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Sober Dialling

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    Sober Dialling

    I am sure many of you are familiar with 'drunk dialling' where you just phone any old body up and harp on a load of rubbish when you are drunk...:upset:

    Well, I have developed quite a fear of the phone over the last few years and apart from the drunk dialling or talking to my BF or ex-BF basically anyone else I have to phone has me reaching for a beer or two before the event, which inevitably then sends me reaching for more after the call.

    Well I just made a call that I REALLY did not want to make- sober! It is to ask a local businessman a favor and I WAS NOT looking forward to that call.

    Well guess what, he did not bite my head off, nor did the phone give me a shock, and while I won't say it was the best 5 minutes of my life it was OK.

    Jeez- and it has taken me 43 years to learn that I can phone someone without a drink. :blush:

    Sober Dialling

    It does seem to be a common thing among drinkers- just one of many I guess.

    I too love it when my phone rings when I am pissed- I grab it with gusto- (how sad for the poor person calling) when sober I mostly ignore it:O


      Sober Dialling

      I can relate to that... especially when hubby used to travel alot, my evenings were spent phoning all and sundry with a glass of wine in hand. And god help someone if they didn't pick up when I phoned cause then I would just keep on trying over and over again (cringe). I find myself at the moment being quite un-sociable on the phone. I rather e-mail my family and friends until I learn how to sober dial again.
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        Sober Dialling

        Great thread! Good for you for making the call!


          Sober Dialling

          I think it's human


            Sober Dialling

            God, I can so relate to this thread
            Before ringing my mum I used to "prepare" and if she rang me I had to signal to hubby to open the wine or a can......he knew that he had to cough or make some noise as the bottle popped or the can hissed. He was very good to me like that :H
            Then putting the glass down had to be done on paper or else she would go "what are you drinking?" "Cup of tea mum"
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Sober Dialling

              Yes I also do the coughing as the can opens.

              Nice of your hubby to do it for you- if ever asked I say, "Coca Cola Light- it's really hot here today".


                Sober Dialling

                Drunk Dialing

                Oh, how I can relate to this topic! I think what happens to me is that once I have enough alcohol in my system I get bored and lonely, and since I can't drive anywhere, I pick up the phone. When I'm sober I don't call anybody. I guess the alcohol breaks down the fear/inhibitions about talking to people.


                  Sober Dialling

                  bandita;390065 wrote: I guess the alcohol breaks down the fear/inhibitions about talking to people.
                  How right you are!! I was just thinking this when I was reading another thread about sex - my inhibitions go out the window once I've had one glass of wine
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

