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Wow McCain Picked a woman!

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    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

    I'll be back in a moment


      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

      D. I honestly understand what happened in Waco, TX because I was living there at the time. It was horrific, as was the raid on the the compound earlier this year because of the questions regarding the morals of the Seventh Day Adventist Group where mothers and babies were separated and later found it to be an illegal and unconsitutional raid.

      Also, while living in Texas for those 8 years GW Bush was never productive in any any way to be helpful to it's constituents. He never brought any bills to help anyone. He and Karl Rove were too busy ending Ann Richard's career, and I think in Texas he was best known as allowing more executions in his governship, including the mentally impaired, more than any other governor, while joking about it with Tucker Carlson. Oh, and he did own the Texas Rangers for a while and was the only person to ever fire B. Valentine, as well as having his picture taken by the Dallas Morning News with his forefinger so implanted in his nostril, it took even the Republicans many explanations for that to go away.

      As far as "No child left behind", that was a dishonorable claim. Ask many and maybe most of teachers in Texas. What they did was loosen the tests and guidelines to make the NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND feasible. I was a volunteer at both of my children's school during those times and no teacher in our district supported his claim, and the teachers in those schools had a minimum of a Masters or a Ph.D.
      Enlightened by MWO


        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

        Spotty Dingo, since none of us have walked in your shoes, your uterus belongs to you.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

          Spotty-I can assure you that there are more Obama supporters here than Mc Cain. I know it is a long thread.


            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

            thank you. I believe thats true for every woman ... and I stand firm on that belief. at the time that i would have had those babies i would not have been good to them (i was not even good to my kitties, not mean just negligent). i couldn't even take care of myself. i'm still trying to do that and thats my sad cross to bear. you regiliosos out there will probably think its due justice of a just God but i'm more of a buddhist so i just think its my path.

            Yes, I'm sad I don't have kids. Yes, I think about what could have been. But ....

            This is besides the point ... what would happen to the next generation of young women who get pregnant out od wedlock??? Do you think Palin's daughter would get married if her Mom wasn't running for VP? Do you REALLY think their marriage will last a lifetime??? I highly doubt it, but maybe I'm just a realist ...


              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

              As a male, I find the whole "abortion" argument silly. Go figure. The easy way to eliminate abortion is for males to be responsible.

              Why couldn't Levi use protection? It protects against diseases and also unwanted babies.

              Is the underlying current that despite 30 years of warnings and education, underage teens still engage in unprotected sex with each other? Why is that?


                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                SK, The Patriot Act is truly one of the many horrible injustices put upon the American people by this administration. While illegals are allowed to own drivers licenses and even property in the US and commit crimes, and go and come as they please. American citizens are harassed. I am always stunned that standing in line at security at airports, I am the one pulled out of line for further investigation??? I can be surrounded by people whose first language is not English, etc. etc. Are they pulled out, Nope! but I am, I am sure that a very light skinned, blue eyed 5'8" auburn haired woman looks quite menacing! But, then again, I could never present a case for "Racial Profiling".

                Spotty, we have all made decisions that at the time, seemed best. Whether we would change things or not later on.....who knows? And I agree, "Our Bodies, Our Choice". The thing is, making abortion illegal, will not stop abortion. What it will do is put it back in Alleys and filthy kitchens. It will destroy many lives.

                Back to the candidates, Palins does not believe in sex education in schools. She believes in abstinance. That is totally out of touch with reality! Case in point, her own daugher. I am stunned that by forcing these two 17 years olds to get married because of the baby, is acceptable. In some cirlces, even applauded? How does this make everything right?

                And Boss, I completely agree. Kids, having unprotected sex are in danger of many things, including very serious disease, and unwanted babies. Males are not taught to be responsible and many girls act foolishly. Why is it that the US has the highest rate of teen pregnancy amongst all developed nations? This is very sad and certainly makes a statement regarding our education, culture and families.
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                  welcome Trackman!! I note that you have only four posts and all four have been on this thread??? Tell us more about yourself
                  :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                    Hey Dex:
                    I live in Florida along the east coast. Travel much for business some for pleasure. Politically I am a strict constitutionalist, neither republican or democrat. I think it is funny that the Democrats used to be the conservative party then for some reasons they switched roles and the republicans became the so called conservatives. Frankly, we need to throw most of them out and start over. I'm ready to move to P Rico and not vote and pay no fed taxes. I laughed my fanny off reading all of the posts. Some were good, some were over the top and some show how littles people really know about the ins and outs of politics. It is fun discussion though and always gets the blood flowing. I look forward to many more interesting reads.


                      Wow McCain Picked a woman!


                      Nice to see a fresh face....
                      How did you find MWO??

                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        Wow McCain Picked a woman!


                        good post on abortion. I am pro life but I feel strongly that the issue should not be debated by our federal government. It is not a Supreme court issue and by the constitution should never have been heard during Roe V Wade. It is a states rights issue and that is where it belongs. I also know that God gave us all a free will and if we decide certain things we can be stuck with consequences or reep the rewards of our actions. Abortion is a difficult issue and I hope and pray my family will never have to make that decision. I do feel we all make our decisions and I am not for the US government telling me I can or cannot have an abortion or I must wear my seat belt for that matter. Let's face it, big brother does not think we are capable of making our own decisions.


                          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                          I very close friend and confidant showed me the site. I cannot say who, they are on the site and swore me to secrecy


                            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                            This looks like a great and fun program. I look forward to comunicating with all of you.


                              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                              I must get back to work now. Everyone have a great, prosperous and productive day!!


                                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                                Trackman, I know you are new, and you feel strongly about your opinions, as we all do. But, please allow me to mention the ground rules here. We do not call each other out. We do not make personal attacks. We speak from the first person. We also do not demean the opinions of others.

                                Might I ask? Are you here only for the political thread? Are you working on an alcohol issue?
                                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                                AF 12/6/2007

