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The Fallen Hero Syndrome

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    The Fallen Hero Syndrome

    My sweet puppy took the end key off my laptop. She has also chewed my computer and my dresser. She is soundly sleeping @ the moment. Puppy training is not going so well. Petco told me my expectations are too high- takes a month of taking her out every 2 hours. I love her to bits but man oh man.


      The Fallen Hero Syndrome

      All I can say is they are lucky they are cute!


        The Fallen Hero Syndrome

        8th grade photo

        8th grade, circle 1982. Have not discovered Aqua Net as yet, still working the Farrah Fawcett look...part it in the middle...feather it back!

        Who knew this little gal would love her Jack Daniels so much? Oh well, kicked him to the curb after a long love affair!

        Okay, I dare you now - post your scariest school photo (and I've got a few DOOZIES!)
        You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


          The Fallen Hero Syndrome

          Dexter, Dolly, Lila and others,
          I agree with you re. Alanb's posts and his blog. Someone else said this last time Alan posted, that the conversations really should stay within MWO and this website. Alan, it does seem self-serving, whether you are selling something or not. Interaction is much appreciated, and if you have something to say, then please share it HERE.


            The Fallen Hero Syndrome

            Oh River, you were adorable!!! Oh, I so remember 1982 (I was already drinking legally hardcore, drinking age 18 back then).
            Rippy et al, you are hilarious. I wish I could have a dog. cats, in their favor, do not enjoy tampons or other feminine products
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              The Fallen Hero Syndrome

              Did not mean to hijack :hijacked:
              But would be fun! :H
              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                wish I could find my school photos. they are SCARY!!!! If I can find any, I will post them.
                :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                  The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                  Good idea to hijack this thread, IMO, I seriously doubt that Alan is actually reading, since he never responds after putting up his speech and the link to his blog. I don't know why that is... some bloggers are like that, not necessarily looking to make money at all but just want traffic on their blogs, not so much interested in what others have to say...



                    The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                    Oh,people can't we just get along?? (Sorry, I'll never be able to get that quote out of my head.) Just remember, you have to LIVE somewhare to understand what goes on there. Peace, here and everywhere they will accept it.CJ
                    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                      The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                      Me too one2 however can appreciate the unsureness as well.

                      By the way its Cap here tech people workin on my prob loggining in daughter just did a massive puff sorry gaging here
                      Love cap


                        The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                        hi one,nc to see you here,his original post is basically the same,what helped him was for him,this is MWO forum,it would be like AA, to promote here,sugesstion is our greatest tool,i think people here want him to use other methods other then the one he has already promoted ,hope i said tht rt gyco


                          The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                          I have been making the best part of my income through internet marketing online since 1999, so I think I have some knowledge of what is wrong with his posting here.

                          His site is a blog that consists of content (his writings) and affiliate links- so basically he wants people to come to his site, read his content, then when they leave click on an ad or affiliate link, and he will earn a percentage of the ad even if they don't buy or a bigger percentage of one of the affiliate links if someone buys.

                          That is absolutely fine, and it is what affiliate marketing is all about- obviously the better your content, more visitors, and more clicks equals more money- so everyone is a winner- it is a great way to earn a living.

                          In the Internet marketing world it is well known that Forums are a wonderful place to get new visitors, as they are people who are actively engaging in their topic, be it weight loss, drinking, fly fishing- they are people who care enough to read about it, post about it, and therefore very likely having these people visit your blog could result in a sale or a click on another ad.

                          Still all well and good- however there is a right way and a wrong way to go about Forum marketing- the right way is to contribute- make decent posts, share your knowledge and put your own website as a link in your signature- this works because people will read your post, like what you say, and click on your link. If a reader reads your post and DOESNT like what you say, maybe they will not click on your link, but at least you are not shoving anything in anyone's face.

                          What Alanb is doing is known as 'Forum Spamming' he is starting a thread in the forum without contributing which contains a link to his site- (because we want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt we all go there to have a look) but he is spamming the forum. For sure if we were to look at other forum's aimed at drinkers, we would see the same identical post there also.

                          If this were an Internet marketing forum his post would have been deleted in minutes!


                            The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                            Thanks, Marbella. You seem so grounded in your thoughts. You know, most people w/AL poblem are exceptional, deep thinkers, deep feelers (you know, everything goes straight to your core). Anyway, hubs had a bad night w/barking/barking/barking dogs. Some red hound who'se been a prob before is back here, crashing. Can't help out of my 6 canines, 5 are female!! Don't want to do anything to hurt this guy, just a biologica thing, but may shoot hubs soon. Got to go cook b/fast. Bacon, scrambled eggs, grits, biscuits, red-eye gravy, fruit. He'll find something to complain about. I've learned (after 40 yrs) it was ingrained in him as a babe to bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, etc. Old school, ya know. He makes the (big) bucks, I'm supposed to pamper him at home. Not complaining, much.
                            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                              The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                              If he was a forum spammer, he would post every day on every thread.
                              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                                The Fallen Hero Syndrome

                                No Vlad, that is the whole point. If he posted everyday on every thread, he would at least be contributing something maybe.

                                There are many different ways to spam a forum- If he simply posted a link every day on every thread he would have been banned after a few days I guess.

                                He is contributing nothing to RJ's forum, simply putting a link in a new thread which is there hoping people will click on it, therefore leaving this site to go to his.

                                My guess is he has a list of forums and every time he makes a new post on his blog he will start a new thread on each forum copying and pasting the same post on each.

                                I am not saying it is a dreadful thing to do, well done to him for trying to get new visitors, but he definately does come under the definition of 'forum spammer!'

