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Wow McCain Picked a woman!

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    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

    Just finished batheing my Rottie for vet visit. I'd vote for ANY politician that would do that. Hate to wade in this but here goes. Seriously, I'm scared of Obama. He shouts "change". In one of his speeches I listened to he said "the heavens would open up and tell us to vote for him". I've heard his wonderful, moving, inspiring, etc etc etc speeches, but haven't seen any substance. And Joe Biden????? He's 'change"??? As a heartbeat away from the presidency, if I wasn't scared of O, then I'm TERRIFIED of Joe. Read their records!!! McCain is old politics, and to some, I mean OLD, but Palin is new. Washington didn't have any experience but as a soldier, but they wanted to make him King! Different time, I know. But, if you really look at the hierarchy of taxes, where do you think the cut for the poor will come from, and how do you think the, well, less poor, will respond. Unbelieveably, in Obama's plan, I'M rich. I can't tell you how hard my family has worked, how far we've come, and Pelosi says we need to share what we have with illegal immigrants to 'bring up their standard of living'. What happened to taking care of our damn selves (sorry). My taxes support a small country, I think, and someone wants more?!?! Don't be fooled. Those with money will find ways to keep it and make more, and if they don't, well, then who will everyone else turn to? If it can't be made, it can't be taxed. I'm getting my back up, so, better go. But I don't vote for party, necessarily. I vote for the person I MOST believe in, and, more so in some cases, AGAINST the one I'm afraid of. But, that's just my opinion. Peace.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

      Well, it will be interesting to hear McCain speak tonight. I am really looking forward to the debates. I am extremely interested in finally hearing the platform of each of the candidates.

      Quite honestly, I do not think that either candidate is "evil", I think both candidates realize that our country needs solid leadership and change. My final choice will be made after I hear the "real" thoughts and plans of each of the candidates.

      I also agree that I find it sad that candidates and their wives are appearing on "Pop TV Shows", unfortunately that seems to be our culture.

      It will be interesting race!
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

        I'm with you. I can't wait for the debates either. I really hope its not just a bunch of mud slinging.
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

          Me too, Luka, I really hate the mud slinging, it serves no productive purpose at all, in fact, I find it degrading!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

            Palin's speech was great, but I think it's funny that the people who rip on Obama for his flashy speeches and his "cult of personality" are now part of the adoring audience rah-rahing for Palin's feisty speech and personality
            I'm not sure who is the right one to do it, but we sure as hell need someone to clean up the giant mountain of sh** our last president -- who was probably less qualified than any of these four by a mile -- has left.
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

              Excellent points, Dex!!

              Evidently a lot of Americans really enjoyed the silly Paris Hilton add that were created by the McCain campaign. Frankly I thought they were childish and disgusting and beneath any future president!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                I long for the debates too. It's all fine that they are good speech writers and can deliver them, but how they react to a debate is a LITTLE closer to being able to think on their feet. And I want a president that can do that. Heck I could write a rousing speech but I sure as heck aint presidential material! Although if you all wish to write me in and I win I promise to make you all cabinet members or something. :H


                  Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                  Hart, I am writing you in. I want to be Secretary of State so I can travel a lot and maybe meet some hot heads of state .:H:H
                  :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                    When are the debates?
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                      I just read back and see that my last post came across as bitterly partisan...which is out of character for me. aplogies
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                        I think you were fine, Det. Politics is a dangerous topic.
                        Cindi - I pretty much agreed with you quite a bit. And it is a mess. Where did the neocons come from??
                        And what do they want? I want to vote for Obama (I voted for Bush the first time) just to tell the Republican party they are really out of control.
                        None of the above does make sense - it shows you went to the polls, so you did care.


                          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                          I have been sitting on my hands since this great threat started.

                          As I am not a US citizen and I don?t have a vote, I would like to voice my opinion on the express invitation of YoungAtHeart. Let me try to purvey some of the thoughts uttered by concerned citizens on two continents. I have lived in Europe and Canada and have followed global politics for most of my life and have seen events unfold long before some of you have been born. Yes, that makes me an old lady too. I am not an expert but just an average mom without distinction.

                          We are puzzled by the fact that American citizens put up with poor education. Funding should be ?one for all and all for one?. Equal education should be a fundamental right and not governed by the local tax base. That is democracy in its purest form. The hopeless and uneducated will give up and turn to crime as a means to an end. Correctional institutions cost a lot more than schools. People would rather be productive than fight. Given half a chance people can perform miracles (see Ireland). Hope and a full belly deflate aggression, plus there is a lot of competition for jobs out there.

                          We don?t understand that it is tolerated that elderly people who have worked hard all their life, find themselves destitute and forgotten, once their health deteriorates. Healthcare should not be free, but affordable for everyone and nobody need to fall through the cracks. Healthcare has become big business and there is no end in sight as to how much money they can extort out of the working class or when to cut off their coverage. You all have a right to healthcare and if Canada, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, UK, Luxembourg, Austria etc. and the tiny Nation of Costa Rica can provide basic healthcare, so can the US.

                          As a global village, we would like to see the US assume a leading role in taking the rapid demise of our environment seriously and act upon it. There is no time to waste, it is urgent. The cry to ?drill, baby drill? is just another band-aid. We need to find alternate sources of energy now and we do have some of the technology sitting in desk drawers of multi-national oil companies. This is not going to happen as long as administrations are beholden to lobby- and interest groups. In the near future we may not have to worry about tax increases. Our global weather will be so severe that we will see a repositioning of population on a biblical scale. As the oceans rise we will be fighting over fresh water and arable land, not to mention energy. This is the world that we hand over to the next generation.

                          The other members of the ?Group of Eight? are still mopping their collective brow over the election of your present administration. The world would indeed look differently today if Al Gore had been given a chance.

                          And last but not least your allies would love to see a Statesman in the Whitehouse who uses diplomacy to approach the myriad of global problems. That Statesman needs to be able to sit down with the rest of them and negotiate solutions based on understanding the bigger picture and have the guts to make unpopular decisions. Violence should be used as a last resort and it should be based on irrefutable facts. All Nations should adhere to what they signed under the Geneva Convention and the leaders of the free world should not send their sons and daughters to die in an unconstitutional war.

                          You are one of the great Nations on this tiny, fragile ever shrinking planet and keep in mind that if you sneeze, we all come down with a horrific cold.

                          In neighborly love,
                          P.S. I will delete if you all feel I am speaking out of term.
                          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                            Thank you for your post, Lori. I pretty much agree.
                            We did elect Al Gore, you know. I think. And, in saying that, I am not really on any side, but this administration has been such a tragic disaster that I cannot understand.
                            I am seeing more and more SmartCars and Prius cars around, and cashiers don't look shocked anymore when I say I don't need a bag for my purchases.
                            Maybe we are starting to get some of this.


                              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                              That was such an excellent post Lori!
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                                Lori, thank you!!!!!!!!
                                I've also lived outside of the U.S. (Europe) and seen the quality of life there that people take for granted.
                                Yet there is a big chunk of Americans who would decry every single word you said as leftist rubbish. There are many Americans who continually vote for candidates whose positions are completely 180 degrees opposed to their (the voters') best interests. These voters rant about "socialism," "big government," say Barack Obama is going to increase everyone's taxes by 500 percent, etc.
                                These are the same people who think the extremes between rich and poor in our sick country are OK (it's poor people's own fault that they are poor, and those leftists just want to increase the welfare state and let in millions of illegal aliens), that it's perfectly OK that so many lack basic health care, who voted for a president who said a few months ago, "Well, of course people have access to health care, they can just go to the emergency room" (yes indeed, another priceless nugget from George Bush!) but will work themselves literally into a LATHER of rage because ten years ago, Bill Clinton got into a little mess with an intern and he LIED about it!!!!
                                You should read the comments on the local newspaper Web site. I said I wanted some health care reform because my wages are rapidly eroding as premiums keep skyrocketing and the small business I work for may soon go out of business for that reason. Ten people jumped in to rant that I am a crazed leftist nut who wants (gasp) government-run health care. These people generally say that our health care costs are rising largely because of the trial lawyers' malpractice suits. Most of these people also believe that climate change is a vast left-wing conspiracy. I swear to God.
                                OK, sorry for my rant
                                PS: I also take the crazy "unAmerican" position that I can greatly love my country, yet criticize it and its leaders.
                                :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

