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Wow McCain Picked a woman!

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    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

    Hey I create jobs. That's my "job". And I can tell you a lot about health insurance. I was talking to another employer yesterday, one who doesn't insure employees. I complained that insurance was SO expensive.

    I said, "yeah, for a family it now costs me $1100".

    He looked at me and said, "that's so amazing; that's per year, right?"

    And I said "No. That's per month".

    I'll hire two new people this month. They are just entry level jobs, no college required. I'll pay about $11.50 to start, and give them another dollar after 90 days. So they'll earn $22,000 or maybe $24,000 per year. If they have a family, they will cost me an additional $1100 per month, or about $13,000 per year. So their real cost to me (counting Employer half Social Security) is about $39,000.

    So I pay $39,000 for an entry level employee who gets $24,000. Get it?

    Do you want to know my 3 year plan? Have fewer employees.

    Insurance is a crisis, and everyone needs to be aware that business can no longer hold up these enormous rates we've been paying. We can't. The result will be rising unemployment.


      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

      Boss Man: That's exactly what I am talking about. Your company should not be responsible for providing insurance. Think how many additional employees you could have if you had NO insurance costs other than your own family's. Let's take a long look at the rest of the civilized world. Until our country gets over its irrational fear of "socialized" medicine, nothing will ever change. We have been conditioned by the drug companies, the insurance companies, the lobbiests, and other special interest groups to believe that a universal health care plan for everyone cannot work. It can and does. Our sheep mentality never ceases to amaze me. I will cite three examples and then I will shut up:

      Several years ago I worked with an Irish woman married to an American who had a child here with a heart problem. She had no health insurance so she and her husband went to Ireland. The child was treated (since she was an Irish citizen by birth). They moved back to America, and every six months, they fly back to Ireland for the child to be seen by her doctors for follow up at no cost. It's cheaper for them to pay for the family to fly back to Ireland than to pay insurance premiums. Unreal!

      My husband works with numerous Indian programmers. They all fly back to India for their medical treatment and surgeries even though many of them are full-time employees with insurance benefits. Go figure!

      My insurance refused to cover the Topamax which was $220 at the pharmacy. I ordered it from a Canadian pharmacy for $39 (free shipping). They did require a prescription which my doctor did provide.

      We as a people should not stand for this anymore. We are being raped by our government and it has to stop. Don't let the Republicans fool you into thinking that taxes are the only issue. It's so much more than that. Kay


        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

        I love your posts and insights Kay.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

          Boss: I have been trying very hard to stay off this thread, but I wanted to explain why I am so upset this election cycle and why it sometimes lends itself to bitter anger ...
          I'm on the other side ... I work for a VERY small business. My already-modest salary goes down each year because I pay so much for insurance, and the coverage plan has gotten so bad that if I did have a medical crisis, I think I might be bankrupted. My company has often been having trouble making payroll the last two years, solely because paying 1/2 the premiums for our health insurance is driving them under. I doubt they will be around within a year. I'm sick with worry every day about finances and the fact that at some point here, I am going to lose my job because of the health insurance issue. I constantly look for other employment in my field, but few people are hiring, and every time I've gotten in the running for a position, it has gone to a 23-year-old because they are a more cost-effective hire (swear to God! 3 times in the last years, and the job has gone to someone in their early 20s each time
          Something needs to be done about this health insurance problem and fast. I need for our next administration to actually be in touch with the problems of working people!!!!! President Bush said a few months ago, "well, of course people have access to health care ... they can just go to the emergency room." Holy cow. I pray, pray, pray for change.
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

            Thanks, Lushy. Kay


              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

              Great discussion going on here. The American people are dealing with a lot of serious issues, that are truly affecting our every day lives and personal security. Healthcare, is a huge issue that affects ourselves and our economy on so many levels. Taxes are another issue. GWB has run up the highest deficite in the history of the US and this deficite is growing by leaps and bounds on a daily basis. Huge debt after being left with a balanced budget by the Clinton administration. All we hear from the McCain camp is that "Obama Will Raise Taxes", they are once again avoiding the issue of the Debt, and lying about Obamas plan to pay back the debt, cut spending and take the burden of taxation off the Middle Class.

              Yesterday, I watched McCain on The View. He said NOTHING about any of these issues, and when pressed by Barbara Walters, on the issues, he responded with the usual "Catch Phrases", never missing an opportunity to play the POW card.......sorry, but I agree, he has played this card for 30 years and his credit limit is up on that one. We do not Owe Him the Presidency.

              Then I listened to the Palin interviews. It is frightening how ill equipped and uninformed she is on even the most basic issues facing our country. Yes, I agree she was a Moose in Headlights the entire time. Even in the area that she claims is her "Strength", Energy.....she is freaking Clueless.....yes, she may know a lot about drilling for oil.......but, that is not an Energy Expert in this day and age. She is completely uniformed about Global Warming and Alternative Energy and how it fits into the next 10 years! All Palin could do was use her perky smile and down home personality along with "Catch Phrases" and general rhetoric!

              I hope that the American people will wake up, open their ears, do some real research on the Real issues and vote Obama......he is our only Hope!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                Obama is our only hope? oh dear Allah help us.

                my family moved to Aus when i was a lad and their socialized health care was so frightening inept that we befriended a doctor and illegaly paid him cash under the table when we needed anything.
                Friends of ours were on travel in the UK and their daughter had to give birth ahead of schedule. They messed up so bad they nearly killed the young mother and her baby due to stupid errors on a simple birth!
                I don't trust our government to run anything let alone our fantastic health care system. Look at how they have completely destroyed medicare/medicade, social security, and even our post office.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                  So help me out here Det. I've just posted that my small employer is going under due to skyrocketing health care premiums. Within the not so distant future, I am going to lose my job because of this. Will you help me out with the impending financial doom I'm facing because of our "fantastic health care system." And I'm already a pretty "bootstraps" kind of gal, I am working two jobs, as well as freelancing in any free time, while undergoing my so-far-futile search for another job. What do I do?
                  I know some pretty good horror stories about massive f-ups in this country as well. I believe they probably happen everywhere. In the city I live, last summer a young woman was in labor, the nurse mixed up two different IV bags, the mother went into convulsions and immediately died, along with her baby. This at a hospital rated one of the best in the nation.
                  I'm bloody astounded that someone in 2008 can say our health care system is A-OK. Holy f***. This is scary.
                  :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                    Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                    First of all, the Quality of Healthcare and Healthcare providers and the Insurance Business, whether private or public are two distinctly different systems. The way our system works now, even though high quality care is available, very few can actually afford it, when it is needed. Insurance companies routinely turn down their subcribers for many treatments prescribed by their Doctors. This is practicing medicine without a license! When bureucrats make medical decisions based on dollars and profit, it is criminal. Even with medical insurance, with high premiums, a person can quickly go bankrupt when diagnosed and treated for a major health issue.

                    The best place in America to come down with a staff infection is a majot hospital! Currently Doctors are greatly underpaid and over worked due to insurance companies delaying payment and dictating what doctors can charge.

                    And I agree with you Dex, even though we might be aware of mistakes and injustices regarding health care in other countries. Most developed nations offer excellent health care options.

                    By the way, the MSNBC homepage has a very interesting article on Sarah Palin and curruption.

                    And yes, Det, given the two choices that we have right now, Obama is our only hope!
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                      Determinator;409791 wrote:
                      my family moved to Aus when i was a lad and their socialized health care was so frightening inept that we befriended a doctor and illegaly paid him cash under the table when we needed anything.
                      Gee Det, your experiences in Oz, both medical and culinary, are vastly different to mine. But I've only lived here since 1960.

                      Carry on. I'm loving this debate ...


                        Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                        Dex, I'm not saying out healthcare system is without issue, but to just flush it down the toilet by handing it over to our remarkably inept government is just sad.

                        Tawns, we were both in NSW and Qld. maybe a state to state thing? I have no idea.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                          Again, Healthcare and Insurance are two different issues. One example is that no healthcare is free. Yet we have 48 million people in the US who currently have no Health Insurance, not to mention the millions of illegals that also have no Insurance. These people crowd into hospital ERs and Free Clinics for routine as well as emergent care. The Insured are paying the costs of this "Free Care" both in their insurance premiums as well as higher taxes. There are several excellent government santioned systems that work well, and could be used as models, blending the best from each system to come up with the best system for our citizens.

                          It is horrible, that because of the past eight years under the Bush/Cheney administration, Americans are disalusioned with government in general. I am definitely one of these people. But, to just "through the baby out with the bath water is not a reasonable anser".
                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                            Hey Tawny,
                            Determinator's KRAP logo pretty well describes his comments on our health care system.
                            But I've only been living here receiving excellent health care for the last 50 years or so.


                              Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                              My husband and I have both travelled and lived outside Australia and have been in a position to compare medical services both as users and providers.
                              Throughout all this time in comparison we have found the Australian system to be right near the top for provision of medical services, and attention to patient care etc etc.


                                Wow McCain Picked a woman!

                                Just chiming in here to say that, since I have lived here, I have been nothing but hugely impressed with the whole healthcare system and excellent treatment myself and my family have had. I have had two children born here by cesearean section (no private health insurance..... never had the need...... but I had a private, ensuite room both times). My children have had various ops, tonsillitus, treatment for pnuemonnia, broken bones, etc etc etc and I have never had cause to complain... always been impressed! And that was all done under Medicare.

                                I'm sorry that your family had that horrendous experience Det! Never heard of that before!

