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How To Find Out WHY

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    How To Find Out WHY

    I know why

    I know why my ex-husband does it. He wants to get "out of his head"-"out of his mind"...there are waaaaay easier ways to do that, and much more pleasurable.
    One really easy way is by sleeping-duh.
    The problem is that addiction in itself does produce brain-changes & chemical dependancies, so on top of whatever "issues' that someone doesn't want to deal-with, they then have the chemical dependancy.
    After being sober for some time, there are triggers, and/or even cravings, I haven't had a drink in years because I decided that it was too dangerous for me to drink around my "drinking-partner", (ex), and every once in awhile, i get the shakes!
    Sometimes something happens to set it off, sometimes not, sometimes it lasts a little while, sometimes it goes-on for a couple days.
    Still-I don't drink, out of FEAR. FEAR of what could happen if i get "out of my mind", because that's exactly what could happen.
    My ex on the other hand, is looking for that, he wants it, wants it so much that the awful thing that he turns into when he drinks-well, he really doesn't care about that.
    If he did--he would tell someone BEFORE he drinks.
    So, that's WHY-very simple. You want to get "out of your head".
    Because you don't want to deal with your problems.
    So, deal with your problems, or don't, but whatever you do, don't try to escape them by drinking, because you won't have any problems if you keep it up, you just won't have a brain.


      How To Find Out WHY

      I've learned on my quest to be free from the addiction that, aside from the definite physical/chemical dependency, I do come face to face with the "WHYs" when I am struggling to be AF. I face them and sometimes I am strong enough to stare them down and discover what it is I am trying to escape from. Then, if I don't drink, I have no choice but to deal. And in this dealing is where growth comes. In the struggle I learn so much about myself, and it aint pretty much of the time, but sometimes it's quite beautiful.

      That's why I have said a few times that we who struggle with the addiction may have a bit of an evolutionary advantage (spiritually speaking) than those who do not have the struggle. Because we do have to face our demons, take them down, wrestle with them in the muck, and sometimes we come out victorious - that is to say, more human than ever.
      FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


        How To Find Out WHY

        Point is... to question the WHYs is the most difficult and most rewarding part of this process.

        So, you are on your way, as long as you keep asking the questions, and then, Listen to the Answers.
        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


          How To Find Out WHY


          I totally get your "why". Why I do I (we) choose to do something that we know is so harmful? Why, when we know better, don't we do the right thing and not drink? I am probably lucky (if you want to call it that) that I don't experience the shakes etc and feel I have to drink. I drink to numb my pain. I go periods of time without drinking, and then give in to myself. I wish I knew why too.

          Miso :heart:

