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Scrapbookking, Anyone?

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    Scrapbookking, Anyone?

    Okay, I admit it. This granny is a scrapper! It helps me stay sane and sober. In chatting with some peeps here and reading posts I know there are others out there like me. Some want to do things for the kids, some for the grandkids, and some for THEM! I'll start this so we can start sharing some basic skills and knowledge, then take it from there. To start off, nothing has to be expensive or complicated. I started as a child with a spiral notebook and pencil. That's all my parents could afford at the time. Now, I am junkie...LOL!!

    I have many ongoing projects for when my grandkids graduate from school. But, my current project is for our grandson's second birthday next month. In a future post I will list material types for paper and what not. Does anyone have a project idea that is just bursting at the seams?

    For myself, creative projects help me more than theraphy - but not to knock that one bit! I just think this is less expensive...LOL!!

    Looking forward to hearing from y'all!

    LTG AF January 13, 2011

    Scrapbookking, Anyone?

    Well, I save everything! Ticket stubs, brochures from events, and most of all - PHOTOS! I had done this in the past as a child, then with my 3 kids. We lost everything in Canada because second husbo was an asshole. Nevermind that crap...Starting over with grandkids and my goals. I just save everything from all that we do. I do a book for each grandkid so they will get it at high school graduation and then do some special occassion books. They can be fancy scrapbooks or binders with sheet protectors. The important thing is try to keep it all acid and lignin free. That keeps the photos from getting old and brittle. You can take a simple binder or book and dress it up with stickers and the like. I started as a kid with a damn penicl and paper...LOL!! There are also fancy pens that you can use to make journal enties. I know I am missing alot of details right now, but atleast we are getting started
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      Scrapbookking, Anyone?

      Gia, you sound better now. You doing okay after your mum drove you off the ledge the other day?
      LTG AF January 13, 2011


        Scrapbookking, Anyone?

        I started about a year ago. How I'm doing it for Shelby was a book for her 1st year and a book for her second. With Henry I think I'm going to buy one of those heavy duty books to last a few years. I'm almost finished with Shelby's second book (she's now 3.5!).
        I would reccomend buying a book on scrapbooking. I now own several and get the majority of my layout ideas from there.

        You can also google scrapbook layouts and there are sites that have a gazillion ideas.
        You are going to need a good paper cutter, some sort of adhesive, scissors and decorative paper.
        After your basics you will start spending an unGodly amount of money on embellishments, tools and the such!

        I love scrapbooking and go once a month to the local store for all day or night scrap. I try to get 4-5 pages done at a time.


          Scrapbookking, Anyone?

          Im interested in it as well .Id aso like to do something like a "WHERE i WANT TO BE IN 5 YRS " type thing .I would hope it would be kinda like a self fullfilling prophesy . Does anyone do something like that?


            Scrapbookking, Anyone?


            I have not done scrapbooking for that but have done a vision board- similar idea. I really do think it helps create our future and the process is fun too- and busy hands cannot pick up a glass of vino so it is all good!


              Scrapbookking, Anyone?


              I wish everyone was as good of a parent as you are.


                Scrapbookking, Anyone?

                Hi Guys,

                I don't scrapbook but I have an arts background and want to get back into it. I also bought this book about this thing called "Soul Collage" a while back and have been wanting to do that too. Here's the description from the website:

                "What is SoulCollage??

                SoulCollage? is a process through which you contact your intuition and create an incredible deck of cards which have deep personal meaning and which will help you with life's questions.

                Following the simple SoulCollage directions, your hands move fragments of cut-out magazine pictures around, fitting them together in a surprising new way and gluing them down on a card. Cards containing the images you select --- or the images that select you --- come straight through your Soul, bypassing the mind.

                This is a multi-leveled, creative process which anyone can do. All you need is a good pair of scissors, pre-cut mat board cards, and images you can cut out from magazines, greeting cards, personal photos, postcards, catalogues, and calendars. It is wonderful to have other people with whom to share the process. The cards are fun to take to a friend's house, to work with in therapy or support groups, or to keep on your coffee table.

                SoulCollage? is the process, developed by Seena B. Frost, of creating a deck of collaged cards from found images?cards that are arranged in suits for the primary purpose of self-exploration and self-acceptance. SoulCollage? cards are made from original purchased art (e.g., art published in magazines, calendars, books, cards, etc.) and personal materials (e.g., photos)."

                So its doing collage on cards while you focus on a certain aspect of your self. I think it would be helpful as a growth tool. It would be cool if others on this forum were into it too!

                Oh, here's the site:

                About the SoulCollage? Process



                  Scrapbookking, Anyone?

                  Thanks Lucky ..a vision board .Thats exactly what I need . Something to keep me focused that I can look at regularly. What a great idea.


                    Scrapbookking, Anyone?

                    I will get back to y'all in the AM. Gia, a vision board is like a story board, for like PPTs and whatnot. Like slide shows and what not...
                    LTG AF January 13, 2011


                      Scrapbookking, Anyone?

                      Here is a link for vision boards:

                      How to Make a Vision Board | Christine Kane


                        Scrapbookking, Anyone?

                        That looks interesting, Lucky. I can see how it could be therapuetic. May have to make one for myself when I finish this scrapbook I'm working on.


                          Scrapbookking, Anyone?

                          I am so happy this thread is started. I will be reading all the suggestions. I have been given quite a few photos of the kids, by family, since we had the fire. I want to do scrapbooks. Thank you! Thank you!
                          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                            Scrapbookking, Anyone?

                            Best, soooo glad your family had extra photos to give you!!! I received a bunch from my mom when I returned from Canada to the US with nothing from my past or my kids. I guess this is why my family now "over" photographs everything...LOL!! I like to do everything in themes and I save EVERYTHING...LOL!! Not just photos. I even have the parking pass from the first time my husbo and I went to the Fort Worth Zoo...LOL!! I am trying to figure out how to upload photos so I can share page ideas with everyone. I am right now working on my grandson's 2nd birthday book. He is turning 2 on Sept 8. The invite is made from a photo of him on a snare drum set so the theme is rock 'n roll. I started his 1st birthday book with the invite (photo of him) so I'm doing the same this year - trying to set a tradition, I suppose. Anyway, I hope you keep getting tons of photos and look forward to working on this with you!
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              Scrapbookking, Anyone?

                              Have to share this story! I had an Amish made oak chest lined with cedar at the foot of my bed before the fire. It was filled with memories. Little things the kids had made in pre-school. Special cards and letters from loved ones, who have passed. My mother's cheerleading uniform, my dad's leather jacket from when they were in High School. During the fire, the floor burned away and the remains of the contents of the master suite fell into the area below, at ground level. In the evening, when peering through the blackness, I cought a glimpse of the charred trunk, and the boys carried it out - still smoldering. Inside most of the contents were covered with black and water soaked, but some salvagable. My oldest said "I sure hope my baby book burned up!" His reason??? It contained his belly button stub and the gomco ring from his circumcision! Yep, I saved everything!
                              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

