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Modding is Hard Work

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    Modding is Hard Work

    Hi All,
    Well, yesterday was basically day 60 for me on this journey, with only one glass at day 33. So I thought, well, I'll see if I can handle modding and try a weak drink, just to see what happens...
    It tasted disgusting
    I had to hide it from my daughter
    I had to disguise the smell on my breath
    I had to wonder wear I left it
    I worried about letting myself down
    Finally, in the words of our dear friend One2Many, I said "Feck It!" and grabbed an iced tea.

    Who needs all that bother?:H

    P.S. I'm in no way I'm saying I cured, but it was a positive experience overall, as I've been very worried how I would handle any attempt at modding. It's just good to know it wasn't as wonderful as my brain was trying to tell me it was
    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha

    Modding is Hard Work


    I think modding is much harder than abstaining.

    Mags and I were discussing this once. One drink is torture!!

    For some of us, modding would be pure hell.

    I have finally learned to love being sober MORE than I hate not being able to drink.

    It was a revelation to me.

    It sounds like you are doing great!! Keep it up. :goodjob:

    AF April 9, 2016


      Modding is Hard Work

      I can't tell you how many times I have tried to mod and ended up drunk. I applaud anyone that can because I think it is FAR harder to stop at one than to just not pick one up at all.
      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


        Modding is Hard Work

        River, sounds like you really handled it well, figured it out, and moved on. Good for you and thank you for telling us about it! For me, at least, I can never get too many reminders...

        OneTwo: for us all ---

        [ame= ]YouTube - Sinead O'Connor Rivers of Babylon (live)[/ame]



          Modding is Hard Work

          Yeah, I'm a dork - live in the land of 10,000 lakes. :anon:

          What the f**k was I thinking when I named myself? I think I needed peace and the idea of a flowing river flowed through my head...

          Anyway, thanks for the comments all, it was a terrific lesson. Reminded me a bit of being preggers and being handed a non-alcoholic drink, or worse yet - drinking decaf. I mean really, what the point?!

          So, happy to be hangover free today, mentally and physically "intact" :0)

          Oh, o2m, thought of you this morning as I tried to fake sleeping so hubby would not realize I was awake. To self : River, don't breathe...don't move. Forget that your nose itches...he will know you are awake! Was that a snore? Boneless girls slides down side of bed, undetected. Hubby wakes up - "where were you?". River responds, your snoring kept me up all night, I just can't sleep with you anymore! Safe for another day. . . LOL!
          You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


            Modding is Hard Work

            thnx river for sharing,staying sober in this hectic world is also hard work,this is encouragement for you way to go gyco

