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One last Tread...

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    One last Tread...

    Evie, I have always enjoyed your posts, and I hope you do stay. I don't always respond, but I like to read them. I hope that other members who may not agree with you can leave you be, whether publicly or privately. There should be room for everyone here.

    I hope that this post about you doesn't get sidetracked by other issues or problems between other members. It's not necessary.

    Take care, Evie.
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      One last Tread...

      Thanks, wip
      Evie, I have read with much interest your posts and am fascinated by what you say. Sadly, I didn't respond to any yet (tho I have watched the youtubes, etc.). My sobriety was so high on my list that it was my main focus (still is, but have a little "breathing room" now).
      Being sober now, I almost feel like I have different "vision". The world is prettier, the colors brighter, the soft wind almost whispers to me. I would very much like to PM you sometime, so please add me to you safe list.
      My son said something so cute yesterday as we went on a nature walk (he's 7). He said "Mom, how is it possible that this world is just SO beautiful?!" It just couldn't be some cosmic accident, could it? Well, we can chat about that in PM, didn't mean to go off... eace:
      You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


        One last Tread...


        Out of the mouths of babes... Amazing, isn't it?
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          One last Tread...

          Kate,I am not looking for a CONGREGATION !!!!! What I am looking for is a place that I can speak about recovering from a life threating disease with out being judged as a Devil worshiper.Wars are started and untold amounts of peolpe are slaughtered because of their difference in what GOD means to them.You do not know the things that have been said to me thru this site,JUDGE NOT,LEAST YOU BE JUDGED..
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            One last Tread...

            Evie, I am sorry people have attacked you. That is miserable. I want you and everyone to stay. I want Lucky to stay because Lucky was my dog when I was a kid Stop fighting everybody . Peace.
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              One last Tread...

              [ame= ]YouTube - hUmaNITY[/ame]
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                One last Tread...

                Awsome! TLRGS! Loved it!
                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  One last Tread...

                  [ame= ]YouTube - Give Peace A Chance - John Lennon[/ame]


                    One last Tread...

                    music sooths the soul so heres one more.....[ame= ]YouTube - Fast car -Tracy Chapman[/ame]


                      One last Tread...


                      With all due respect (as each member here deserves), I feel you are off base. In a prior post of yours regarding spirituality you said "I look back over the opinions on this subject and VERY FEW people have expressed an interest" (that is a quote). Well, this site is about people and their problems with alcohol. You seem to be making this about the message you are trying to get out to others. It is perfectly fine for everyone to share their opinions on different subjects, but that's it, just sharing. No one person is the "leader" here. I am open to what you do, and it is wonderful that you make a living from it. But don't lose site of what THIS forum is about. If I remember correctly, (and forgive me if I am wrong) you had 17 years AF behind you, and then something must have happened to bring you to this site. You also spoke about people being angry and needing to write it down on paper. Perhaps you need to heed that advise. I know you going to Lenair, and I like many wish you the best. Please don't lose site of what this forum is about, people struggling with alcohol issues. I think everyone has their own intertwining issues as to what brought them to their problem with alcohol and there is no one answer for the problem. You deserve to be here as much as the next person.


                        One last Tread...

                        ok, last one,I promise...[ame= ]YouTube - Youssou N'Dour & Neneh Cherry "7 Seconds"[/ame]


                          One last Tread...

                          I was wrong about VERY FEW people expressing an interest in what I said.I now see that my words may have inspired some others to look beyond traditional teachings and start to think for themselves about what is real for them.NOT WHAT I THINK,what they think.I now see that Doors have been opened and my frustration was that I was being personally slammed and my words were Slamming doors to people who were growing in there own thought process.Neverly All my posts are about recovering from ALCOHOL and they will continue the same...LOVE REGGAE..12 trips to Jamaica and almost bought a natural dye farm,at one point.
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            One last Tread...

                            So, you have decided to stay Evie, you aren't leaving after all?
                            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                              One last Tread...

                              Do not quite know what to do????I am involved with public speaking engagements about World changes and before I can except these offers,I need to make sure that I can stay Sober.This is my first priority.Sober,I have comfort to give people,about what is happening,and being here with you all,helps me stay that sober.Too many people here use words as weapons and I have had enough of that.
                              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                                One last Tread...

                                Evie - I have read your posts and find them very interesting...however, this is kinda dragging on, don't you agree? Not trying to be an asshole here and yes, I am fairly new and don't know everyone but from what I have read, many people (including myself) have told you that they wanted you to stay, what more do you want? We are not going to beg you to stay - that is your decision alone. We are all here to support each other in our sobriety. If you don't want to stay, then go and we will sorely miss you. If you want to stay, just stay and we will be happier than hell. Just make a decision and let's get on with things.
                                "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:

