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AF Army 7th September 2008

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    AF Army 7th September 2008

    Morning All,

    I expect One 2 Many is having a lie in so thought I would start todays thread. Hope that's OK?

    Woke up feeling very positive today, took my dog for a rather wet walk and then knuckled down to do some study for my psychology course that I have just started. Scared and excited I think sums it up. I was a numpty at school and never thought I could do anything like this. Time will tell I guess. But for now I will just GIVE IT A GO

    Happy AF Sunday everyone.

    Love Startingover xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    AF Army 7th September 2008

    Good Morning All!

    That course sounds interesting Starting- I think that's important when we are fighting AL- to find something we are interested in to replace it.

    I am in the middle of trying to set up a small business in my area (waiting for a permit from the townhall still) and have started a new online venture.

    Having loads to do to fill the time is important to me.

    Talking of, better get off! Dogs are getting impatient

    Have a great sober Sunday everyone!


      AF Army 7th September 2008

      Yep Marbs you are right. It is all very well not drinking but then what ?
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        AF Army 7th September 2008

        Yes, would be interesting to know what others are doing with all the extra free time?

        Now, I really DO have to go X


          AF Army 7th September 2008

          Bet you're still there Marbs :H

          A hell of a lot of my spare and not so spare time is spent on here. It is the first thing I do in the morning and last thing I do at night plus a good lot of time in between.
          Do you think there is a place to go that will help wean oneself off internet forums ???:H
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            AF Army 7th September 2008

            Good morning everyone. Was up very early this morning(as was startingover!) and having real trouble sleeping. But im happy and motivated and glad to be talking to all you supportive people.
            Im going for a walk in the forest today with my partner. Were going to make some sandwiches and enjoy nature!
            o2m, hope your feeling happier today.
            Vlad, is your finger still red? Do you look like E.T!?
            Popeye, do you remember where in the port you used to work?
            Have a good afternoon everyone.
            Dy 8 for me.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              AF Army 7th September 2008

              Hey Cym you are doing great! Day 8 is fab and you sound great too.
              Yep, I was up early I always am but I sleep like the dead. I have never had any trouble not sleeping luckily, but now I am sleeping and not passing out
              Have a great walk in the forest (hope you dont get too wet....pssing down here)
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                AF Army 7th September 2008

                Morning Folks,
                Private Chelle ready for duty

                Regarding the spare time thing, well Im still tackling odd jobs around the house that I never got round to doing before. This afternoon though, I have Mount Ironing to climb.. which will take up most of my time!
                ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                  AF Army 7th September 2008

                  Good Morning!
                  Gret job on 17lbs Wally!! You must feel great. When I first stop drinking all I want to do is eat eat,eat. I finds it's helpful to keep full (you know the all HALT rule) especially in and around the dinner time.Anyway congratulations on the weight loss. A real double whammy of being AF and losing weight!!!
                  AS far as the keeping busy while not drinking......hmmmmmm....this has been a semi-problem for me as I have tended to try and fill my time with house projects, closet cleaning and ,in general, tasks which are great but not so much fun. I have to think up alternatives that are great fun and will take up the mental space(stress). I think ,in the past , I've been a good little girl,with my honarable odd jobs, and eventually I cave in and say to myself "Oh I deserve some wine after doing all that work" I have to work on that. Sometimes it's hard,after so many years, figuring out what really makes you happy.
                  Anyway, off to spin. Got to get rid of those calories.
                  Have a good morning all



                    AF Army 7th September 2008

                    vinophile;403159 wrote: Good Morning!
                    Gret job on 17lbs Wally!! You must feel great. When I first stop drinking all I want to do is eat eat,eat. I finds it's helpful to keep full (you know the all HALT rule) especially in and around the dinner time.Anyway congratulations on the weight loss. A real double whammy of being AF and losing weight!!!
                    AS far as the keeping busy while not drinking......hmmmmmm....this has been a semi-problem for me as I have tended to try and fill my time with house projects, closet cleaning and ,in general, tasks which are great but not so much fun. I have to think up alternatives that are great fun and will take up the mental space(stress). I think ,in the past , I've been a good little girl,with my honarable odd jobs, and eventually I cave in and say to myself "Oh I deserve some wine after doing all that work" I have to work on that. Sometimes it's hard,after so many years, figuring out what really makes you happy.
                    Anyway, off to spin. Got to get rid of those calories.
                    Have a good morning all

                    I actually sat down and thought about it, and asked myself the question, what is your second favourite thing to drinking?

                    I am very motivated by money, not for me, but for all the stray animals in my area and the local refuge that relies soly (is that a word??!!) on donations.
                    So for me a great motivator is money and to earn it doing stuff I will enjoy.


                      AF Army 7th September 2008

                      Good morning from the middle of the USA. I hope it turns out to be a pretty day today, yesterday it rained most of the afternoon and I didn't get out on my bike, would really like a RIDE today. StartingO, you will have to tell us more about your course... is it something like Intro to Psych, or General Psych? That'll be so much fun!

                      Cym, hope your dinner was great! And congrats on 8 days! Wally, that weight loss sounds great! Marbella, what kind of business? I have been self-employed, mostly, for years. It sure does have its good points... as well as challenges... goes without saying, I guess. Chelle, sorry you are ironing. I "just say NO" to ironing. Never owned an iron. Somehow survived my whole life that way...

                      Yeah Vino I think it's important to find some things that are fun, interesting, and/or meaningful to fill up the "extra" time. What is it I have "always wanted" to do, or to be able to do... ? I wish I spoke Spanish fluently, I have just a little bit from school, but certainly am not "fluent." And I wish I could play chess decently. It fascinates me, but I have never put in the time and effort to get very far past beginner stage. I would absolutely LOVE to do some traveling, but my mother's situation prevents that, for now. We'll see.



                        AF Army 7th September 2008

                        Good day to the Army ---- Feeling much better today, and will stay marching with everyone! Re interests to keep me busy --- I've always (since kids were 10 years old anyway, when I finally decided I needed to do stuff for me) played tennis, have added golf in the summer to that and have been taking duplicate bridge lessons for a couple of years, so get out about once a week to play bridge with friends. I belong to a gym, but didn't go at all over the summer (that's not unusual for me), so I started back last week and I signed up for a beginner's yoga class for Monday evenings that starts on the 15th. Need to stretch this old body of mine! Even though I've been active in sports, there were a number of times it was all I could do to get through the game with my fuzzy head! So, maybe this year my tennis will improve!
                        Congratulations to Wally for losing 17 lbs...... I'm hoping it will start coming off here soon too ...I could stand to lose at least 25! All those bottles of wine piled the weight on me.
                        Off to a round of golf with a GF.
                        Have a great AF Sunday everyone!


                          AF Army 7th September 2008

                          Wow Marblella, your dedication to the animals absolutely warms my heart girl.You are one in a million :l

                          Wally, Vino, Wip and New Day you all sound so positve today. I love to hear that :h

                          Wip, yep, my course is called an Openings course "Starting with Psychology". I am studying with the Open University here in the UK. If/when I complete and pass it I will gain credits. Then I can continue on and eventually if I want and am able to qualify to degree level. Scary ....gulp
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            AF Army 7th September 2008

                            Yawn! Good morning... err afternoon - nah, only joking - been at church.
                            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                              AF Army 7th September 2008

                              Day 6 for me, and I'm feeling great. I haven't craved a "stress" beer at all, because, well, I'm not as stressed out? I think trying to deal with a husband and two kids and a job while I had a massive hangover lead to my stress. I did crave "happy" beers the past two nights on my way home from work, but didn't stop at the store. Instead, I chose to go home and snuggle in bed with my kids and watch TV.

                              startingover;403102 wrote: Morning All,

                              I expect One 2 Many is having a lie in so thought I would start todays thread. Hope that's OK?

                              Woke up feeling very positive today, took my dog for a rather wet walk and then knuckled down to do some study for my psychology course that I have just started. Scared and excited I think sums it up. I was a numpty at school and never thought I could do anything like this. Time will tell I guess. But for now I will just GIVE IT A GO

                              Happy AF Sunday everyone.

                              Love Startingover xxx

