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Wow McCain Picked a woman!

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    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

    I am totally against a draft unless we are actually going to fight where we absolutely must. I support the troops in Iraq wholeheartedly and feel terrible that they ever had to go there in the first place. We are in the wrong country. This is not a "war", this is an invasion. I am sick of it being called a war.

    We cannot even go where we need to NOW because there are no troops left to send because they are all in the wrong place. I was on my honeymoon in Dec 2001 when they "had" Bin Laden in Tora Bora and they didn't get him. It's 7 years later and look what on earth has happened. The suicide rate among the military is at its highest rate ever because these poor people get no services or support when they return, and they have to go back so many times I would want to kill myself too! Anyone that would join the military right now would have to be nuts. That is sad.

    I can't read this whole thread and I wish I had been able to come on when it first started, but my view on Sarah Palin is not good. She scares the crap out of me. She is a pathological liar and a narcissist. She didn't sell the plane on ebay, she didn't fire the chef, she fired the librarian that wouldn't ban the books, she was FOR the bridge to nowhere and took the money, she charges the state per diem when she stays at home and does nothing, she abuses power and fires people for personal reasons, and she won't do a legitimate interview with a reputable news organization unless it is taped and the McCain camp gets to call the shots. She has no foreign policy experience and is against abortion even in cases of rape and incest, which by the way has the highest rates in her very own state. She agreed to make rape victims even pay for their own RAPE KITS. She thinks homosexuality can be prayed away and that it was God's plan to go to war in Iraq and to drill in Alaska.

    The McCain campaign ads against Obama are vulgar and repulsive. They have implied (well not implied, they lied) that Obama tried in the Senate to institute sex ed in kindergarten. That is not what he did. He wanted to teach youngsters to be careful of sexual predators, to tell if they've been touched in bad places, to run and scream if a stranger offers them some freaking candy. That's what he did. They painted him out to be a pervert. The lipstick thing is absurd, it had nothing to do with her, it's a common phrase that politicians have been using for years and he was talking about McCain's policies or lack thereof, not Sarah Palin!

    If I hear her VP acceptance speech one more time on the campaign trail, with every word coming out of her either a lie or a lie by omission I am going to puke.

    Sorry if I offended anyone! Love you all! :l
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

      No problem Ducky
      I happened to be active duty stationed in Germany while Reagan was in office.
      And trust me, we were more than prepared. Even in the medical field we had ongoing "exercises" where we shut down the clinic and trained in the field for all kinds of scenarios. you mean as in discharged???
      Not sure what you meant now but it was a real pleasure to see the fall of the Berlin wall


        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

        I forgot something!!!

        Oh I forgot something close to my heart!

        Palin said she would be "an advocate for special needs children" if she were VP, meanwhile she cut the special education budget as Governor LAST YEAR!!!!!!!

        My lawyer was called by the NY Times over the weekend for a comment about her "advocate" comment, Here is the article, his name is Gary.
        Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

          Speaking of Palin Lies!
          How is she a a "Maveric that spoke up to Washington?" She timed her veto of the Bridge to Nowhere just at the right time, to take the money but not build the bridge!! How is that speaking up! She doesn't believe in Pork Bellies and Ear Marks......but she has taken plenty of this money and will be taking more in 2009! Looks like this Hockey Mom is a first class liar and manipulator, not a "Maverick"!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

            Kate I know! I forgot about the earmarks! I am sure there is more that I will remember! there is so much my eyes are crossed.

            I cannot wait until the VP debate and I really hope that Biden treats her like he would any other candidate. I hope he rips her to shreds, if she's the tough maverick they say she is she should be able to take it! GRR!!!
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

              Wow! Camper (we were cross posting!) I just read that article!! Yet another hypocritical LIE !! I think that McCain chose the Wrong Skirt to hide behind!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                RIGHT ON HAPPY CAMPER

                I do fear that the woman is a pathological liar. And a seriously delusioned over the top evangelistic Christian one at that. Very scary.

                McCain is an old man. She may be President soon. More than scary!!!!
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                  Charlie Gibson Interview with Sarah Palin ! The full interview will air tonight on Nightline. I saw some shorts on the nightly news tonight. I have heard high school students speak more intelligently on politics. She looked scared, she stuttered and stamered and kept repeating the same few points over and over and over and then changed the topic to her son who is on his way to Iraq. Funny, her children are supposed to be off limits, off limits that is unless it suits the campaign and Palin. Like talking about her 19 year old son and his "Selfless Sacrifice". Palin is not ready for the position of VP, let alone President..........she is a disaster!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                    Oh my goodness, Palin looked like a moose in headlights (:H) last night during part one of the interview. What a vacuous person. I swear she was prepped last couple of weeks with a map of the world on the wall.

                    "Sarah? See right here, this is Georgia. This right here, this is Russia. Write this down, Vladimir Putin is in CHARGE of Russia and wants Georgia back.
                    NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Did you write it down? Now go study and we'll resume in an hour and go over it and then move onto the Middle East."

                    LOL sorry I couldn't resist! Don't be mad! :l
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                      ????"Ms. Palin recently signed legislation that rewrote the state’s school financing formulas, in the process dramatically increasing the budget for school districts that serve children with extreme special needs. “She had no role whatsoever” in the development of the legislation, said its author, Representative Mike Hawker, a Republican. “Her role was signing. She recognized the importance of what we did and endorsed it.”???
                      Did she sign it?
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                        I have always loved, loved, loved Charlie Gibson. My favorite quote so far (have not seen the whole interview yet) from him when she would not answer a question directly was, "I am sorry but you just lost me in a blizzard of words, is your answer yes or is it no?" LOL!!!!! From what little I saw she looked like she was way in over her head.
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                          Lushy, and Camper,
                          This interview proves that Palin is in way over her head! Shockingly so! She may have some knowlege of Oil Drilling, but absolutely no clue as to the Big Picture when it comes to energy and the environment. She is certainly not an "Energy Expert".....Foriegn policy.......NONE! Totally Clueless!! And she was royally caught in lies again, when it comes to whether she believes that the war in Iraq is Gods plan. Frankly, I have had more interesting political discussions at Starbucks!
                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                            2007 Special Ed Operating budget was over 8 million- 2008 budget is around 3.1 million.

                            The Alaska State Budget description states, "Without the supplementary services the child?s needs would not be met by the local school district in most cases."

                            Did 62% of all of the special needs children in Alaska stop having needs once Gov. Palin took office?
                            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                              Not All Earmarks Are Bad

                              Hi All: Gosh I am so glad that it seems most people see through this ridiculous ploy of the "old white dwarf" to energize his tired McBush campaign. I just wanted to make a point about the much maligned "earmark" issue. It seems he wants to get rid of all earmarks and takes pride in the fact that he has taken absolutely none for Arizona. Guess what, folks, earmarks create what? JOBS! Yes, that's right. Don't be fooled, please. The rest of the world is watching. We are being raped by the drug companies and the health insurance companies, our education system is a disaster, our economy is failing, we are in an unwinnable war (once again), we have lost the respect of our allies, and on and on and on. We absolutely cannot stand four more years of this. He has no new ideas--all us formerly upper middle class who are rapidly approaching lower middle class--are not impressed by more tax cuts for the wealthy. I have never believed in "trickle down" economics, and I still don't. You people who still blame the Clintons for all our woes need to do some research and take a hard look at the last eight years. Kay


                                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                                Hey More2 can you PM that budget info or post the link? I read it on cnn and other legit sites so i want to take it off my very long list of reasons I hate her.
                                Sorry if I misinformed anyone, it was not intentional.
                                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

