It's Friday, Day 5 for me and a first major hurdle - I think weekends are hard for everyone, although I often wonder why considering it didn't matter what day it was when I was drinking, I just drank regardless. So I guess I just need to look at being AF the same way - the day is not important.
I feel a bit muggy today, and my Kudzu was repeating on me driving to work, thought I might chuck but then, "BURRRRREEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRP!" Woo! That was a sigh of relief!
Luckily for me I've chosen to start up my youth club again at church which runs from 7.30pm-9.30pm thus taking up most of my evening. The past few months I've been in the pub every Friday - naughty, naughty! Anyway, when I get back I'll have a cup of tea and go to bed.
Still not really got a plan for Saturday evening, need to think of one quick!
Oh welcome to Seacailin who I saw joined the troops yesterday - I briefly scanned through the thread quickly this morning. If you joined yesterday and I've not welcomed you PM me and tell me off!!!
Have a fantastic Friday!