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No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

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    No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

    LOL Oky. It is a thread in Subscriber called "This is Tits." It means when something is really, really good or exciting. Some people find the word offensive and I respect that, but I happen to think the word sums things up well.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

      Thanks Duck. Well said.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

        I actually admire that there is a place for one to just vent and it not harm another.
        Ah, would that it were always so, Theme! Sometimes "venting" is, or at least seems, harmless. But there can also be times when "venting" is hurtful, not only to the one who is indulging in the "vent," but also to the one or ones who are being "vented" at, or about. Sometimes it amounts to a form of character assassination that colors the way that the readers view the persons who are being "vented" about...

        Psychologists long ago disproved the (unfortunately, still-popular) idea that it is psychologically healthy, even important, to indulge and forcefully express one's negative emotions (especially anger), as if they filled some kind of interior reservoir that needed to be drained. Especially in the case of anger, which can be so destructive, both internally and also to others, it is better to notice, and name, the anger (to oneself, at least, and also to others, if it can be done without aggravating the situation), and to re-direct attention elsewhere.



          No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another


          The F thread is not about venting about others here. It is about venting about things that are happening that are challenging and causing a threat to our sobriety. It is good to talk about those things and get input from others about how to deal with those things.

          At least that is how I use the thread.

          And then there are a few people on there who post mainly there and say the most hilarious things.

          I have spent a few nights reading posts there that literally had my sides hurting.

          Anyway, if we all have to live by other's standards here, we would be able to say and do very little. The good thing about this place is that you can take what you need and leave the rest.

          I sure do. Some threads have people calling others here names and being very negative. I just close those threads right away and do not respond or think about them. I also refuse to take sides. I tend to love everyone.

          AF April 9, 2016


            No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

            Amen to that Cinders. There have been times when to curb a craving for a drink I have gone on to the F-thread and posted a few things there and just generally fooled around, its helped me loads of times.
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another


              I clicked on your user name and see that you have had other names such as indiamike and tinker. Why is that? It really does not matter to me much but just curious. Posing as other names has recently caused some big problems and I don't think it is with you but that is the reason I am curious. No offense intended.


                No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                Oh. OK, Gia, but here's what Cindi said:
                The @#$!$#@ thread has been around a long time and is a place for us to go to vent, share, and support. It is a place where we start out venting and end up laughing. If you are offended by it, do not open it up.
                And then Theme said it sounded like a good thing, venting without hurting anyone. I am responding to the thing about "venting" being something that is good because it does not involve hurting others. But, as I just said, sometimes it's not such a good thing. And the same is true, sometimes, with the "laughing" part, where (occasionally) it is laughing at others. I am ashamed to admit that I have sometimes gotten caught up in, and participated in, exactly that kind of activity. It can feel like fun... but still, not really such a good thing. IMO.



                  No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                  This is making me go to the Fuck Thread! LOL


                    No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                    Gia, I already said that I had learned not to read that thread! I was writing about the interesting (to me, perhaps not at all to anyone else!!) topic of "venting" and whether or not it is always a psychologically healthy activity... ! Can we just calm down a bit? Nobody, I am QUITE sure, will be taking away anybody's "F" thread away from them!



                      No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                      The fuckers and fuckettes are protective of their fuck thread!


                        No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                        I totally agree (with Gia, but with you, too, Lucky... )!



                          No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                          The %$@* thread is hilarious and works for us. I didn't notice anyone asking for it's approval and we don't need a psychobabble lecture about it, okay?
                          Enlightened by MWO


                            No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another


                            OK, SKendall, let's see... I guess you will go into the category of those who are NOT interested in the science of psychology and emotional expression... Gotcha!! And, of course, I am just fascinated to learn about what you "need" or do not need for others to post...

                            Hope you are having a nice weekend.



                              No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                              Again.....Let's all hold hands and sing Kombaya ! Ha! IAD.
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss


                                No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                                IAD you are funny!

                                WIP, really now. Why are you even responding to this thread anyway? You said that you have learned not to read the F thread. So your responses on here make no sense.

                                It seems that you are trying to get everyone into your ways of thinking. Going off, yet again, about how you are right and we are wrong.

                                For someone who is in the middle of educating yourself in Psychology or whatever; you certainly spend a LOT of time on here.

                                Do you just sit there and wait to pounce on someone??? I thought the last few days you had finally let your hair down and just started to roll with everything. I guess I was wrong.

                                Fuckity fuckity fuckity fuck........... let's all say it together now. You will feel a lot better.

