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Wow McCain Picked a woman!

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    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

    That's Wash D.C. not to be confused with my beloved State of Washington! :H


      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

      I say let the scrappy governor in there and see what she can do.

      Oh, lawsie, are you thinking she will be president? cause she sure as HECK isn't going to be permitted to do anything as VP!!!


        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

        This is a great thread, and it is great to hear what everyone thinks. I actually welcome people's views from around the world, because I am very curious about how others view America and its politics.

        I think that McCain made a very bold move in picking Palin, although I admit that I am anxious about what would happen if he became ill or died IF he is elected. It is a move that will be called brilliant if he wins and stupid if he doesn't.

        I don't worry as much about experience, because both Obama and Palin will be surrounded by experienced people who will provide plenty of advice for them. I think that we DO need someone who has an interesting and new view of how Washington should work and who is willing to be flexible and try to find collaborative bipartisan solutions rather than force his/her will down the throat of the American people, unlike some Presidents I know, un-hem.

        Bring on the debates. I think it is interesting, and no need to get too strident or personal!

        Oh, and I agree, WIP, Palin won't get to do much if she is VP.
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

          Hart, good point, and your beautiful green state has very open and gun friendly laws (and the lower crime rates that invariably go with it).

          in regards to our mess in Iraq I think it bears pointing out that governments throughout history have used war as a means of manipulating their own populaces with indifference to an actual 'goal'. But what if we see though the illusion and start asking questions? and that is precisely what is going on right now...people all over the USA are asking WTF are we really doing there. if you ask me I'd say we just wanted to deploy a permanent base in a critical strategic place and as ironic as it seems this was easier than asking permission. Or perhaps separating Israel from Iran was our motive? another hunk of food for thought.

          as you can see I'm not your stereotypical media-cast redneck drunken racist retarded gun nut.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

            as you can see I'm not your stereotypical media-cast redneck drunken racist retarded gun nut.
            Good heavens, Det, you certainly are not! Not to get too far into the "gun" issue, but... not very much violent gun crime in Great Britain and Canada, is there??? Anyhoo, I have my own pet issues and McCain and Palin are absolutely abhorrent to me on the concerns of women, poor people, gay/lesbian people, and old people who happen not to be filthy rich. And that is just on the domestic questions. Thus is how it looks from where I am sitting.



              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

              Deter, I would never worry about guns in the hands of someone like you, but otherwise, they scare the sh*t out of me. People like you would very likely not be impacted by any right to bear arms laws.

              I am very curious to see what happens in DC in the next few years. We have our very own experiment not far from me. Time will tell.
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                AWIP the UK exceeds the US in aggravated assault, and yes....armed robbery. that is not a joke. very shortly after they passed their draconian "new" anti-gun rights laws in the UK and Australia violent and armed violent crimes including rape skyrocketed in double digits. its' very easy to understand why: when the criminals know their victims will be "good law abiding unarmed sheep waiting politely at the slaughter" then it will be fat times for criminals to come and harvest upon them. Criminals in the UK and Australia have never acquired thier guns legally anyway as it's always been too much of a paperwork hassle. gun laws do not effect criminals! they just make my life hell. stop passing new gun laws please!!! there are already more than 20,000 gun laws on the books in the US. how about prosecuting violent criminals instead of harboring them because they are "undocumented visitors"?

                and YAH (love you dear) it's a very dangerous assumption to think that anti-gun rights laws won't impact lawful disciplined gun owners such as myself. it's actually caused me a lot of financial grief since lawmakers think they can tack all kinds of additional fees for transactions/permits etc. it also opens the door for a ton of increasingly draconian legislation. for example when I lived in Hawaii they passed a law stating that you may not acquire high capacity magazines but you are grandfathered into the ones you already possess. then 2 years later the socialist retard govorner there decided "what the hell" and made possession of those prior to the ban a felony. at that point Dx and I packed up and left the islands. I will NOT live in a land where rights are seen as privileges and where I'm encouraged to regress from being a "freeman" to the bad old days of being a subject of the crown in fearful servitude.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                  YAH you say you are curious what happens in DC. well here is some food for thought. approx 20 years ago when FL decided to permit it's citizens to carry concealed firearms the liberal left policy makers totally attempted to spread fear and panic into the country saying it will be 'the wild west" and than crimes will go crazy. it totally backfired on that lie and the truth be known 2 decades later that FL has reversed it's trend towards increasing violent crime and is now a more peaceful place as a result of the good guys being armed. the proof is in the pudding. and we have lots of pudding

                  anyone that wants to educate themselves on the subject please read: "more guns less crime" by John R. Lott Jr. Lott is a professor of economics in Chicago and is not a gun enthusiast. this is a book that the anti-gun rights lobby has been trying to keep a secret after they attempted to debunk his logic and failed. Education dispels ignorance!
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                    It certainly is interesting. I will have to try to stay up on the gun control issue. Statistics show that when D.C. passed their ban on guns, crime actually did go up. I know it is a cliche, but people kill people, not guns. This is the truth, and I believe that we need to do something as a nation to crack down on the criminals. Even if the gun control in D.C. had worked and crime went down, we would have just seen it increase somewhere else because all the assholes would have moved somewhere else. You see this when there is a "crack down" on gang violence. "Hey, look at this. Gang violence is down in L.A. We must be doing something right." They just ran the Crips and Bloods out of town. I hate the apathy in this country where if I don't see it, it must be ok.
                    Goal 1: Today
                    Goal 2: Tomorrow


                      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                      This is so interesting - I really hope you, Determinator, know I was kinda kidding saying gun nut. I do miss going to the shooting range, even though I was a not a very good aim.
                      I don't read the paper so I am getting my education right here on this thread! Really.
                      So - who are you voting for then? If you said in an earlier page I forgot.
                      I am just mad at the Republicans.


                        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                        Lukalee you are spot on.

                        I must apologize to Hart for hijacking her thread. oops! I'm very passionate about this issue and get carried away.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                          Lila I'm a registered republican and I'm furious with my own party! I'm voting for RJ. so there!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                            Hear, Hear. Vote for RJ.
                            Goal 1: Today
                            Goal 2: Tomorrow


                              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                              Det!! You told me it was Lushy for President. I am so disappointed.
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                                Yes, RJ for Prez! That's a splendid plan. Deter, we all have ADD around here. Threads do wander off after several pages. Maybe the next person will be better at getting it back on track.

                                I will take your views on this subject very seriously, Deter. I do have pepper spray though. Not much help against a gun, but hopefully against potential mugger or something....
                                AF as of August 5th, 2012

