He was bitten by my neighbor's dog- over a bone- I don't normally let them anywhere near bones because I know they will fight but this one escaped me.
He was bleeding horribly from the nose and the vet did not seem very hopeful due to the amount of blood lost and he could not stem the bleeding. He put him on a drip and asked if I wanted to keep him at the verts overnight- I said No because there is nobody there, so I bought him home.
I had to take him off the drip half way through the night because he just wanted to walk around and do his normal thing
This morning the bleeding has stopped completely he has eaten and drank. I am so Thankful for your prayers I am sure they helped. I also did some Hands on Healing which I have been studying, and I could feel the energy going from me to him. (Now I just need to do it for us lot
I am on my way back down to the vet now- I think he will be amazed at the difference. Attached files [img]/converted_files/23354=3773-attachment.jpg[/img]