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Bring Back Hippie!

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    Bring Back Hippie!

    anyone who wants Hippie back post here!:goodjob:

    Bring Back Hippie!

    Yep hand up here !!!!!!! anyone who has posted such thoughtfull considered views on his and our predicament ( addiction to alcohol) consistently needs to come back!!!! Hippe has spilled his heart out for us for years. For fucks sake the man opened his heart and life up to us in the hope that we may choose a better way of life by learning from his thoughts and actions just like RJ.
    Bring back Hip!!!! I feel like a part of my heart has been ripped out if he is not allowed to return but knowing him he probably wont wanna come back any way he has way too much style


      Bring Back Hippie!

      I don't believe in scapegoating. This place, and a number of people in it, are outa control, and no one person should be singled out for banishment.



        Bring Back Hippie!

        I don't think he is being singled out- I think he is simply the first to go.

        I joined here a year ago and I remember Hippie's posts as he seemed a really nice special guy- however I cannot say the same a year later.

        He himself posted a few weeks ago that he was going to visit less as he found instead of helping newbies he was just trying to wind people up and be confrontational. Unfortunately he did not stick to that and continued to be confrontational.

        I think we were all looking forward to hearing from him and how his move to Scotland went, but when he did log in some days after moving he just went for the most confrontational thread at the time which was the alanb discussion- which he obviously knew nothing of- he just wanted to argue.

        I am glad that thread has been deleted- I am sorry I posted on it because I am doing my utmost to avoid confrontation in my day to day life, and to post on a thread that could go that way was silly, and out of character for me- however it is something I know a lot about and sometimes I also have trouble keeping my opinions to myself.

        I woke up this morning feeling the same way as I felt when drunk- disappointed, disliking myself etc, for having got involved with the bickering and childishness, when I am avoiding every person I know offline in case something similar happens to set me off.

        I hope I don't get banned- however I would understand if I did because I should have just logged off and gone to watch some TV instead of diving in headfirst.

        I will be visiting (if I am still welcome) a few times a week, but will be very careful what I post in future- if I have offended anyone I am sorry because it was not my intention, but I think banning people is a very good idea. This is RJ's board and maybe she does not like someone coming on telling others to F*** Off, and all the other stuff that has been said recently.


          Bring Back Hippie!

          Well,I am gonna repeat myself here(I admit that I love the carton,Lilo and Stitch).I have grandkids on Maui and it helps me speak to them about a show that is close to their heart.If you do not know,Stitch,is an alien that crashed on Maui.They were not sure what he was,so they took him to the Dog Pound.Lilo adopted him as her pet,then the adventure begins.Stitch has different degrees of Good,like ALL OF US.Lilo loves him regaudless,when he is 10% Good and 90% bad...etc. etc,Most often Stitch is the HERO.Sometimes STITCH GETS A GLITCH(don't we all?).Most often HIPPIE is my HERO.I DON'T know what happened but I will think that it was a GLITCH...LOVE YA,HIPSTER..Now I will go back to where I was told I belong,in WHAT WE THINK...
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Bring Back Hippie!

            Maybe it is just a mistake? I sure would miss his posts. :h
            You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


              Bring Back Hippie!

              i wonder if this has something to do with the saturday sex thread that was deleted?


                Bring Back Hippie!

                SEX thread WOW flyin do tell who's had sex and what is sex by the way is that that new dance Billy Ray Cirus invented LOL??????


                  Bring Back Hippie!

                  I do hope you keep posting, marbella.


                    Bring Back Hippie!

                    Marbella, I cannot imagine what you might have written that could get you "banned." You have not been abusive in any way toward anyone, so far as I have seen... and certainly you were not, on that silly thread about the guy's blog. You were offering information about something you knew a lot about, and in a VERY even-handed manner. Sometimes that is NOT welcome around here, but it sure as hell should not get anyone banned.



                      Bring Back Hippie!

                      I am celebrating!


                        Bring Back Hippie!

                        Lucky....I just love you!
                        Gabby :flower:


                          Bring Back Hippie!

                          Interested gabby whats to like


                            Bring Back Hippie!


                            Perhaps under your other name you were banned too?


                              Bring Back Hippie!

                              lucky seriously I want to get to know you all these people have pm ed me saying don't let her suck you in she has been doing this for ages I say no I think she is ok!!!! vegitarian loves animals me too lets talk !!!! and i would love to talk to the most popular member that would be great
                              Love cap

