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Wow McCain Picked a woman!

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    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

    Vera! Bravo! I am total agreement with you!
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

        tawnyfrog;404486 wrote: Watching from afar, I'm thoroughly enjoying this civilized discussion. Thank you.
        Me too, this is all very interesting
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

          Lies, Lies, Lies,

          I do believe that one who will lie a little will lie a lot!. Sara Palin did not sell the Jet on EBay! It was sold to a Jet Broker (yes, this is on fact checker). She also did not "Fire" her chef, she re-assigned her. There are many other of these types of lies, and, she has only been on the national scene for one and one half weeks! Why lie about such things in an acceptance speach? Why lie at all?
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

            Just saw the following on AOL so it must be true! LOL

            Palin's Church Promotes Gay Conversion


              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

              Well, she did put the plane up on eBay, even if the eventual sale was by other means, so I'm willing to give her a pass on that one. My complaint is that she's running as a "reformer" after a distinguished career of bringing home the pork. Yes, under her leadership, little Wasilla hired a professional lobbyist who suceeded in getting over 20 million taxpayer dollars earmarked for the town.

              That, and her opposition to abortion even in the case of rape or incest.

              Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
              A: Practice, of course.


                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                The fact is, that she has a habit of lying. She may have put the plane on EBay, but, in her cutesy way she said " I sold it on EBay"....that is not the truth and I am not willing to give her a pass, it speaks to character.

                But, I do agree with you on the fact about her opposition to abortion and her being a lobbyist.

                Here is a whopper! Palin has been claiming that she told the US Government "Thanks but no Thanks" to building the Bridge to Nowhere, but, she took the money anyway!

                Claiming the 'Maverick' Brand | The Trail |
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                  I haven't weighed in so far, but have found this thread so thought provoking, and interesting. All of us are so passionate about our country and I am so pleased to see how many have researched their info before posting, as well as being so very thoughtful.

                  All I know is that my husband took early retirement at age 57 with enough money to see us through our retirement years. Since G.W. Bush has been in the White House, we are in the Poor House, the stock market has tanked twice in 10 years, leaving us with a very meagre annual income. Along with that we now have Homeland Security doing roadblocks 1/2 mile from our home. We are stopped when going to the store and have to provide our place of birth, etc. Very similar to the 1930's under Nazi rule in Germany. If you don't believe it, google WA state Border Patrol roadblocks between the Hood Canal and Forks, WA. Also google Peninsula Daily News to see how people feel about it.

                  Congress has allowed Homeland Security these rights. Recently, I came back from Victoria from a weekend with a girlfriend and had to give her name, phone# and the reason I was there. I reminded the Homeland Security at this point was customs, not Immigration, that I had family in B.C., and I should be able to move freely from this interrogation. I had already passed through Immigration, so Customs was all about what I was bringing into the country. He insisited on these questions, and to make my life more difficult insisited on a search, where he found NOTHING, just egg on his face.

                  The reason for the roadblocks on the road from my home is a "terrorist threat", apparently from terrorists coming in on the ocean - that is why we have the coast guard - guarding our coasts, a separate entity from Homeland Stupidity. The roadblocks are just a russe for illegals and have recently deported 2 students on the honors list who have enrolled in the navy. Have we given our freedom away?

                  I may experience this more than others because I cross the border so often. It's not fun and I was next to a wonderful German family recently and they were asked if they had any Nazi relations - they claimed the Nazi's were all dead, but I saw similarities in our new border control, vs. the innocence of this family.

                  I don't expect to be popular because of this post, but I'm allowed an opinion.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                    Wow, Hilary, that is scary stuff. Really scary stuff.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                      Oh, and I am with McCain 100% on his stance against torturing prisoners. That one has really gotten me sick at my stomach. How can we tolerate that? We wouldn't treat our animals that way but we treat human beings that way?

                      Okay, now I am in trouble. NSA and Homeland Security are going to come after me big time.

                      I'll probably be audited by the IRS next year, too. Oh, I was last year, what am I thinking? They ended up owing us money. :H

                      I keep waiting for Obama to weigh in on the Georgia invasion. He has stayed quiet and I am very interested to hear his view of it.

                      God this turned into a streams of consciousness post.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                        Hillary, sorry to hear what you are putting up with there. I'm fearful that all of our constitutionally guaranteed rights are being sold at the market by both Dem's and Repub's alike.
                        Don't even get me started on the American holocaust at Waco Tx and subsequent attempted coverup under Janet Renos watch.
                        I'm no fan of the patriot act let me tell you. I thought your post was quite illuminating and informational. We citizens really do need to be our own watchdogs in all matters.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                          I am new here. Have read all the posts. Would like to say something. Everyone must remember that the President has no domestic powers other than the veto pen that Bush obviously lost. Republicans spent like crazy sweet eaters in Wonkas factory. The only way to turn USA around is to limit senators terms to two. After that they are out. Everyone forgets that it is the senators who have brought us here and liberal federal judges who put their own agendas ahead of the constitution. I was not a McCain fan until Palin. Never an Obama fan. Truth be told Palin has executuve experience and is the only one with it. That is what is needed in the White house. Not some senators, one with many years experience and another with none. I say none because in two years he has not introduced a single piece of legislation, abstained practically all votes and for 19 months of his 24 months in office has been running for President, a thing her said he would not do just 23 months ago because he said he did not have enough experience. now he has the experience necesaary after running a campaign for 19 months? Lots of questions.


                            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                            I started reading this thread and got about 2 pages in before I got pissed off so I probably should keep my mouth shut as there seems to be more people for McCain than Obama on here BUT...

                            I am SICK of hearing about Caribou Barbie. I don't like her and I don't trust her. I agree that she seems really genuine and seems to speak from the heart, but what's in that heart? I'm ALL ABOUT strong women and empowering them (being one myself) but, I can not get by anyone who is against abortion when in a case of rape or incest. That is my most visceral reaction ... I believe in choice totally but her stance on this is so extreme it gives me chills.

                            Let me bring us back to reason why we are here on MWO: there may well be women out there who were raped and / or impregnated by a relative or someone in their household. The anxiety caused by this and the reminder of it in your everyday life must be hell.

                            I have had 2 abortions, one having to walk through a right to life picket line surrounded by guards and having to leave by a back door. Yes, I made bad decisions. Yes, I am an alcoholic. Yes, I regret having the abortions, especially the second one when I was 26, but I couldn't take care of myself much less a baby and the "father" would not have been around for any of it. Mostly I regret it because I have never been able to concieve with my husband, who I've been with for 16 years, married to for 10 this October. But, I go back and forth about babies anyway and at this point I think I'm OK being an animal person.

                            Anyway, I digress. There's so much else to disqualify her that probably everyone else has already mentioned but I basically I think she's just a big distraction from the fact that McCain is just a bitter liitle man. Before he nominated her all his speeches and commercials had the sound of a catty little cheerleader who didn't get the title of Prom queen -- sniping at Obama about being a "rock star" and such. Oh well. Qualified or not, Obama gets my vote.

                            BTW ... I just realized that Obama was Black!


                              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                              its funny you bring up the "cheerleader". Have you seen the "Obama Girl"?


                                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                                Deter, are you still on?

