You guys are doing fine....I know you don't think so, but you are flying through the storm....
Here's the secret.....Make a vow to yourself and eachother that you will not drink matter what......toothaches, flu, kids, job, spouse, nuclear war......
Look at this as having the know you will be uncomfortable for a few days, but it will pass.
ANY thought that has you taking a drink is the thought of The Beast....not the real you. The Beast will try any trick he can to get you to take a drink.....he just want's you to take one, because he knows after one, he's got you. All The Beast wants you to do is consider taking a drink....he just wants to put it on the table....
This is where you come in......Is it on the damn table or not?
It is not.
Go into this actively. Plan on succeeding. You don't "hope you can do it" know you can do it.
Read and post as much as you can eachother and help eachother if someone is feeling weak. If you hear their Beast talking in their posts, call them on it. Help them understand what's going on.....THEY don't want to drink....The Beast wants them to drink.
When I first quit, I would actually have conversations with The Beast......I would say..."nice try Beast, but I'm not drinking a fucking drop! get back in your hole.....I'm in charge of what goes into my mouth now, not're done"
Engage the enemy....don't sit around waiting to get're not weak.
You only want to go through this one time.
Make a committment to yourself.....a COMMITTMENT......"I will not drink today"....
What is your word worth?
I promise you will not be the same person this time next week if you just stubbornly refuse to drink. Get through these first few days together......lean on eachother....
Stay strong, focused, and selfish. This is all about you...