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Please Help Animals

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    Please Help Animals

    Wip- I have done that too in the past- anticipated how bad I am going to feel.

    I don't do it anymore because I am now a big believer in 'we get what we focus on' and also that God ( or the universe, or what you will) will never send us anything we cannot cope with.

    When my beloved Katie died 6 years ago (I did a lot of anticipating there) the actual event was not nearly as bad as all that anticipating.


      Please Help Animals

      Here is my sad puppy mill story. Last spring we adopted Abby from a shelter, told she was from a mill but a loving, friendly dog. We were also told she was 3 (so some hope for recovery), but two vets said more like 9. Well, she just wanted to hide. Despite all of our efforts, she hid in our laundry room and would have to be carried out for potty. She was a shetland and the only thing that made her happy was to run laps around the house. Well one day she got spooked when hubby drove up and she took off. She literally vanished off the face of the earth. Three months later, hubby was driving along and there she was running through a field. Problem, it turns out, even though she had the Home Again implant and a collar on, she was too afraid to let anyone catch her. She had been hanging out at a farm eating what she could find in the fields and in the way of cow afterbirth, according to the farmer (who thought she belonged to someone because of the collar/tag). It took me five days to trap her with a coyote cage loaded with meat. We had her home for 4 weeks and the poor things was as panicked as ever. If she was on the stairs and I sneezed, she'd go tumbling down. A sniffle would send her running, crashing into walls. She was a truly lovely little thing, but completely broken down by her past experiences in the mill.
      After three conversations with her vet, we decided it was a kindness to let her leave this world.
      Hoping that she has found some peace and is running happily in heaven...:heart:
      You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


        Please Help Animals

        Gia, I now have a black mini schnauzer, "Sophie". She's a dolly, just love love love her!
        (Another adopted pet, but this time from a friend of a friend of a friend)
        You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


          Please Help Animals

          Oh, gawd, River, what an awful experience, for you, for that poor doggie... I so admire you for persisting in all your efforts to give her peace.

          Marbella, you are totally correct, and I am working on that... I catch myself going "there" in my mind, and stop, and focus on how much I love being with them right now, and go over and give them a hug.



            Please Help Animals


            We need something similar to be set up here in South Africa, it is a wonderful website.

            Our little town is in a uproar about our SPCA! A beautiful staffie dog was picked up wandering the streets and taken to the SPCA to be looked after until the owner came to claim it or the owner was located. But due to the kennels being too full they put the dog down the same day!!! Inexcusable!! They could see that the dog was well cared for and not a stray. The Doctor has been suspended while a full investigation is done.

            On a lighter note, that kitty tog bag is real cute, I wonder if they'll take plastic
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Please Help Animals

              Gia, I will check it out. My Sophie is so black, that if she's not sticking her tongue our, she just looks like a black cottonball. We call her our little black raincloud (from Winnie the Pooh)
              deebee, what a terrible thing to happen. Do they not have foster families to care for animals if the shelter is full?
              I just love animals, my house would be full if not for hubby! On a funny note, hubby once set a trap under our hot tub and it caught a baby mouse but just one paw. I let it go, but it sat there whimpering, licking it's paw. So I went to the fridge and got a peice of cheese. It took it from me and ate it all, then went on his merry way! I also let my daughter bring a baby house mouse to school on pet day. Her teacher was not thrilled.
              Okay, might be carrying this animal love a bit far....:H

              Oh, just to explain the mouse invasion - we had just built a new house butting up to a field and a few got in during construction.
              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                Please Help Animals

                River, I have mice living outside in the compost bin, and I am happy to be supporting them! Once in a while one gets inside the house, but I have cats, too... If I can get to the mouse before s/he is too badly hurt by a cat, I'll take him back out and let him go in the compost bin. I hope the other mice will welcome him.



                  Please Help Animals

                  Gia, yeah, the term "shelter" is not just a euphemism, it's a goddam lie, in many cases.



                    Please Help Animals

                    PETS AND THEIR HUMANS

                    How could I have missed this site soo long? Our dogs rule the roost and I could literally fill pages with my stories, but I won't. I feel so much pain for the suffering of animals that I sometimes feel ashamed of myself for not devoting all that attention to people. I love to read the stories of how animals saved people, or gave them the strenth to live. Just last week I was reading about a swimmer on W. coast of Florida who was attacked by a shark, then suddenly surrounded by dolphins until he could be rescued.
                    Hubs was raised in a "No Pet Zone", but he's turned into as big a freak as me over the years. Last night I found him asleep on the couch, covered with dogs! So funny! Asked him if he was having a 3-dog night!
                    My house would be much cleaner, I would have more money, I would have more time, and I wouldn't have 'treasure' holes all over my yard if I didn't have dogs. But, my life would be diminished. :goodjob: Pet lovers, I salute you. We are kindred spirits.:l
                    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                      Please Help Animals

                      I feel guilty saying this, but in most cases I prefer animals over people. I get a lot more enjoyment being around them. And well said Ruby & Wip, yes, we are kindred souls!
                      Long live the field mice... :catroll:
                      You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                        Please Help Animals

                        My cat.

                        When I was about 10, I lived in a beautiful part of the country; Mum, Dad, Me and my younger brothers and sisters. We all lived in a tiny, two bedroom place that served as the gatehouse for a big, fancy farm. There was a small piece of land next to the road where Gypsies would park up for the night.
                        One morning, just after they left, My mum spotted this adult grey cat, and brought her in to feed her. Dad was never into anything like that. She let the cat out and it came back the next morning. As stray cats go, this was really gentle. I took an immediate liking to her, and she to me. Dad insisted that we didn't feed her; that she she made her way there and she can make her way back, but mum would give her the odd glass of milk and I would follow her around and play with her when I got the chance. She thrived, and would bring offerings of dead rats and stuff.....
                        One day, when I got back from school, The cat came up to me and 'gestured' for me to follow her. It's hard to explain how, but she looked at me, then turned to walk away. I didn't get it, so she did it again; and again, until I started following her. She took me to a stream about a quarter of a mile away(looking back to make sure I was still following) and to a hollow tree trunk, where 5 of the scruffiest kittens were looking at me. I put my hand in to pick one up and it was immediately scratched to a pulp. Eventually they let me pick them up and take them back to the house, wrapped in my jumper.
                        The kittens were dispersed around the neighbouring farms, and the cat continued to thrive. She lived with us for about three years then suddenly just vanished.
                        A couple of weeks later, as I was walking up the road, I found her. The people who maintain the verges at the side of the road had been cutting the grass with a big tractor operated flail mower and had chopped her in two.
                        Nobodies fault.
                        She had no name except 'The Cat The Gypsies Left'
                        I loved that cat.


                          Please Help Animals

                          I got this birthday card a few years ago, "from" the dogs. Imagine in pencil, and childish handwriting.

                          A BIRTHDAY POEM FROM THE DOG:

                          You feed me when I'm hungry,
                          You keep water in my dish,
                          You let me sleep on anything,
                          Or any place I wish.

                          You sometimes let me lick your hands
                          Or even lick your face,
                          Despite the fact I've licked myself
                          In every private place.

                          You taught me how to come when called,
                          You taught me how to sit,
                          You always let me go outsiide
                          So I can take a xxxx stroll.

                          I've been with you thro Oh so much,
                          Through laughter and thro tears,
                          I hope you live to be a hundred...
                          (That's 700 in dog years!)
                          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                            Please Help Animals

                            Oh Pops, your story tears me up. The poor kitty!

                            I don't love animals more than people, but I trust them more. No ulterior motives--what you see is what you get.

                            I'll be clicking away on that site lucky.
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              Please Help Animals

                              Popeye, what a sweet/sad story! Just think how your little act of kindness changed many peoples lives. The families that got the baby cats - well their lives were enriched as well as yours. I hope they had happier endings than the gypsy cat that you loved well.:h

                              One of my favorite quotes:
                              "You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us."
                              -Robert Louis Stevenson

                              I'm sure the same applies for cats and all other creatures.
                              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                                Please Help Animals

                                Sorry luCKy...
                                Thanks for the link :l

