I am going to make a couple suggestions for polite posting that would help maintain a supportive and caring place here on MWO.
Being one of the older people here, I am taking it on myself to say this. (Not older MWO-wise, just an old lady in general.)
1. If someone posts something you disagree with, it is fine to post your own opinion but do not attack that person. All people have a right to their opinions here. We are a vast and diverse community comprised of people from all over the world with many different religious, political and ethnic backgrounds.
2. If someone posts something you think is inappropriate, it is alright to say so but please do it with tact. We have had several occurrences in the last month where someone posted something about drinking on an AF thread or in an AF Forum and several people have gotten upset. The right way to deal with this is to either say nothing or note politely that the post might be more appropriate in another Forum or on another thread. We do have modders and AFers on the same site and we are all friends.
3. Ignore and do not post to any threads where a person has said something in anger or is trying to generate discord. Just ignore it. The thread will die away on its own. Trust me on this. Those who want to generate discord will give up if no discord is generated.
4. If someone posts something that is a personal attack on yourself or another member, do not respond. Ignore it. The thread will die away, just like #3. To respond to the attack is human nature but it merely causes the emotions to escalate and creates animosity among friends.
Please remember, there are a few alcoholics on this site. Alcoholics, especially those that are drinking and posting, often say and do things they would never do sober. Sometimes people who are not drinking but having a very difficult time trying to stay sober are very emotional and say and do things they normally would not.
I think it is in all of our interests to overlook some things, be polite and politic about what we do post and continue to try to support and care about all who are here.
My $0.02 for whatever they are worth.