      A blue 1967 mini pick-up.
      My young sister telling ghost stories at bed time.
      A schoolyard fight.
      My scary, scary headmistress.
      Eating elderberries until I was sick.
      Rhubarb crumble.
      Woolworths on a Saturday with 10p

      Thanks Macks.....


        As a Kid

        xoxoxox right back at you Macks.

        The good so out weighed the bad, especially now with my own kids and grandkids.
        I was shown what NOT to do by my parents. Life was hard and $ were short.
        My grandmother was my salvation.
        She lived about an hour away and I spent as much time as I could there.
        She still prays for me from heaven.....
        My daddy loved me...I was the baby of his two marriages. I think that is one reason why I have an easy time in understanding how much our Heavenly Father loves us....When God looks at us, He only sees us through the blood of Jesus and that is with total Love....even when we fall short of perfect.
        Kiss Lisa and the kids...
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          As a Kid

          Nancy, i had no idea either thinking about it thats proberly whats made you, into the wonderful person you are today.
          Thank you for the kiss.....right back at ya X

          I remember double dutch (could never get the hang of it lol)
          2 a ball
          Hop scotch
          Rose petals in water (smelt lovely :H)
          Going round in my uncles size 8 roller boots ( i was a size 2) holding onto a rope attached to my brothers grifter, he always went too fast and i would end up in the nettles :H (its funny now)
          Playing elastics with a chair if my friends went out...
          Climbing the big tree in my front garden in my pretty little dress
          Run as fast as i could past the big dog on the corner to get to my nana's and one day it got me and pinned me :upset:
          Spent all the time i could with my nana, eat fish and chips from the chippa(she was irish) and watch really old films
          There's loads more but my brain just mushed up :H


          Hi Macks glad your back Huni, I Love You XX:l
          Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....


            As a Kid

            The freedom of getting my first bike
            Our yearly vacation to a beautiful farmhouse on the water even when funds were tight
            Sneaking into my brother's room, playing his albums and lip syncing to Jim Croce and Elton John thinking I was spectacular
            Spending the night with my Grandmother, walking to Pike Place Market and picking out our meal for the evening
            Laying in my Grandmother's bed at night watching the ferris wheel all lit up going around (she lived across the street from an amusement park)
            Getting up at 6am on the weekends to sneak down and eat Doritos. With three brothers in the house I was always shortchanged on the good junk food
            Being held at knifepoint by one crazy brother because he accused me of eating the last Pop-Tart (needless to say we have not spoken in years as he is crazy)
            My parent's divorce and the relief I felt that they were getting divorced and yet being tortured with sadness because I knew my dad would be devastated
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              As a Kid

              I WAS the crazy brother Lushy..I used to sit on my brothers head and break wind..

              He's 6' 5 now and about 18 stones....If he ever decides to get me back i'm a dead man..
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                As a Kid

                Mackeral;389869 wrote: I WAS the crazy brother Lushy..I used to sit on my brothers head and break wind..

                He's 6' 5 now and about 18 stones....If he ever decides to get me back i'm a dead man..
                You've made me laugh and smile, on what started out to be a crappy day.
                Thank you
                ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                  As a Kid

                  The pictures on a Saturday afternoon in the winter for 6d ( thats in the old money )
                  Bonfire night and the smell of fireworks and bonfires.
                  Going to the fish and chip shop and getting a bag of fish bits for a penny.
                  Black jacks and fruit salads and penny chews.
                  Scrumping sour apples.
                  Our first television set, black and white with a 12 inch screen.
                  Saturday night, tin bath in front of the fire with a cake and a drink of fizzy orange afterwards.
                  My mams roast dinner on a Sunday.
                  The smell of chimney smoke coming home from school in the winter.
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    As a Kid

                    brittzak;388793 wrote: Cindi Lauper...I loved her music
                    hairspraying my hair until it stood straight up...the bigger the better.
                    flourescent clothes and bracelets
                    swimming in the pond behind the house
                    running faster than most boys in my grade
                    my parents getting divorced
                    hanging out with my cousins
                    I think Luv and I are the same age!


                      As a Kid

                      being the only kid still wearing flares when drain pipes were all the rage. My folks were not 'dedicated followers of fashion' and if the pants fitted and they weren't falling off me then that was good enough for them. Of course I felt like a total twat!!

                      Getting my first pair of Adidas Kick trainers and getting them robbed about 2 months later on a school trip.

                      My first school tip to Ambleside in the Lake District and falling down a large embankment full of ferns and nettles.

                      Having to walk to the swimming baths in pairs at school

                      walking in on my parents having sex aged 12 (scarred for life!!)

                      Getting that first 'tingle' climbing up the rope in gym class.

                      School discos and 'burn-outs' with my break-dancing crew (my street name was spider because of my long legs and the way they flung around when I 'windmilled')

                      Camping for the first time with the Scouts and doing lots of outdoor pursuits like abseiling and hiking and orienteering.

                      Kicking in breeze blocks that the council had blocked old buildings up with and throwing stones at the old remaining windows.

                      Getting the bus to and from school until we moved within 2 minutes walking distance of it. I was still late!!

                      My first live gig aged 11/12. Went to see The Jam in Liverpool.

                      Playing the afternoon school assembly hymns on the piano at 11 in front of the entire school. My music teacher forced me to do this but I'm actually grateful she did as it really got me used to playing in front of a crowd and gave me a lot of confidence.

                      Again playing the piano at Xmas for the family.

                      Watching my first porn movie with my brother while eating a plate of macaroni cheese (I was 12 I think!)

                      And lastly............Innit amazing I can remember these and loads of other stuff but ask me what I did 3 weeks ago and I'll be a complete Homer Simpson!!

                      Love and Happiness

                      p.s. more to follow!!
                      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                        As a Kid

                        I really need to travel abroad b/c I hate that I don't understand what you guys talk about sometimes! The walking in on your parents I get It is very disturbing.


                          As a Kid

                          I will I just don't want to appear dense but some of this is beyond me! I don't think it's the Irish I think it's just a cultural difference.


                            As a Kid

                            Begging my mother and father not to go out at night and leave me alone with the other kids...I was 8, my brother was 5 and my other brother was 1....they always went out.

                            You were too young but I guess now you understand it

                            What is a cream egg?


                              As a Kid

                              Nothing hard to understand about your knickers one!!!lol That just creased me up totally, especially as I used to love 'space dust'!! Do you remember 'Fireballs'? They were the super mega hot versions of Jawbreakers! I'd love to go back and look at the ingredients in some of these things. That space dust must of had asbestos in it or something!lol

                              Love and Happiness
                              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                                As a Kid

                                I LOVE fireballs! Like LOVE LOVE them

                                As for Cadbury eggs they caramel ones rock.

