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Wow McCain Picked a woman!

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    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

    Kate do you really believe this statement of yours? :

    George W. Bush, campaigned on an Evangelical Christian platform but his time in the White House has been nothing but, lies, personal greed, gross abuse of personal power and his pricipals and beliefs have brought this country to the lowest point in modern history!

    so...the USA is now at a lower point than when we had slavery, before womens sufferage etc etc??
    I think the Bush hatred has gone far from the boundaries of logic and off into the deep end of some emotional frenzy.

    and if I were Palin I wouldn't give the media the time of day either. They have already jumped on rumor and innuendo and started a all out war against her while waltzing by the mountain of baggage that Obama has.

    I guess if we really want to see how bad things can be we will indeed be making our own beds....we will see shortly. We can joyfully go like sheeple to be just like the socialist crapholes of hyper-inflation, bloated beurocracies, 9 dollar a gallon gas and 4 dollars to mail a letter. The kind of places that Obama seems to worship during his "US-bashing" tours abroad.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

      Yes, I do believe th statement that I made about Bush. I also said modern times. I should have said, since FDR. Do you think that Bush has been good for this country? If so, please give us some examples of how we are better off after the last 8 years? Talk about "Hyper Inflation".

      You may love Palin. But, she has really done nothing but give a speech!

      Talk about emotional frenzy, Det.....Obama, was "US Bashing" in abroad? Please give examples????
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

        this is futile. I erased my large post of things I found offensive that Obama has said/done. We all have access to the news if we want to and I'm not going to change anyones mind no matter how much this frustrates me. I am just disappointed that a nation of so many millions isn't capable of bringing us a respectable candidate on either side of this illusionary party fence. I'm finished with debating about what our federal maffia is going to do next. I'm turning my energy back to healthy stress relieving and sobriety supporting thoughts now..... love to you all xxxxx
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

          I agree in some respects Det. I hate Bush with a white-hot passion ...I could post 10,000 words on that .. but as you so wisely implied, this isn't the place for serious political arguments. We are never going to convince each other. I do think it's OK to share our opinions, but in this particular election, emotions are running SO high ... there are other places to vent that. We are trying to slay other demons here and that is the most important thing.
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

            Let?s define Socialism!

            Socialism refers to a broad range of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.

            In a Social-Democracy all the rights of the individual are protected, yet it is in the hands of the State to ensure that the ?we? supersedes the ?I?, for the benefit of all.

            I happen to hail from not one but two of these socialist crap holes. We are talking about peaceful, responsible societies, which are true democracies that don?t have trillions of national debt; that don?t dump their infirm elders on the street like so much garbage; that boast a 97 % literacy rate; where schools and universities are accessible by anyone from all walks of life. A family does not have to take out a mortgage to give birth in a hospital and senior citizens do not have to take heating oil charity from the Hugo Chavez?s of the world. Citizens do not feel so afraid that they feel the need to carry weapons to the grocer; Inflation swings with the fluctuations of the global economy; Government regulatory bodies oversee the handling and licensing of mortgages and money lending, thus preventing criminal carnage in the housing and financial markets. These are just a few of the Socialist shackles that come to mind.

            Gasoline prices are higher all over the world, but one can operate a vehicle for a very long time on the cost of one year of cancer treatment in the US.

            Bureaucracies become self perpetuating entities in any country or company if not kept in check. A responsible, transparent Government balancing its budget would be a first step to control them.

            I cannot ever remember paying 4 dollars for postage anywhere, unless I want first class same day delivery.

            Come to think of it, I rather enjoyed the reports by the international press about Mr. Obama?s visit to Europe. He was eloquent, educated, thoughtful, highly informed and he knew and could pronounce the names of the respective Heads of State and he came across as a very proud American. He was received with a sigh of relief, considering the past 8 years. If there was any US bashing then I think that at least one of the members of the press corps would have picked up on that and I read a lot of their news.

            Nothing is perfect but I gladly pay higher taxes for so much peace of mind.

            Just my two crappy pennies worth.
            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

              I'm so sorry that you are sick of this thread, Deter, but I do understand. I know that some people have been very disgusted with Bill Clinton because of Monica Lewinski and then lying about it to us. Well, yes, he did lie, but in the final analysis, his lies hurt no one but him, his family, and Monica. We got to hate him for lying, but we still enjoyed peace and prosperity, and we had a balanced budget.

              The lies that this administration has told have hurt and killed tens of thousands of people. Our economy is in a shambles, and my personal finances are a complete wreck. I can't blame that totally on the administration, because I'm not the greatest money manager. My income has gone up somewhat, but my standard of living keeps going down because everything is costing more.

              I trust Obama. I believe he is serious and thoughtful, and he doesn't buy into provocations very easily. I trust him not to do anything impulsive. In the long run, I think that is very important. We need someone who is able to think, not just react.

              Thanks again, Lori, you crappy socialist, you!

              Hugs, Kate. You are able to say so eloquently some of what I think and feel.
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                Lori, Once again thank you for you clear and insightful observations and comments. I too watch the international news, I read nothing negative about the Obama visit. In fact, I too read only favorable comments from the international press.

                As for socialistic policies. Many countries in the developed world have excellent programs that would be considered socialistic. I would call them humanitarian. Norway is one, that has excellent education and affordable healthcare as well as, the best program in place for working mothers in the world. The elderly are supplemented when there is a need. Yet, the country has vertually no national debt. I too would have no issues with paying higher taxes in order to see such programs in place in the US.

                Instead we continue to pay for a broken and corrupt welfare system, while many people who worked their entire lives, live having to choose between heat and food. We now have over 50 million people without health insurance and even if one has health insurance, the part that insurance does not pay will quickly wipe out a life savings. The US has one of the highest HS dropout rates in the world and our schools and teachers are the last on the list when it comes to funding.

                But, the biggest cost to the US is the war in Iraq. A war that was entered into without an exit plan. A war that has now cost the US into the trillions of dollars. Dollars that we have borrowed from China and other countries. This war has cost us thousands of young lives. Thousands more are permanantly disabled and the government does little to help these men and women. These things are shameful and inexcusable.

                Young, I agree with you. I trust Obama. He is thoughtful and he knows how to surround himself with the right advisors. I do believe that he has plans to begin to undue the disasters that have been created by the Bush administration over the past 8 years. Obama has, at least outlined how he will get things done.

                I believe that healthy and calm dialogue on politics is neccessary and helpful. I enjoy a good conversation, even a debate. But, I also like facts and reasoning and not, sound bites and name calling.....frankly, this is good for my sobriety!

                Hugs, to you to Young and Lori!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                  I have nothing intelligent to say, just that in reading this thread and everyone's viewpoint has been so informative for me. I have really enjoyed all the different perspectives - we even get opinions from Alaska! And international opinions!
                  Another benefit of being a member here.
                  Determinator, I hope you stay on this thread!!!


                    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                    oh Lila, i must say I've had a change of heart after my trip to Berkely CA yesterday.

                    there was a group of unemployed folks smoking pot and hanging around the street. i was about to walk by but noticed they were giving away free coolaid and boy...was I thoisty! so I gulped it down and a warm fuzzy feeling came over me. I immediately went out and got an Obama tattoo on my butt!
                    The group explained to me how I could be a part of the movement for change by doing simple things like throwing feces at republican conventions. I thought that was cool but asked: but I am but one lowly can I possible bring about change? They took me aside and pointed to the homeless bums and illegal immigrants in the street and said: look brother....they are feces flingers for the cause are not alone!
                    I was so thrilled to be freed of my disgusting "rugged American individualism" that I melted down my gun collection into a huge peace symbol. After all, if some crackhead breaks down my door and sodomizes my family and burns the place down....who am I to deny him that joy?
                    so Lila...time for your coolaide!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Wow McCain Picked a woman!


                      Do I detect a little bit of sarcasm here?

                      Or did you really drink the Coolaide??

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                        come on Cindi dear...drink up!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                          You know Det, so far this has been a serious discussion and everyone has been respectful of each others opinions. If you want to offer valuable information, please do so. If you want to rant and send sarcastic sound bites, perhaps you truly do not want to participate in this discussion and are just being disrespectful to those of us that are enjoying sharing useful information.

                          Det, you know that I like you, but come on!
                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                            Wow oh wow.
                            I am a Democrat but actually am hoping for some change without flinging feces. In fact, oddly, I have never yet flung feces?? And not quite sure why being a Democrat automatically makes me an advocate and lover of crackheads, homeless bums, illegal immigrants (trying to make those social ills a partisan issue is just plain sad .. and McCain is on record for "amnesty" for illegals) and an endangerer of the the safety of your family.
                            And BTW, I am SO tired of the whole "drinking the Koolaid" thing ... it's the phrase du jour of the rightie posters ... it ceased to be clever a long time ago. It is perhaps one notch above saying, "You are a big stupid moron poopyhead because you hold views other than mine!"
                            And I'm not sure why you're ripping on Lila. ?

                            Determinator;404292 wrote: oh Lila, i must say I've had a change of heart after my trip to Berkely CA yesterday.

                            there was a group of unemployed folks smoking pot and hanging around the street. i was about to walk by but noticed they were giving away free coolaid and boy...was I thoisty! so I gulped it down and a warm fuzzy feeling came over me. I immediately went out and got an Obama tattoo on my butt!
                            The group explained to me how I could be a part of the movement for change by doing simple things like throwing feces at republican conventions. I thought that was cool but asked: but I am but one lowly can I possible bring about change? They took me aside and pointed to the homeless bums and illegal immigrants in the street and said: look brother....they are feces flingers for the cause are not alone!
                            I was so thrilled to be freed of my disgusting "rugged American individualism" that I melted down my gun collection into a huge peace symbol. After all, if some crackhead breaks down my door and sodomizes my family and burns the place down....who am I to deny him that joy?
                            so Lila...time for your coolaide!
                            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                              Oh, and I didn't know about the whole feces-throwing thing (thanks for making it a part of the dialogue, VERY helpful) but a quick search found that there were thwarted plans for feces-throwing at the Democratic convention as well. Huh ... I thought people who opposed Democrats were always good upstanding citizens who would not stoop to such a thing.

                              Police seized feces, urine during DNC - The Denver Post
                              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                                Well I don't support feces flinging! I feel very strongly about it~!

