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Eating patterns?

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    Eating patterns?

    On my first significant stretch AF in August, I lost 5 lbs in seven days.

    This stretch I've extended that for another two lbs.

    This despite rewarding myself a chocolate covered cherry (my fav) for each day I'm AF, plus M&Ms, plus oatmeal cookies, plus full meals.

    My body must have had a total stasis going with AL for years. I've been 185 lbs since 2001. Now, suddenly I'm 177 (I'm 5'10", male, so my ideal weight is 165-175 or so...).

    I'm hoping I'll shave that last two pounds in the next week or so. But I don't know what I'm doing right, because I'm eating just the same. Just not drinking any more.


      Eating patterns?

      Karl1981;403387 wrote: Hey all.

      Im just wondering if when your not drinking, if you loose the urge to eat? ive lost more weight, and for the life of me cant put any back on.

      im just never hungry anymore. only eat like once a day. i drink a lot of milk and smoke alot.

      Im not sure if its because of not drinking, depression or just the fact im too lazy to make anything..

      how the H*LL can i put on weight?

      thanks all.

      hi Karl

      It funny when i first started last year i loss part of my appertite when i was drinking AL so when i try to stop drinking it seem to of got worst. I do think i was depress coming of the AL and also anxious as well. i made sure i had porridge in the morning and bananas during the day, like you i could go a whole day without eating and did not feel hungry in the evenings i think this is why i felt so tired that i was going to bed really early for about a month. Maybe eat food that as lots of energy in it. drinking milk is good, before you know it your appertite will come back very slowly.

      All the best.

      family is everything to me


        Eating patterns?

        Hummm, My problem has been that I have craved sweets and carbs since giving up AL 5 mos. ago. For a total gain of about 15-16 lbs. I am on day three of a diet that has always worked for me and am determined, now that AL is under control, to get back down to my best weight. (Where I feel good)
        5'4" female - gained up to 138# - on my way back down to 122-123# Determined! I empathise with those of you who are underweight. It is a problem either way. Eat, Eat, Eat!!!
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          Eating patterns?

          I find that when I drink heavily, for an extended period of time, I can go days without eating. In fact eating is the last thing I want to do.
          When I stop drinking, it takes a couple of days to get my appetite back, but it does come back and some....


            Eating patterns?

            yer popeye, i find that too. The first day when i stop, im just sick alot and cant keep much down. Day 2 and 3 i eat better, but then my appetite comes back and i eat for Wales!! Always hungry.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!

