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    New Member

    Hey All,

    Have been reading for awhile and thought I would jump on board. Was curious to see if anybody had a similiar problem. I'm in sales, so travel a lot. I only drink when I travel. Never at home, never with my buddies golfing, not around family of holidays. But when I travel on business, it's like FREE TIME for me. Can't seem to not drink. Anyway, I just received a 2nd DUI and find myself in trouble. I'm a family man, school board member, youth football, basketball, baseball and softball coach, very inolved in the community. Since getting dui, July 29th, I've had nothing to drink with absolute no problem. A bit scaird to travel, but am ready to challenge myself. I've taken an evaluation, gone thru a drug and alcohol class and am now meeting with a counselor. The counselor seems to think when I travel, I relax and it's "My Time". Sounds like I need to find a New My Time??
    I think he's correct, no pressures, typically don't know anybody and can take my guard down. Does this make sense to anybody?? Would love to hear your opinion.

    New Member

    Hello Golfer36 and welcome. I do not travel alot but when I do go to conventions its kind of like party mode. I guess I figure I'm blowing off steam and no one knows me. The scary part can be not finding your way back to your hotel room or being taken advantage of is a strange town. Maybe look for something else to treat yourself when you go out of town. Sounds like you could have alot to lose if you continue the way you have. Best to you.


      New Member

      wow, you seem to have a grip,travelling for u is your nitch,time to let go i guess,you found a good site,people here are very understanding,why not try to get a grip when you travel,but maybe your theropist is rt,as long as thts the only time u let go,dang let go,just dont do nothing foolish,you sound ok to me,its the old dr jeycle mr hyde syndrome hahaha,have a good nt gyco


        New Member

        Welcome Golfer. As the others have said, youve come to a good, no, great place. The help and support is here if you need it. So, what do you play off? Recently played the ryder cup course for 2010, and its very good and made me look very bad!!
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          New Member

          Hi Golfer, well, yes, I can totally relate to what you are saying. My drinking career began when I started traveling on business....that is a little over 20 years ago. I drank during college and yes, went over board on more than one occasion.....but, after marriage I stopped drinking almost entirely, just a drink no and again. I raised 3 children and had a high powered career and still rarely had a drink. But when I started traveling, I started drinking on the you said, it was time for me to relax and just be me. During that time, I rarely drank at home, and never to excess for a few years. But, over time my drinking the point that for the last nearly 2 years before finding MWO, I was drinking nightly, often and nearly always excessively.

          Two DUI's is very serious. Something must be going on. But, I commend you for taking control of the situation and taking the classes, counseling and most importantly, stopping drinking! I wish you well in your court case.

          You can learn a lot here that can help if you, if you think of drinking again. I am sure that the counselor can help you to figure out why you drink to excess while traveling and help you to get this under control.
          I hope you stick around and share with us!
          Best Wishes,
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            New Member

            I guess you are similar to binge drinkers, who have some forces at work which seem to be different from those who simply drink too much on a very regular basis. I have called myself a binge drinker - used to drink moderately or not at all most days, but on Sunday afternoons I just didn't seem to want to stop. You don't mention how often you travel, maybe "a lot" means every week, so maybe it is not so different.
            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


              New Member

              Wow-your are right. That time seems so enjoyable, doesn't it?? You are correct, I need a new Me Time, but not sure what that will be. Am trying to get back into running, working out, etc. but struggling with the proper motivation.


                New Member

                Golfer, There is hope! with 8 months of living as a non-drinker, I still travel and no longer drink on the road! First of all, I pack a small box with 2 picture frames with pictures of my family. I bring 2 "travel candles. I bring my I-pod with my favorite tunes and also my Qui-Gong workout, so I can do it in the evening to relax. I stop by a grocery store before heading to the hotel and pick up bottled water and whatever other non-al beverage sounds good along with some healthy snacks. These things makes my hotel room feel more like home! I avoid the Hotel Happy Hour!....I tend to like to order room service and just relax.....perhaps read or watch some TV and turn in early!

                I know that some of this sounds girlie, I am a girl.....but, I am sure that you could adapt my plan with your plan! Workout in the hotel gym, hit a bucket of balls after work or play 9 holes, etc!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  New Member

                  A warm welcome Golfer !!!
                  New habits take a while to instill, but is soooooooo "do-able" !!! As you learn new and healthy habits let us know how things go... again, Welcome !!!

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    New Member

                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                      New Member

                      Hi Golfer and welcome to you! Yes, I can totally relate to drinking while on business or with work colleagues. Some of my most excessive intakes has been just then much to my embarrassment. It is all about changing habits. I get quite nervous in work situations and used drink to help me relax (way too much) But here is a great place to start to get some support and ideas to dill your "me time"
                      Good luck!
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        New Member

                        I would like to than everybody for responding, wow, it's really amazing how people know how help other they don't even know. I am doing good, will wait to see what happens in my life. I'm excited about a new challenge in my life and will likely start looking to change jobs. Sounds kind of crazy, but an 8-5 job at the same location sounds pretty good right now. I neglected to mention I work in sales remotely, so seldom do I get people or co-worker interaction. I've realized I need that in a job and will look for something to fill that gap, other than talking to people in a bar. ha.

                        Again, thanks everybody for your support.

