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Wow McCain Picked a woman!

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    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

    Sorry, hon, but a LITTLE mess??? He lied, point blank, to America, when the truth would have done as well. I don't trust anyone who will betray those closest to him. What can I expect him to do to me?
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

      May Lewinsky-gate remain at the forefront of our thoughts during this election year!
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

        Thank you for you brilliant post! I must say, I am in agreement. I can certainly understand how those in other countries must be baffled by the American people and it's government! I am as well! I know that I am! I too am completely disgusted that Americans are far more interested in a persons sex life than they are of anything else; education, the economy, being flat out lied to in order to start a war!! Not to mention how the Bush administration handled the devestation of Katrina!

        In watching the McCain campaign, I am reminded of the "Carl Rove" touch. He is a master and distorting the truth!

        And, by the way, I hear you Dex....and I agree!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

          thanks, i posted a whole second rant about the obsession with Monica-gate and deleted it. I need to keep my political anger in check on this site
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

            I'm praying Obama will win but IF he doesn't and McCain wins and then if something happens to him I seriously doubt that Palin would be able to handle the presidency. I am very uncomfortable with McCain's choice. I think that Joe Biden will squash her in the debates too. That's my 2 cents on the subject.
            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

              Biden debates Palin on October 2.
              When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
              -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                Thank you Green!
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                  Yes, thanks, Green. It will be interesting. I am particularly interested to see if she will cut the sarcasm during the debates. I would love to see a debate, debated with dignity and with the candidates sticking to the issues under debate!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                    I'm looking forward to Oct 2 KateH! I agree with you. Cut the sarcastic remarks (that only make you look bad) and stick to the issues.
                    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                      if you don't like mudslinging then immediately turn off your TV's. the same media that is endlessly and tirelessly kissing Obamas butt has lead the most horrendous and inductively-reasoned all out onslaught against Palin as though she must be the antichrist. good grief.

                      all hail the Pravda.

                      Dexter, loving our country and being critical of our government IS very American. I love it! That could have been the rallying cry of Jefferson.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                        I am not at all referring to the media, in my comments. I had an open mind listening to her speach. She is very poised. But, the first half she was trying to sound like a "hockey mom" and the second half was all cheesey sarcastic mud slinging. I simply do not like cheesey sarcasm.

                        That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                          BTW....she had no teleprompter in more than half that speech! the guy (dam guys!) that was running the teleprompter didn't stop it through the extended applauses so she actually did more than half the speech off the cuff. Now that would have flustered the hell out of most anyone I'd think......
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                            Perhaps, but, she is a journalist and has also had extensive public speaking experience. For some, public speaking is a real challenge, for other, and I think Palin might be one of those, public speaking is a pleasant experience.

                            What really ticked me off was Giulliani going over time with his rediculous and annoying speach and so we missed the video of Palins life. It would have been nice to see that!
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                              I don't get the whole health care issue. Clinton actually wrote a fabulous universal program (I had to study it in my undergrad) where the money would come from taxing booze and cigarettes. The reason why it didn't pass is because everyone freaked out that we would "become just like Canada." WTF? Even back then, we were the only "First World" country that didn't provide at least some type of healthcare to our citizens.
                              And don't get me started on education. I happen to be in Arizona (second to last in everything, LOL) where McCain is our lovely Senator. I can't really say anything negative, but I can't think of anything positive either. I don't really feel like he fights for anything. We have a really great representative in the House (Gabrielle Gifford) who places ads on TV all the time asking for support for certain measures. The first time I saw this I thought, "Wait a minute, it's not election time, she must really care about the state and what we need."
                              I guess my point is that I haven't seen McCain do a whole lot for my state, so I just can't see him doing a whole lot for the nation.
                              Goal 1: Today
                              Goal 2: Tomorrow


                                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                                Kate, I agree, Giulianni has a serious case of loving to hear his own voice i think. He acts like a big kid with ADD that just smoked some crack.

                                Lukalee, you haven't seen McCain do a whole lot but at least you've seen him do something!

                                speaking of education: why is it that dirt poor countries like India, Malaysia, China, etc etc keep pumping out large volumes of very educated kids with virtually no budget for it. Just goes to show that the missing ingredient is NOT's attitude.

                                ok, here's Det's magical answer to fund education and affordable (but not socialized) health care.

                                -fire 50% of all government employees. our government was supposed to be a necessary evil. NOT a bloated power hungry machine that uses it's citizens as fuel.

                                ever spend much time in Federal and State government offices? You'll be treated to huge volumes of employees sitting on their fat asses yacking about what they saw on TV last night....hour after hour. As the phones ring until the machine records the frustrated callers.

                                -use welfare programs ONLY for truly desperate households...not for 3rd generation professional welfare addicts.

                                -stop extending our military all over the world (yes, I'm a Republican and I said that). keep them home, save money and put up some borders that are truly effective. If they get bored they can erect windmills for electricity.

                                ta da!
                                nosce te ipsum
                                (Know Thyself)

