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Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

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    Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

    Hi, I am new here and at first was reluctant to post. I have somehow managed to make it to day 5, but feel absolutely shite.

    I am usually full of energy..happy-go-lucky, a very functioning hold adown a responsible job, dedicated to sport, run a home etc.. but right now, I feel shakey, foggy, totally exhausted and have no motivation what so ever to do anything.

    I had a good period of sobrierty not long ago, but stupidly picked up a drink again, after being in, well...'bad company'. I am not blaming this person, it's just there's only so many times my personality can resist, before thinking 'what the hell'. My drinking has got worse and worse. It's true what they say.. if you pick up again, you don't go back to the beginning, you take up where you left off, and it's all down hill from there. So here I am. Day 5. I can barely lift my head off the pillow, feel dizzy and an emotional wreck. I suffer badly with depression (like many of us here, seem to), and after a real 'high, happy..even hyper episode', have hit a major low. I am at the point of thinking I, or don't I, shall I, or shan't I (buy any). I don't want to, and I do want to. It's such a struggle. Do I abstain, and go out of my mind resenting the fact I can't have, what temporarily makes me so happy, or do I give in and have it anyway, and see where it takes me.
    Most of my friends are away at the moment, and AA is just one big pity party to me right now. I am just venting here right now. It's just I know I am in danger of giving in. I have to go to the supermarket in a little while to get some essentials, and I don't know whether I will be able to avoid 'that isle'. Well, thanks to anyone who reads this. Just typing it helps.

    Oh, and a big [b]BIG THANKYOU to 'startingover' for the 'rain in my heart' thread. That kick started my 5 days! Guess I should go look there again.

    thanx - best wishes,step
    Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!

    Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

    Hi Stepin time, welcome to MWO, congrats on day 5. I am feeling foggy in the head at the moment and luckily that's about. Although I have some back up diazipam and am trying to limit that as much as I can (1/2 tablet only when absolutely necessary, which is when I feel I am going to black out), although I always have them in my pocket.

    There are heaps of vitamins etc suggested on this site and they are helping heaps of people here.

    nice to hear from you

    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

      Thanks Zep.

      I have the Diazapam too, but am already in danger of relying on them too much. (swap one thing for another I do!) in fact, I am paranoid of running out, as my doctor has told me I can't have any more. :tsk:
      I guess I will try halving them too, then they will last me longer. Also, I take that many supps ...a vitamin junkie! I am surprised I don't rattle!!

      Thanks again. Step
      Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


        Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

        I know what you mean step, that's why I only take them when I really have to. Most the time just hearing them rattling around in my pocket is comfort enough for me. A guy at the al. hotline told me just to use 1/2 a tab and if it doesn't help you can always take the other half.
        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


          Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

          Welcome Step,

          I remember going through some nasty days at the beginning of the month when I went AF.... just keep your chin up, you are doing a fantastic job and you WILL start to feel stronger.

          Good job - 5 days AF!!
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

            Hi Step

            Please try to avoid that temptation it won't make you feel better (return to the Rain in my Heart thread) it is a depressant- how can it make you feel better?

            I am on day 7, and all week have had dodgy moments, low energy, mood swings, moments of feeling really fed up, but that seems to be perfectly normal-and it will pass- we have been poisoning ourselves for so long, is it any wonder we feel like this?

            Please try not to drink, have a half tab if it helps or anything. Just dont drink- the feeling WILL pass.



              Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

              Thanks again. I have to go out now, and I am hoping I can return 'empty handed' ...if you know what i mean. Will come straight here when I get back. Marbella, I have been reading your posts, congratulations on day 7.
              Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


                Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

                I'm with Marbella, Step. I am on day 9 (hard to believe!) and I was feeling like crap just a few days ago. Still feel a bit foggy but am sleeping better and after one cup of coffee I seem to be fine. I take all the sups and that really helps. Like everyone, I have my moments where I would love a nice glass of chadonnay, but I simply can't moderate right now (way too early to even go there) and I don't want to really. When I was drinking my follow through on just about everything (except work, go figure) was horrible. Now, I really am trying to follow through on everything - especially where my kids are concerned. The change is palpable in my house! Amazing. Being sober is the best feeling - even when you feel foggy like you do, it is loads better than feeling like crap from being hungover! Anyway, stay strong and stay here - these people have saved my life!

                "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                  Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

                  yeah it is difficult in the early days, AND it is so, so worth the few days of discomfort. It will help you tremendously to come here and talk about it, get some human interaction. Much better than lurking. We have a good time here, lots of laughter and even music on the weekends, you can go to chat, all of it is healthy distraction, especially for when you are in need and shaky about your commitment. Stick with your commitment and plan.

                  best wishes,



                    Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

                    Im also on day 9 AF today and im feeling really good about that too. Each day is brighter and brighter for me,even though I have alot to be disdain about.

                    Are you getting enough excercise? How about your nutrition? Taking any vitamins and minerals?

                    All this aids in clearing the fog left behind from the booze.


                      Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

                      Well, made it back from the shops without buying 'it' .... for now!
                      KBCE, strange thing with me is, I don't suffer from hangovers. ? On the odd occasion I do get one, I can shake it off in a couple of hours. Lately tho, I have been drinking my self sober...something new to me,(??) so am able to carry on the next morning with not too much of a problem. Altho I am very aware of driving into work 'drunk'.
                      BillyJack, with re;- exercise, I have always been very committed to sport, competetively until my late teens, and still train now, so I am 'regimental' with nutrition and what food I put inside of me, but when it comes to alcohol.... NO CONTROL WHAT SO EVER! I just don't get it.

                      What I cannot understand right now, is that whilst I don't get hangovers when I do drink, I sure feel like I got the hangover from hell now!!! Feel stuck in a continuous one.

                      Thanks for your support, think I got through tesco and back safely, solely because I logged on here first!

                      Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


                        Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

                        When I drank excessively every day I never got a hangover admittedly.

                        Anyway I've got it all to come as of Monday, I remember day 5 was bad for me the time I went 40 days AF. Day 5 for me will be a Friday...
                        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                          Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

                          I could be wrong, but I think I read in a post that days 5-7 are the worst....
                          me too, hun!


                            Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

                            Hey Step, the first few days were the hardest for me. Feeling out of sorts, tired and anxious. Oh yeah and sick.
                            I just stayed on here as much as I could for hours and hours it made all the difference. I read and still do as much as I can about the horrors of drinking, I remember my worst embarrassing episodes when the going gets tough.
                            It takes a bit of time, but it is SO WORTH IT - I promise you. Your body has been through hell, it needs to readjust.
                            The kudzu, lglut and gaba are really helping me.
                            Stay strong
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Day 5. Is anyone else feeling as crap as me

                              ty i have been there

