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No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

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    No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

    Here's to September!
    CLINK (lifting my ever-present glass of green tea)!!!



      No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

        Is this for real? Seriously.
        Over 4 months AF :h


          No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

          Jenneh are you doin?
          Gabby :flower:


            No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

            Wow, well it seems to me that swear words are the very least of our worries here. Oh my God, compared to an alcohol problem, swear words are really nothing and a lot of that is cultural, changes with genrations etc. I really would find few words offensive myself aside from the c word, but maybe I am even wrong about that, as it seems later generations have diminished its impact.

            Personal attacks though are worrying to me. Everyone needs to loosen up. This is a global community.

            To be honest, for the last year it's been more bad than good. I have seen a lot of people I liked leave. I don't think the latest is our lowest point but in combination with our lowest point, it's getting bad for me.

            I am reconsidering my time here, let's put it that way.


              No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

              Nancy I always read your posts with a lot of appreciation for what you have to say. I think you have a lot to offer & wonderful insight.


              Hi Jenneh! Great to see ya stranger! xoxo
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                I think "Carmac's" intent was honest. Conversations have been generally mean and sometimes littered with profanity (and not just in select threads). Point and case is in response to this post.I don't get involved in all this squabbling, but this one irked me. Who cares if he's had other names. Not everyone has ulterior motives. The thought of changing my screen name has crossed my mind, but I better not. Seriously, no one expects this place to be a church picnic, but it really is getting out of hand. I log on every day and catch up on posts for hour or two. I don't reply often, but I'm here every day. I've gained a lot from this program. My life has improved since reading RJ's book. I enjoy coming here, but the bickering is getting tiring and disheartening, and now I'll probably get attacked. Oh well. Good luck on your journey to sobriety everyone.



                  No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                  Jenna, so good to hear from you.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                    We are supposed to be supportive of each other, lets just DO that
                    I personally want my own @(^%)%#))#$& thread....i feel left out there, how do subscribers rate?...LOL....hmmmmmmmmmmmmpfff..cursing is like a "vent"...letting out anger....I don't think anyone means to be offensive.
                    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                      No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                      Their are all types of personalities on this site. Certain groups of people tend to migrate to one an other. You will find nitchs in all groups. In those nitchs their is a lot of comradeship. I feel to heal oneself, you need to express yourself. Some of us do it through laughter, others by spirtual means and still others by venting. What ever rocks your boat. Just remember: " Be respectful of others here". That's my 2 cents worth. IAD.
                      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                      Dr. Seuss


                        No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                        IAD, that was worth far more than 2 cents. Well said. Love the photo.
                        A F F L..
                        Alcohol Free For Life


                          No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                          Keeta, pm Rob to help you start a %#!&%# thread in general. It got started just like any other thread and took on a life of its own. Good to hear from you. Haven't seen you on the boards for a while. Hope things are going ok. Is your husband still gone?

                          Yes, IAD, great picture. Irish, I'm sure those 3 will welcome you if you comb your hair.


                            No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                            Irish, and maybe just a small smile. A Smile goes a long way!
                            Gabby :flower:


                              No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                              Wow! This made for a fantastic read over coffee! I'm dissapointed its over.... what thread should I read next?
                              If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                                No foul Lanquage, No Negativity. We Are Here To Help One Another

                                i was considering starting a "This Chaffs my A$$ Thread" down here in general...

                                Should I take a poll first...I don't think that's too offensive...

                                [ame= ]YouTube - Meet the Fockers - Asshole[/ame]
                                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

