I personally am so thrilled with this program! I ordered the supps/book/abstinence CD's. They truly have helped me. I did 33 days AF before trying to mod. When I did allow myself a glass of wine, I didn't even finish it (I think I felt guilty after hearing the CD dude tell me so many times that "drinking is beneath you - lol!). Around day 60 I had a few sips of a drink. Just not worth the "bother". So I am a modder I suppose, but really more AF. If I tell myself I can't have it ever again, I'm going to want it, so giving myself that option (but not taking it) really works for me. I'm 75 days into the program, habits have changed, feel wonderful, couldn't be more pleased with MWO. I still take all of the supps (maybe because I'm afraid to stop?). I listen to sleep learning at night. And I just wake up happy and headache free, thankful for this program and the new day ahead. :h
I wish the same for all of you! :l