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I am embarrassed to ask this...

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    I am embarrassed to ask this...

    But here goes.

    I am taking all the supplements as well as Sam-e. Does anyone know which of these things might be making me REALLY gassy? :fart:

    I started taking everything at the same time, so I have no idea what's causing it. All I know is that I am rattling the rafters with my's embarrassing! :egad:

    I am embarrassed to ask this...

    It could be the ALL ONE powder if you are taking that. I havent personally experienced it, but recall others discovering this.

    I once was having a really bad "hot" sensation in my face shortly after taking supplements and couldnt figure it out... turns out it was Niacin. I had to eliminate one supplement at a time and then see if the symptoms persisted... might be a way to find out?

    I'm sure others will have some ideas who may have had similar symptoms. Dont let it discourage you though!
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


      I am embarrassed to ask this...

      Hell, everything makes me gassy; it could all of them!!!
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        I am embarrassed to ask this...

        You know, I just spent awhile googling everything...I am pretty sure it's the Sam-e. Now that I think about it, I started taking the Sam-e just a couple days before the rest of the supps arrived and that's when the gas started. Sam-e is a known offender for gas...

        Guess that's one thing I'll have to discontinue!


          I am embarrassed to ask this...

          Hi Sass,

          I swear since I left my bottle of wine a night habit in the dustbin I've had more g.a.s. I thought it was my high veggie intake - if it's not one thing, it's, well, a gas----



            I am embarrassed to ask this...

            Well if you went from nothing to a load of supplements, maybe it is a shock to your system.
            I would go to a health store and talk to someone with expertise in this. See if you can take half doses and work your way up gradually.


              I am embarrassed to ask this...

              SassyGirl;393326 wrote: But here goes.

              I am taking all the supplements as well as Sam-e. Does anyone know which of these things might be making me REALLY gassy? :fart:

              I started taking everything at the same time, so I have no idea what's causing it. All I know is that I am rattling the rafters with my's embarrassing! :egad:
              That explains it....I was wondering what all that noise was...:H

              Seriously, I am a big gas bag myself these days. Had to invest in BEANO and it helped. Plus the fact that I am trying to eat better (veggies, fruit, etc) and that doesn't help. But if I have to chose between gassing up the place and being frightfully hungover...I'm gonna choose the farts You are not alone!
              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                I am embarrassed to ask this...

                I have issues with the Kudzu. It gives me heartburn and makes me burpy.

                Maybe you should start taking one supp at a time. I'm starting the regimen over and thats what I'm going to do so I can see what works and what doesn't.



                  I am embarrassed to ask this...

                  Sassy - I have been on Sam - E for over a year and am fine. I think it may be just the body adjusting but agree with Nancy. I bet a health store would have a better clue.
                  Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


                    I am embarrassed to ask this...

                    SAMe makes me burp so I guess I'm dealing with the gas on the front end
                    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                    - George Jackson

