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My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

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    My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

    Hi everyone,

    Next Saturday I am going away on holiday for a week. I am really excited but also a little aprehensive. This will be the first holiday I have ever taken that will not include alcohol. I am scared also because I won't have access to MWO which has become my lifeline. I have bought myself some books to keep me going such as Drinking a love story by Caroline Knapp, Dry by Augustine Burroughs, and Sober for Good by Anne Fletcher. I am hoping that these will keep me on the straight and narrow. What I would like is any tips, inspiration or comments on how anyone has or would cope with this. Hubby says that if I am struggling, he will drop me off at an internet cafe for some time each day Bless him.
    I thought of buying myself a laptop but then thought I have to give this a go on my own. Gulp.
    Any thoughts would be really helpful. Thank you!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.


    All will be fine I am sure!

    You have some great books to read- I have read the Caroline Knapp book- it made me very sad as a few years after she wrote the book she died.
    I think she was my age- 43.

    I also have the Anne Fletcher book, I bought it 2 years ago, and did not get too much out of it, but picked it up again recently and found it much more interesting- sometimes we are just not ready to receive information!

    I hope you have a wonderful time- will your dog go too?


      My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

      Thanks Marbella, you are so right about the right time to receive information!!

      Oh yes, Mr Larry is most certainly coming with us! A holiday would not be a holiday without my furry companion. It is easy with one dog. When we had 3 it was more difficult to find a cottage that would take us. Not impossible though cos we always did
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

        I found that taking a diary with me, and just writing down what id done each day helped. After a couple of days it was nice to read back and see the positive things id done, and made me want to enjoy the next day too, rather than read how wrecked i got and what i didnt remember! Have a great time.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

          Hi Starting
          Depends on your triggers of course but I found getting up really early being on the go all day then eating dinner early and then going to bed early helped me on my first trip away. In the end it was one of the best trips I ever had - with no days lost with hangovers.


            My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

            Hi Cymru, yes, the diary is a great idea. Thanks! So many holidays I have spent under the influence that I dont remember them or dont feel well.

            Hi BH, another great idea. thank you! We are planning lots of walking so that should keep me in a good frame of mind and pretty knackered to stay off the booze!

            Thanks guys :h
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

              Thanks o2m ) But I will miss you all SO MUCH :upset:
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

                Hi starting,
                A good tip is to get a piece of card and write on it the following,


                Keep this in your purse or pocket and if you are tempted or you have a craving for a drink, just take it out and look at it for a few minutes and think of what those AF days cost you. Now, ask yourself, is one drink worth that. I'll think you will find the price is far too high to pay.

                I wish you all the best and have a really good holiday.

                Louise x
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

                  Louise, that is such sound advice and not just for holiday either for always!
                  I am going to do it now.
                  thank you x
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

                    hi starting over,congrats on your impressive goals,you are an inspiration to all,give yourself a pat on the back,remember always if you do get the temptation,and holidays you no you will,when it gets bad find a safe spot,find others who arent socialisng,take a walk,but you will now recognise the people who ARE LIKE YOU were,there the ones who arent falling,stumbling,making a fool of themselves,one of the things i did was just go to sleep,think of the positive things youve accomplished,but last but not least MWO,cant stop you from drinking ,my dear WE only give you the power where you mt end up again,again my dear freind YOU have the power,i hope im helping you have a great time i no you willl be fine and all be waiting here to see how you did gyco


                      My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

                      Gyco I Love you !!!
                      Thank you so much buddy, you help me loads :h
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.


                        Youll do great on your holliday. youll have a superb time being sober and remembering this holliday for the rest of you life. your a wonderful person with so much to offer here and in life. you can do this and when you get back i cant wait to hear how great your holliday was and what you got upto..

                        Its saturday here. i cracked a beer open had a sip and thought of you.. ran to the sink and poured the rest out. see your even changing my life too.. i didnt want to let you down.

                        Cant wait till you come back and tell us all how wonderful your holliday was

                        Lov ya loads


                        an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


                          My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

                          Karl, that is the loveliest thing anyone has ever said to me. Made me cry in a good way.
                          I know you wont let me down and I wont let you down either.
                          Love you too xxx
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

                            Starting, have a GREAT time!!! If you want ONE MORE book to read: The Tao of Sobriety, or Mindful Recovery. Lots of walking sounds like a great plan, and writing does, too (you can write down some of the things you have gotten used to saying here to us at MWO!). We'll all look forward to hearing about your trip!



                              My First AF Holiday....a bit scared.

                              Thanks WIP, I will order them from Amazon and hope they will get here before next Saturday. Feeling stronger now. I will read this post again before I go
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

