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My dog is at the emergency hospital

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    My dog is at the emergency hospital

    So you guys know me as Spotty Dingo ... well, we had to take him to the emergency hospital tonight at 12:00 pm. Just got back and yes, had a few glasses of wine .... we had to leave him overnight. Not totally serious but he may have slipped a disc in his back. I took him to the beach on Thurs and he was SO into it ... and nothing is better therapy than seeing my dingo happy (I have no children). I guess I overdid it and he was achy and tired but better on Friday. Hubby then took him out today for 20 minutes of ball chasing on the same beach and he came home and collapsed. 3 hours later he couldn't settle down and started panting a lot. Hubs said, we should take him to a hospital, and so we did -- since we just moved here we didn't know where to go so we went to one over the mountains -- about 45 minutes away.

    The vet said he's have to stay overnight so they could do blood tests before they could give him pain meds, then take x-rays to determine what the problem was. This to the tune of possibly $950 US!!!

    Spotty Dingo (George) is a Queensland Heeler/Australian Cattle Dog, about 5 years old. He is overweight (he scarfs cat food at every opportunity) and has digestive issues -- he had runny poo until I put him on raw food -- I get it from the pet food store, don't make it myself, but have been really disappointed in what I get in CA vs Canada.

    Don't know where I'm going with this except I'm upset, I miss my dog, that Vet made me feel like shit for doing the raw diet even though I know its helped him a lot, I miss my dog, I. worried about my dog, I wish my dog was home with me, its 3:21 am and I'm drinking a beer ... and I'm worried about my dog ...

    Any advice, comments, please ... help!

    My dog is at the emergency hospital

    PS: I also feel like a bad Mom for letting him over-exert himself. He's just so cute when he's in the water .... and even if he was hurt he doesn't show it, he just keeps going and going. If you've ever known a working dog, you may get the picture. So, yes, a lot of GUILT.


      My dog is at the emergency hospital

      Hey Spots, I know where you are coming from about the guilty feelings for our animals.
      I did the raw food diet too for mine. I had loads of behavioural probs with my rescues. It did help but when my oldie got pancreatitits the vets made me stop it (and make me feel bad for starting)
      You know whats best for your boy. I will say a prayer for him and hope that he is back with you all very soon.
      Take care hun
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        My dog is at the emergency hospital

        Oh yeah, I have a border collie (working dog) with arthritis who is not supposed to do much and sometimes he does.......yep I know that guilt totally.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          My dog is at the emergency hospital

          Hi there, sorry to hear about your doggy
          Im sure the vets are gonna be doing all they can to help. Did they say when you could phone up to check on how he's doing?
          I'll say a prayer for the little chap, and hope he's back on that beach with his ball very soon
          ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


            My dog is at the emergency hospital

            Hi spotts our pets are our children any one who loves animals knows this hope it works out ok take care of yourself Im sure things will work out ok . Hes an aussie cattle dog tough as nails beautiful dogs dont worry I have been around them all my life blue heelers particulary I can understand your concern but they are bloody tough dogs with big hearts!!!! Dont drink its not gonna help anything


              My dog is at the emergency hospital

              Hi Spottie

              So sorry to hear about your best friend. Yes, we love our pets so much and miss them when they're gone. I work with vets a lot and trust them a lot. They do a very good job. I hope your doggie will be home with you soon.

              And as for the guilt thing - we have it with our pets, our kids, our older parents, whenever someone gets sick or hurt. It really sux but I think it is part of love.

              I'm sending hugs.......
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                My dog is at the emergency hospital

                vets in the US should be ashamed of themselves... charging 950 US for an overnight evaluation?
                what a bunch of rubbish!
                there is more to life than money! for g_d sake what if u couldn't spend the money? then what? they say sorry go home?


                  My dog is at the emergency hospital

                  hi spotty,i have a dog mix,jinxdog,my daughter adoptted him 12 years ago,and i got stuck with him,greatest thing tht ever happened to me,oops other then my wife,and kids,shit i could go on,he ll be ok or she,as far as the vet he or she is an ????hole,i feed my dog peanutbutter sandwiches in the morning,never done him harm,hes not over weight,but he likemy self is gettin old,he even eats vegetables,like humans if the dog all f a sudden goes out and gets a lot of xersise he or she is gonna hurt,but wait see what happens,hope all turns out ok gyco


                    My dog is at the emergency hospital

                    am so sorry about your dog. I hope he recovers soon. You better go easy on

                    1967 is that a still life that you painted? It is gorgeous. Put it in the gallery, the pics are bigger.
                    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                      My dog is at the emergency hospital

                      Spotty, I feel for you so much! Went on a long trip recently and did everything possible to be sure by boys (dogs, 4 girls, 1 boy, I just call them that) were ready for anything with the sitter. Came home and found The Mighty Berit, my rottie, with hair missing and fleas out the wazoo! She's allergic, and apparently her monthly flea treatment doesn't work. $200 later, she's beginning to recover. She was very depressed, mad with me, and had lost weight. Anyway, I hope your baby is fine. I am fostering a cattledog because I haven't approved anyone who wants him so far. He's fantastic and beautiful, deserves a human more agile than me (have MS). He herds the little guys into a corner and makes them stay! I'm saying a doggy prayer for you; he knows your worried about him!
                      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                        My dog is at the emergency hospital

                        Hi Spotty
                        Just wanted to say hi and I totally get where you are coming from- i have a kitty who has had some very recent medical crises and it is SO hard and stressful. I don't have human kids either- I have the feline kind. And they do mean the world to us. As for being a 'bad mom'- hmmm, bad moms don't take their kids to the beach, spend time playing with them or research special diets to address their needs. I would say you are exactly the opposite and are a GREAT mom- little George is lucky to have you.
                        Take care Spotty and let us know how it is going-


                          My dog is at the emergency hospital

                          Spotty - I am hoping that your sweet doggie is doing better. Sending prayers your way. I understand the $$$ that they charge in CA (same here is PA). I lived in So Cal all my life until 11 years ago. I had taken my dog to the animal hospital because our little 4 year old neighbor fed her a big piece of chocolate cake (his birthday cake - trying to be nice) and she was pooping blood. They kept her overnight, hydrated her and it cost us $1100. They would not turn her over to us until it was paid. And all they did was hydrate her! Anyway, I surely understand the cost - but I would pay it again if my baby was sick. I hope that your doggie is healed quickly and playing in the surf once again.
                          "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                            My dog is at the emergency hospital

                            Any update? Hoping he is home soon.


                              My dog is at the emergency hospital

                              Yes, Spotty, I'm leaving soon for our outback, and I'll keep your baby in my thoughts. P.S. If any of you think you or someone you know would be GREAAT parents to Gator, my rescued cattledog, let me know. I'll drive him anywhere in the country to be sure he goes to the right place, and I WILL NOT ship! He's 18mos, neutered and vetted. Would be someones great companion, but I can't work him and Hubs works ALL the time. Don't worry about him, tho. He's happy and cared for, but I feel he could be so much better if he was worked. Gator is his name because he's really funny about his groceries!!
                              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

