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Wow McCain Picked a woman!

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    Wow McCain Picked a woman!


    I have teeth???

    No way,,,


    I do, however have pumpkins and squash and 'maters.

    Big grin,

    AF April 9, 2016


      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

      Why do celebrities think we give a damn about their opinions? I do not want to hear them.


        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

        Yeah, I agree, I am totally over Sarah Palin and her new celebrity status.... Boring!!!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          Wow McCain Picked a woman!


          But I do have teeth.

          Some, anyway...

          AF April 9, 2016


            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

            Im voting McCain. I like that he brought in a bright eyed and bushy tailed person. I was going to vote McCain anyway though. She's just icing.


              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

              I so agree Lucky. I don't give a damn who P.Diddy or P.Puffy or P. Whatever is voting for. Educate your own self on what all of these people are about.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                "Bushy Tailed"....Montana??????? And....would you mind telling us all what that means? And how that will help our country?
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                  I saw this this morning. The health care issue still on the table?

                  Cindi...I'm sooo happy to know that you have teeth!I do too!
                  My son bought some fake Billy Bob teeth one time to wear as a joke when he made some calls on cumtomers but had to change his plan as when he walked in, he realized that they had real teeth like his fake ones. I won't share what state he was in! Just not ours!!

                  Now on to the health debate!
                  WASHINGTON (AP) - John McCain's health plan won't lower the ranks of the uninsured. Barack Obama's fails to curb the soaring cost of health care, meaning initial gains in helping more people buy health insurance would eventually be undermined.

                  That's the assessment of health care economists who critiqued the plans of the two presidential candidates.
                  The critiques, published in the journal Health Affairs on Tuesday, reflect fundamental disagreements over how to improve access to health coverage. They also sound warnings about what could go wrong with each candidate's plan.
                  McCain would dramatically reshape the way millions of people get health insurance. The Republican would do away with income tax breaks for health insurance obtained through the work place, instead treating the payments as taxable wages.
                  In exchange, he would give people a $2,500 tax credit for individuals who buy health insurance and a $5,000 tax credit for families that do so.
                  The tax credit could help people buy insurance through their employer. Many would also use it buy coverage directly from insurers in the individual market. They could select from insurers licensed in any state. With more competition, costs would fall and quality would increase, McCain reasons.
                  Analysts writing in the journal warned against that approach.
                  They said employers would be less likely to offer coverage if they knew their workers could get it elsewhere. In all, the authors projected that 20 million people would lose their employer-sponsored insurance under McCain's plan, while 21 million people would gain coverage through the individual market?little more than a wash.
                  And as monthly insurance premiums rise and the tax break stays the same, even that gain would erode.
                  Another concern is that insurers would gravitate to states with less onerous coverage requirements. For example, 29 states insist insurers in the individual and small group market cover cervical cancer screenings. They could locate in states without such requirements.
                  Obama wants the government to subsidize the cost of health coverage for millions who otherwise would have trouble affording it on their own.
                  The Democrat would set up a kind of government-run shopping mall that would negotiate prices and benefits with private insurers. One choice would be a government-run plan. No participating company could turn someone away because of pre-existing cancer, heart disease or diabetes. Nor would someone have to pay a higher monthly premium based on those conditions.
                  The government would subsidize the cost for many who buy coverage through this exchange. But analysts say using third parties to subsidize the cost of a product exacerbates health inflation. Consumers and providers act as if any service that might yield some value should be covered. After all, it's largely somebody else who is picking up the tab.
                  "Any major expansion of coverage will be costly, and the Obama promise of affordability would require new, large, and rapidly growing federal subsidies that are unlikely to be sustainable, fiscally or politically," said the authors.
                  Obama would also require all but small businesses to make a "meaningful" payment for health coverage of their workers or contribute a percentage of payroll toward the cost of the public plan offered through the exchange. The authors said that either way, job losses or pay cuts would result. The journal subjected the plans to a sort of devil's advocate analysis. Once the unsolicitated review of McCain's plan was reviewed and accepted, the journal sought out economists who would take a similarly tough look at the Obama plan. The reviewers of the Obama plan included Gail Wilensky, an unpaid adviser to the McCain campaign.
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                    What no one is addressing are the spiraling costs. We need to compare costs of procedures here in the US, hospitalizations, drugs, etc., with other countries' costs. Somebody here is getting rich (i.e., drug companies, insurance companies, doctors), and it ain't us!! Kay


                      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                      I am so un-political. I will however vote tho.
                      Gabby :flower:


                        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                        I have always thought we should add Peter Pan to the ballot.
                        Gabby :flower:


                          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                          I do not discuss my opinions on politics. This country is in such a mess I don't know how it is ever going to get straightened out. I'm certainly not looking at my 401(k) these days.


                            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                            I'm borrowing this from WW's post on another thread - I thought it weird enough to post here:

                            The new logo sign for Obama is out:

                            Obama Biden
                            Osama Binladen

                            Weird huh
                            AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                            Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                            (from the Movie "Once")


                              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                              Hi Kay,

                              I assure you that doctors are not getting rich. What they are getting though, are many visits from pharmaceutical reps with donuts and staff lunches to encourage them to prescribe that company's drugs.

                              Docs are actually making less money because if they contract with insurance companies who determine the fees for procedures, how much time they can take, etc. Doctors have an incentive to spend less time with each patient in order to make the same amount of money they made 10 years ago. They do get these other little perks though, provided by the drug companies, etc.

                              It is definitely the insurance companies and the drug companies that are making the profits.

                              I'm not saying that doctors are poor, but gone are that days that you will get lots of time for your money. It is the exceptional doctor that can afford to do that. I am in the healthcare profession, and I know a doctor who was asked to leave a practice because she took too long with her patients!

                              I'd like to see us spend more of our tax dollars on repairing our healthcare system than on some of the other things the government spends it on. Raises for congress for example....
                              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                                Wow McCain Picked a woman!


                                Wow. I cannot believe you posted that.

                                Twenty years ago I was doing Medical Transcription at home to pay for my tuition.

                                I figured out what my doctor was paying out of pocket for me, his staff and his office.

                                No. He was not rich then and he is not rich now.

                                However, he is a great doctor.

                                A GREAT doctor.

                                It is all about being a good doctor, whether or not you are rich.

                                He cares about his patients.

                                AF April 9, 2016

