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My Experience with AA

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    My Experience with AA

    Hi all,

    I really gave AA a serious try last year and succeeded in going without drinking for 2 months.

    Here is what stopped me cold in my tracks. I had met a woman (16 years of sobriety) at a meeting who was very friendly and kept inviting me to her house and taking me to meetings with her, because I was new to the area and new to AA. It felt great to be so welcomed and accepted!

    Then one evening I went to her house after she had asked me to do....(oh, just come over, you don't need to call every're welcome here) and she acted very cold and strange. She made it very uncomfortably clear that I was NOT welcome anymore. I was so embarrassed and also confused and hurt.

    It turned out that she had decided I should do things on my own. Too bad she neglected to tell me that.

    That was one of the first of many reasons I stopped going to AA.

    There are other reasons, but at the end of the day, I don't think AA is right for me.


    My Experience with AA

    Hi bandita,
    I have never been to AA so don't really know much about it. Its a real shame that you put your trust in someone when you were feeling vulnerable and they let you down.
    I know quite a few people that are really nice one minute and not the next (my boss for one) it hurts doubly though when not feeling the best.

    I hope that you find the support you need here
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      My Experience with AA

      That was very very unkind.

      This is just the sort of scenario us drinkers have to avoid- that she did that is cruel and heartless.

      I have never tried AA- I guess alot of it is luck if you get a nice group or not.


        My Experience with AA

        hi ban,AA i find is a last resort for many,hopefully the xperience will pass,ive been in and out,more out for 10 years and just happened to find this site,i recently had my 1st stint in a sanitarium for my drinking,or addiction,your thread really interested me cause ive been where you are,10 years ago,this site will be much more comfortable to you,but here as well you mite run into confrontation,something you wont like,one of the best things i find with this site and also AA online,is you dont have to say anything,just listen and find there are others like you with tis crippling desease,AA ,MY WAY OUT, are basically the same thing without the stigma in the name,and best of all you can always turn us off lol gyco welcome


          My Experience with AA

          Welcome and I'm sorry for what happened to you. I think AA is great for some. If you had a good experience other than her then perhaps it would do you good to go back. You had 2 months so grab onto that and run. This forum is also wonderful. There is nothing worse than feeling alone. AA and this place make that go away. You take what works for you from both.


            My Experience with AA

            Dear Bandita,It works for some , I guess?????? As a teenager my Mom had us 3 kids going to Ala-teen,so we would not be alcoholic.40 yrs. later and all 3 of us are.So much for good intentions.My opinion of AA is easily summed up if you Google(AA Orange Papers).I have found many of them to be way to self righteous and cult like,for my taste.Many others like it so I am sure there are people that are mad at me for saying this...I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in your thoughts about AA.You should also know that I would call on them or the national guard if need be,if I ever choice to drink again...
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              My Experience with AA


              I read this thread just as I was leaving for AA. :H

              The subject tonight was the "we" in AA. One lady shared that she had to always remember it was we, the group, and not we individuals. She knows of people who have tied themselves to one or two people at AA, such as their sponsor, and gone back to drinking just because their sponsor did.

              I thought that was a very timely meeting, considering...

              I guess what I am trying to say is just because one person (or more) do something wrong, fail, do not treat you right at AA, you cannot let that deter you.

              You will find there will be those here who do the same. Some of us are alcoholics.

              We are not individually all perfect people. As a group, MWO is incredible. As a group AA can be incredible. I take what I need and leave the rest. Both places.

              I try to do the right thing, help others, I care very much for the people here and in my home group at AA.

              No matter what, though, in the end, it comes down to each of us to take care of ourselves and let nothing (including people we love) get in the way of our sobriety.

              I don't know about you, but I am in the place where without my sobriety, I have absolutely nothing.

              AF April 9, 2016


                My Experience with AA

                Great post Cindi I get a lot out of AA. I take what I need and leave the rest.


                  My Experience with AA

                  First of all, we need to remember...AA is just normal folks like U AND ME...............your sponsor might have fallen off the happens even years after NO AL.....people are people. i hope you find peace here.
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    My Experience with AA

                    I didn't find what I needed at AA, and there were some cliques and attitudes that turned me off, but I know it works for some people, just not for me. I'm still trying to find my place here, but it's much easier than the meetings were. Also, in my small town, everyone new me and that made me a little (translate: terribly) uncomfortable. I love this community, so I'm staying as long as it takes. Looks like you may have me forever.CJ
                    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                      My Experience with AA


                      After trying a few groups, I found the right AA group for me. It's a women's group and very non-judemental. Like others who have posted, I take what works for me and give back what I can. This seems to be very much the same approach as others in my group and it is discussed very openly.

                      At the end of the day, its what works for you. Most important, you are working it!

                      Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08

