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I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

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    I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

    As Promised I am posting my results monthly since makes AF month SEVEN!!! As usual- I cant believe it...I really really still cant...its one of those pinch me and see if i'll wake up things...With alcohol being gone from my life there have been tremendous changes taking place...even more than I expected...while most of it is great change, there is a lot of junk that I had been burying in a continuous stream of wine that is finally is mostly family issues from being raising an an alcoholic home that i had been stuffing for well as deep sadness about the hurt i did to others and myself ...and horrible guilt about the things i did concerning my children...i know they are still young and i have stopped...but the guilt is there...i pray for those feeling to be taken away from me, and to forgive myself...i hope to keep growing and changing and becoming a better person...the person i was when i was drinking has gone and the real me is here - finally....What I want all who read this to know is that i was in the deepest darkest place before I came here and went to lenair...i did not think it was possible to get stop the craving, the constant thoughts of it...if you had told me 7 months ago that i would be here today...i would of laughed and thought you were crazy...that was for other people i thought i was different....i just did not think i would ever be able to stop please know that it is possible and that the other side is a very wonderful place...i still have my life and my problems, but now i can cope and make my way through them without drowning myself in wine...i dont have to manage my drinking anymore and that is a freedom i can not describe...thanks to everyone here and all who read this...I pray that this freedom from alcohol does not go away...that is a fear i am trying to get over..and i will....Huge blessings and Hugs...xx Buckle

    I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

    Congrats Buckle - what an inspiration you are.
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

      Congratulations Buckle! ---- your happiness is palapable! A very great achievement, and I'm sure it wasn't an easy one.... so good on you! I hope you treat yourself to something special every month! What a great feeling to live without the guilt and to remember your days with your family.


        I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

        Hi Buckledown
        Thank you for showing the rest of us what we can look forward to.I know it took a lot of hard work to get were you are. Congratulations and keep in touch to continue to motivate us.
        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
        AF 5-16-08


          I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!


          Congrats, Buckle!

          What an accomplishment
          - Figi


            I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

            So great to see you Buckle and to hear how wonderfully you're getting on!

            So happy for you!

            Love ww xox


              I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

              awesome job keep it going stay strong and think positive
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

                Congratulations, Buckle!!! WOO HOO! 7 months is fabulous! Though we took different paths to ridding ourselves of alcohol, the ongoing process, I think is quite similar. We are doing the work of rebuilding our lives. At times this is painful and many times it is exilerating! But each day we are grateful to have found our way out!!
                Best Wishes, Always,
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

                  What an accomplishment and thank you for your insights to someone like me just starting on this journey. I want very much to be 7 months sober and I will get there but I need the help of people such as yourself who have gone through what I have ahead of me to share their experiences. It is because of people like you that people like me succeed. Thank you for your thoughts! Kriger
                  "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                    I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

                    Congratulations buckledown, and thank you so much for taking the time to share about your Journey!
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

                      Buckle my love,
                      I feel so happy for you and your family and I would also humbly like to thank you once again for being my inspiration that allowed me to follow in your footsteps. Thank you and Boots and Best and many others from the bottom of my heart.

                      Buckle, I can just see how your whole being, your creativity, your daily experiences and your hopes are blossoming within this newly found freedom.

                      Way to go sister.
                      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                        I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

                        Hello Buckle. Thank you for your post. I can relate to things you say so much. I think its such an important factor in getting better, getting out all those built up feelings that have been suppresed by the bottle.Only dealing with them can you truely move on with a clear concience.
                        Thank You
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!


                          I am so happy for you!

                          I can only say one thing, Alcohol is a terrible addictive poison and what you did while drinking was not the real you, so please try to drop the guilt. He abused you- you just did the best you knew how at the time.
                          We have to forgive ourselves.


                            I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

                            WOW.. HOW INSPIRING YOU ARE...THANKS !!!
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                              I hit AF Month Seven - it feels like heaven!

                              Dearest Buckle,

                              Congratulations! How wonderful that you are free to be the best of who you always were! I too must thank you for inspiring me! 5 mos. ago today was my first day of sobriety. (22 weeks / 154 days) And I am enjoying each one of them! This is a truely fantastic way to live! My intention is to continue looking forward to the wonderful days to come, but I will also remember the past. That is what I need to keep things in perspective. I too have amens to make to those I love, and I am trying to do that as the opportunity presents itself. There is no way to make the past, not have happened. We can just learn from it - and build a better life - based on what we have learned. Bunches of hugs, honey, and thanks again for leading the way!

                              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

