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Testimonials - MWO works for me...

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    Testimonials - MWO works for me...

    Hi all, I was lying in bed thinking that it might be nice for newbies (and "oldies") to read testimonials for the MWO program from people they see on the boards or in chat. I just looked at the Testimonials and only saw three people that I know on there. I would love to read more of these ~ would anyone like to share how the program is working for them (or has worked for them and are now trying again?). And if this post has happened before, sorry, I've read zillions of threads but may have missed it...

    I personally am so thrilled with this program! I ordered the supps/book/abstinence CD's. They truly have helped me. I did 33 days AF before trying to mod. When I did allow myself a glass of wine, I didn't even finish it (I think I felt guilty after hearing the CD dude tell me so many times that "drinking is beneath you - lol!). Around day 60 I had a few sips of a drink. Just not worth the "bother". So I am a modder I suppose, but really more AF. If I tell myself I can't have it ever again, I'm going to want it, so giving myself that option (but not taking it) really works for me. I'm 75 days into the program, habits have changed, feel wonderful, couldn't be more pleased with MWO. I still take all of the supps (maybe because I'm afraid to stop?). I listen to sleep learning at night. And I just wake up happy and headache free, thankful for this program and the new day ahead. :h

    I wish the same for all of you! :l
    You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha

    Testimonials - MWO works for me...

    MWO works for me too!! I take a number of the supplements - l glut, gaba, kudzu, true calm, omega 369 and Allone. I take all my inspiration and support from everyone here and I read books to back myself up.
    All I can say is that it has changed my life, my thinking and me.....for the better (IMHO :H)
    Without it my life would be VERY different.
    Thanks for starting this River, it is a great idea.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Testimonials - MWO works for me...

      Hi -

      MWO has indeed been very helpful, although I do not take all the supplements, nor have I worked the CDs having others here that were recommmended by my counselor.

      The Antabuse has also been a help but I think the biggest facor in my doing so much better is seeing others in the same shape I am in, was in, don't want to be again in.

      My 2 cents.
      Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


        Testimonials - MWO works for me...

        Hi River, I think it is extremely important to know that MWO does work, if we are willing to do our part. There is much success here! I am 8 months sober and happily living as a non-drinker. If you want to read a great thread on sober living and hear many testimonials and how many of us are living as non-drinkers, you might want to take a peek at the 31 Days and Beyond, thread. It is all there!

        The first step is do not take the first drink. The first drink is the only drink we need to think about!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          Testimonials - MWO works for me...

          My life is vastly different since I came to this web site 8 months ago. The reading and the posting is the most therapeutic for me. I read some, respond to a couple of posts on most days. Part of the healing is helping others like me. I am drinking moderately now (max one eve per week), and wanting it less. I have my real life back, the one I had before AL gradually took over.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            Testimonials - MWO works for me...

            I agree with sunbeam. Just feeling that your 'part' of a community of people who are all in the same boat is so helpfull to me. At the moment, its a huge part of my 8 al free days.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Testimonials - MWO works for me...

              or take a peek in long term adstainers you will me me there and many more but all and all everything i do these days work for me
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                Testimonials - MWO works for me...

                MWO is my life line..

                I am staying on the Supps. for now and take Campral daily.i only take Antabuse if I feel myself getting Stressed.It hasn't been easy but I know it is possible for me to live an AF life with the support of the wonderful people on this site...
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  Testimonials - MWO works for me...

                  For me the best thing is the forum, and knowing that other people are working through the same stuff that I'm working through. It makes me feel like it's not a personal battle, but a group effort, where I have friends at the same stages I'm at.

                  I go 50/50 on how much the supps really help me or not. They definitely helped me get started. But if I cut any individual supp out, I don't really feel any better or worse the next day. Keeping well hydrated seems to work for me just as much as taking one pill or another. I never tried Topo though, and I know that is different.

                  RJ helps, with her story and the vision of MWO. I want to give her a big hug and order all sorts of stuff to insure this site is up forever for everyone like me in the future. But if that stood alone, I don't think I'd be successful.

                  It's definitely the community here and sharing with other people that helps me most.


                    Testimonials - MWO works for me...

                    Very nice thread River!

                    I think one of my challenges with this site is the time to explore all the various categories and threads. I tend to go back to the "Just Starting Out" thread because that's where I started. When tense words have spilled out, I usually have no clue as to what happened. I guess I need to spend more time in "General Discussion" so that I can see old "friends" and not just all the newbies.

                    In any case, I've found many aspects of MWO to be life-changing. The biggest tool for me has been the hypno cd's. I used them faithfully for 30 days, and have pulled them out whenever the urges start getting loud (I ignore the "niggle!"). No other book/program/plan has had that feature. Like any new program, things tend to start out well for me. I can be a very determined woman - just ask my husband. But inevitably something happens and I find myself "falling" back into old patterns. Not this time. When I feel that, a good session with the hypnotic cd followed by a night with the sleep cd puts me back on track. That, and following everyone's lives here. I learn so much from all of you, and I thank you so much for that.



                      Testimonials - MWO works for me...

                      MWO has taken me to a place of gratitude in many ways...I feel my life opening up before my very eyes. I have only been Af for 34 days but it seems like a lifetime ago that I was drinking! I have been very spotty with the supps, no topa, but I do the cds-mainly sleep learning and subliminals. The biggest factor in my personal program has been these forums. Like Boss said: It's very much a group effort. My heart has been truly warmed by all the people here and I feel I have made lifetime friendships in a very short period of time. I know I have made the CHOICE to be AF but I could not have done it without all of you. I will NOT lose site of what I was 35 days ago and the amount of despair I had in my heart- that will keep me sober!!! Best wishes to ALL!!! Kriger
                      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                        Testimonials - MWO works for me...

                        Great thread River!

                        I started off determined to be a modder! I cut back from my norm of 2lt's a day (box wine so hubby didn't notice the level) down to one glass a day. I was on Topa and sucessfully modding but if it wasn't for being on this site daily and being part of this awesome community I would never have achieved my 39 AF days. Now I am wondering if I really do want to be a modder as I just love my new AF life.

                        Althought this journey has been for ME and about ME, I can just see how my family is also reeping the benifits. My hubby is not a big talker and we don't discuss my AF-ness often but this weekend he told me how amazed and proud he is of what I've accomplished especially when he had to go AF for 3 days due to medication he was taking he admires me even more. Hubby is now jumping on the AF bandwagon and will only be having the odd drink on weekends ..... yehahhh!
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

