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Wow McCain Picked a woman!

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    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

    I am totally that we have so many members on this forum who actually do research before offering opinions. I have been educated in a most positive way and I see we are very heartfelt about the USA.

    So many of you are cognizant about the Constitution, and it's clear you are not just spouting off feelings.

    I have been disappointed mostly about our personal freedom being jeopardized and even removed. I posted last night on the $$$$### thread due to the fact that I arrived home and a Border Control Car was in my driveway. He tried to remove his vehicle quickly as I approached, but he was on private property. I didn't even give him the opportunity of asking me anything, just asked him what he was doing. There was a roadblock on hwy. 121 to Forks and every car was stopped and had to identify their place of birth, etc. my husband was just going to the store for urethane and was stopped.

    He then went on to explain that my property was lateral to Hwy. 101 so he wanted to check out in/out leading roads, as well as trees, where people can hide (?) He then inferred that my home was so off the beaten path, I could hide anyone. I told him he must be suffering from a gross paranoia. And If I did want to hide anyone that would be intent, which I didn't have

    He shuffled around for a bit and then told me my house was nice, I told him to buy it since it was up for sale and then he could monitor to his heart's content.

    My son is living in Canada with his life upside down and away from his sweetheart due to the Immigration Enforcement and even though we can now prove my son was not guilty of anything, (the perpetrator had an honest moment while in jail), so I see a red flag when I try to pull into my driveway with the Border Control parking in it.

    I met my dr's wife this a.m. and she told me this was no better than Nazi German in the 1930's. She also told me the Border Patrol is going into mobile home parks and reading off all license plates.

    Do we realize that our freedom is being incrementally removed?
    Enlightened by MWO


      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

      OMG!!!!!!!!!! I've said this before...........I'm moving to Canada!!!!!!!!!
      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

        Yeah, Noelle, I'm with you girl.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

          SK, yes, I do realize that our freedoms are being taken away. We absolutely must vote in an administration that will respect the constitution and undue the damage that has been done over the past 8 years. Your case is truly harassment!

          I simply do not understand why so many American citizens are harassed while known illegals guilty of comitting numerous crimes, cannot be deported? Case in point. A man driving dangerously, without a drivers license, hit another vehicle sending it into a Bask and Robins the accident killed three people including a 3 year old boy! The guy driving dangerously is an illegal who has 16 known prior arrests that are known....the police also believe that he has been arrested under serveral alias's. The police have been trying to get immigration to deport the guy since last April, to no avail! Now, three people are dead!! There are crimes similar to this, murders, armed robbery and the likes all the time here, comitted by illegals, many of them skip to Mexico after their arrests and posting bail.....then end up back her a short while later. Please do not get me wrong, I am not speaking ill of all Mexicans. But people that break our laws by entering this country illegally should be deported, period! They are breaking the law!

          McCain in his desperation is saying that he will offer an amnesty program for all illegals currently living in the US, this has certainly given him the hispanic voters! In other words, McCain is saying, it is OK for some people to break our laws and they shall be rewarded for this!

          In the meantime, you, SK, a citizen cannot drive down your driveway without the border partol being there, and you are an American citizen! This is shocking and horrifying!

          But, once again it seems the American people are not paying attention to the issues, not doing any research, just going with the TV adds. I heard interviews today, with women saying they are voting for McCain because they like Palin. Why do they like Palin, "because she is a Hockey Mom" and "Down to Earth, and a Christian" just like they are. I am speachless! I have no respect for McCain, for many reasons, but it is a cheap shot, last ditch effort to win the election, by not only bringing Palin aboard, but shielding his record from the public with a woman! Then McCain calls "Foul" at every turn because the Obama campaign is "attacking a woman". This is all so crazy!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

            Hey you guys, I haven't read back very far on this thread but don't think about moving to Canada from the US. I did it and am now back. I'll write a bit about it later, but believe me, its not what its cracked up to be. I lived in the greater Vancouver area for 18 months and it was a huge disappointment on so many levels -- no bad feelings towards any Canucks out there, but as bad as the States are we have it better in many ways ... though I suppose it depends on what you're into.

            basically i think its better to stay here and fight.



              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

              I think the following where Biden says Hillary would have been a better VP choice than he is will not help Barry.

              [ame= ]YouTube - Joe Biden: Hillary Clinton would've been better VP than me[/ame]


                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                I thought that was very stupid of Biden. I bet Obama is pissed!


                  Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                  I know! I don't know why Biden said that.....I didn't hear the speach, so I don't know the context. the thing is , there are always a handful of people that would make a good, VP. But, I wounder what Bidens point in saying this was?
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                    am I the only person that was shocked to hear Obama refer to his "Muslim faith" without missing a beat? not correcting himself but having to be corrected by his interviewer?
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Wow McCain Picked a woman!


                      Can you please find it on you tube and post the link?


                        Wow McCain Picked a woman!


                        I think I found it for you!

                        [ame= ]YouTube - Red State Update: Obama Admits He's A Muslim?[/ame]

                        BTW- I love muslims- just not the extremists who are evil.


                          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                          that's one hell of a slip of the tongue. Here try this experiment: say out loud right now

                          "my Muslim faith".

                          how did that feel? would you have been able to say that on accident? Just seems pretty odd to me. No I'm not suggesting he's an Al Qaeda secret agent, I'm just really surprised.

                          so who do you think Obama is going to pick for VP after dismissing Biden?
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                            I don't think he'll dismiss Biden. But I bet they have a BIG heart to heart.


                              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                              First of all, Obama is not a Muslim. But all of that crap must, at times be on his mind. I am really sick of all the childish crap! I think the Media is frustrated and publishing nonsense, primarily because, neither McCain, no Palin will do interviews. Quite obviously these two do not believe that the American people deserve them answering candid and direct, unrehearsed questions.

                              I truly worry about the army unit that Palins son with be serving with. I also worry about her son. Because Palin has announced the day he is leaving (today) and where he is going, Irag! She has stupidly put a target on her son and those that will serve next to him.

                              I can't wait for the debates!
                              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                              AF 12/6/2007


                                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                                BIN LADEN SEEKS A NUCLEAR 9/11

                                Never forget. Never get fogged.
                                By Joel C. Rosenberg

                                (Washington, D.C., September 11, 2008) -- During his military tribunal at Gitmo, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM)-- al Qaeda's chief of external operations until he was captured in Pakistan -- admitted that he was not only responsible for the 9/11 attacks. He also the mastermind of "second wave" attacks and other mega-attacks in the United States, Israel and around the globe.

                                In a written statement given to interrogators, KSM went on to confess no fewer than thirty-one separate terrorist attacks. Some had already been carried out. Others were foiled by U.S. and foreign security forces, or by the fact that KSM had been arrested. Each provided a sobering insight into what Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network really want.

                                1. I was responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center Operation.

                                2. I was responsible for the 9/11 Operation, from A to Z.

                                3. I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jews, Daniel Pearl?.

                                4. I was responsible for the Shoe Bomber Operation to down two American airplanes.

                                5. I was responsible for the Filka Island Operation in Kuwait that killed two American soldiers.

                                6. I was responsible for the bombing of a nightclub in Bali, Indonesia, which was frequented by British and Australian nationals.

                                7. I was responsible for planning, training, surveying, and financing the New (or Second) Wave attacks against the following skyscrapers after 9/11:

                                a. Library Tower, California

                                b. Sears Tower, Chicago

                                c. Plaza Bank, Washington State

                                d. The Empire State Building, New York City

                                8. I was responsible for planning, financing & follow-up Operations to destroy American military vessels and oil tankers in the Straights of Hormuz, the Straights of Gibraltar, and the Port of Singapore.

                                9. I was responsible for the planning, training, surveying, and financing for the Operation to bomb and destroy the Panama Canal.

                                10. I was responsible for the planning, training, surveying, and financing for the assassination of several former American Presidents, including President Carter.

                                ....[NOTE: For the full list of KSM's confessions, see weblog]....

                                The Ultimate Objective

                                As horrifying as these operations were, however, they pale in comparison to what al Qaeda has been praying and planning for a decade at least: acquiring weapons of mass destruction - ideally nuclear weapons - to be used against the United States to kill between four and ten million Americans.

                                Asked in 1998, for example, if al-Qaeda had nuclear or chemical weapons, bin Laden told Time magazine that "acquiring weapons for the defense of Muslims is a religious duty. If I have indeed acquired these weapons, than I thank God for enabling me to do so." The timing of that statement was significant, for 1998 was the year that Pakistan tested nuclear weapons.

                                Since then, many more disturbing details have emerged about bin Laden's feverish hunt for WMD and his deep-rooted belief that Allah has commanded him to use them to kill Christians and Jews. In the summer of 2002, Suleiman Abu Ghaith, a Kuwaiti-born spokesman for al Qaeda posted the following statement on the internet: "Al-Qa'ida has the right to kill four million Americans, including one million children, displace double that figure, and injure and cripple hundreds of thousands."

                                In May 2003, al-Qaeda unveiled a fatwa or religious ruling from a leading Saudi cleric that sanctioned the use of nuclear weapons against the U.S. and permitted the killing of up to ten million Americans.

                                "By some estimates, there is enough highly enriched uranium in global stockpiles to construct thousands of nuclear weapons, and it is safe to assume that there are many individuals who would not think twice about using such weapons." FBI Director Robert Muller told a conference on nuclear terrorism in 2007. "The economics of supply and demand dictate that someone, somewhere, will provide nuclear material to the highest bidder, and that material will end up in the hands of terrorists. Al Qaeda has demonstrated a clear intent to acquire weapons of mass destruction. In 1993, Osama bin Laden attempted to buy uranium from a source in the Sudan. He has stated that it is Al Qaeda's duty to acquire weapons of mass destruction. And he has made repeated recruiting pitches for experts in chemistry, physics, and explosives to join his terrorist movement."

                                Former CIA Director George Tenet was skeptical, at first, about how seriously to take bin Laden's WMD threats. But over time, he became a believer. He is now absolutely convinced that bin Laden's top priority is to acquire nuclear weapons and detonate them inside the United States.

                                "Of all al-Qa'ida's efforts to obtain other forms of WMD, the main threat is the nuclear one," Tenet stressed. "I am convinced that this is where [bin Laden] and his operatives desperately want to go. They understand that bombings by cars, trucks, trains, and planes will get them some headlines, to be sure. But if they manage to set off a mushroom cloud, they will make history. Such an event would place al-Qa'ida on a par with the superpowers and make good on Bin Ladin's threat to destroy our economy and bring death into every American household. Even in the darkest days of the cold war, we could count on the fact that the Soviets, just like us, wanted to live. Not so with the terrorists. Al-Qaida boasts that while we fear death, they embrace it."

                                Never forget the evil done to us seven years ago today. Never get fogged about the evil that will be done to us if we get distracted and confused.

                                To visit Joel's new weblog site -- including the latest developments in Israel, Russia and the epicenter -- please click here

                                I think one good question is....who do we want to lead us in this ongoing battle?
                                "Be still and know that I am God"

                                Psalm 46:10

