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The Fallen Hero Syndrome

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    The Fallen Hero Syndrome

    Hi from Margate South Africa again,
    The Fallen Hero. Now there is a concept worth investigating. We are all susceptible to it. We all know people who have struggled through 20 years of sobriety and then bang. Back to square one. Falling off the bandwagon blah blah. I suppose deep down we all think there just might be a chance that you can beat the odds. Does anybody know anybody who in fact did beat the odds? In darker moments I sometimes think that my Doctors got it wrong. It was all a terrible misunderstanding. I am NOT an Alcoholic. But of course that is all wishful thinking. We can all find reasons to get drunk again. Modern life is fast and full of stress. It can be hard enough when you are cold stone sober. Let alone when you are staggering around in a self-imposed bubble of confusion and despair. I suppose at the end of the day we accept the reality of the Fallen Hero Syndrome and do our dammest that it does not become a reality. But it is not easy.
    I have a nice article on my blog at Alcoholism-A Life Sentence that talks on this issue. Have a read and let's get some debate on the go.
    South Africa

    The Fallen Hero Syndrome

    Alan, you keep posting on here, and every post is a request for us to read your blog. Many of the posts say exactly the same thing; every few weeks you cut and paste the same stuff. You don't ever respond on anyone else's threads, only keep promoting your blog over and over. All I glean from your posts is that you want our attention. What is it you exactly want here other than that?
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      The Fallen Hero Syndrome

      I agree. He's asking for a discussion but several people responded to his threads and he never came back to interact.


        The Fallen Hero Syndrome

        that photo was taken around 1982. are you sure that is you? your post is well written and you sound well to me. maybe its just me? :thanks:


          The Fallen Hero Syndrome

          Hey come on guys... no need!!! I've read quite a bit of your blog Alan and have found it interesting and frightening at the same time. I think it's good you keep a blog and post your link every so often - otherwise it gets lost and no one sees it.
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            The Fallen Hero Syndrome

            I'm not usually like this, Vlad, but these posts trigger my "spidey sense" that this isn't someone who wants to take part in our dialogue but just wants to promote his blog... perhaps I am just bitchy
            Rippy, where the HELL did you find my eighth-grade yearbook photo??? :H:H:H
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              The Fallen Hero Syndrome

              I agree. This has been bothering me as well. A LOT. This is not a place to peddle or promote your stuff. I am glad everyone is seeing that.



                The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                hi,al,my countr parts are confused,ive been where u are or were,and yes some will never lern, gyco


                  The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                  Lila;395529 wrote: This is not a place to peddle or promote your stuff.
                  Sorry... can't see that Alanb is trying to make money out of this... for one thing, he's actually promoting RJ's book on his site...
                  Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                    The Fallen Hero Syndrome

           are right!!! This is our 'sanctuary' to talk to others 'fighting' bottle disease....never mind some smarty pants promoting self centerness....DONE!!! :thanks:

                    Okay, my not you, i have yours stored away for future use. Hang on..its coming...another day...:H

                    Glad to read you smiling and perky...DEX!!! :l always loved you. :h


                      The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                      I'm going to bed, this is utter rubbish...
                      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                        The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                        I don't think anyone said he was making money. Just that posting his blog addy is all he adds to this forum.

                        Gyco many here have been where you and Alan were at. The difference is you interact on here. I found the blog to be very interesting I just think it would be nice if Alan interacted with the people who have responded to his posts.


                          The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                          There are advertisements on his site and stuff. I don't like this. It is like that one vitamin person who was trying to promote some supplement. I think he is making money, anyways, even if he wasn't it bothers me. You are right, Dolly, he doesn't interact or share or anything.
                          Okay, that's all I will say.


                            The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                            I confess. I am angry, but I am also kind of tense because I am selling my house, I have an offer, and and everything is going very well, and I am buying another house, but I am still feeling very scared and thinking WHat if, what if...I am just shaking. I sent my kids to their dad's and I am feeling so crazy.
                            I cannot wait until my life gets sort of normal.


                              The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                              The what if's will kill you. It will be what it's meant to be. Good luck

