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question for cat owners

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    question for cat owners

    We have so many animal lovers here; hope no one minds this thread. This probably will only apply for U.S. cat owners as I assume there are totally differnt products in other countries. Anyway, what do you feed your cat? I am poor as hell right now and wondering if I can get away with switching him to a "non-premium" food. (I only feed him dry food.) My mom swears by Purina indoor cat food and says it was given high marks by Consumer Reports. Right now he (the Dexter beast) is getting "Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers' Soul" (yes, this is real brand ) Thoughts on whether it's OK to go for the cheaper stuff? Thanks from the owner of a deranged cat!!
    PS: In the past couple weeks, he has developed a new habit of waiting to take a huge stinky poo within five minutes after I come home from work (then gallops around with excitement for quite a while). I guess it shows he loves me
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

    question for cat owners

    hey there

    It should be ok feeding him a cheaper cat food brand, but sometimes they might not like the change or flavour, try a few different one and im sure he will like one of them

    how come you only feed him dry food?

    also try giving him raw meat. thatts not too expensive over here in australia. just get the cheap meat and cut it up into cubes.

    purina isnt that cheap over here. i think its the smae brand im thinking of.. its good stuff though


    an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


      question for cat owners

      I wouldn't switch over all at once. Try adding just a little bit to his regular food, and gradually increase the amount until it's mostly the new food, and a little of his regular stuff. That way you avoid upsetting his system abruptly. I think the cheaper brand would be just fine --- Purina has been around for a long time.


        question for cat owners

        Hey Dexter -

        I agree with New Day - just make sure you switch over gradually or the kitty will have digestion problems (and possibly make some bad messes). I just downgraded after my cat with urinary problems passed away - for him I had to buy food that's from the vet only and of course couldn't separate it from the other 2 cats. It was VERY expensive feeding all three of them RX food :upset:. I felt guilty at first buying the cheaper food, but everyone's fine. I just did it slow.

        Others may have better advice........

        Good luck! and meow!

        ww xox


          question for cat owners

          Oh NO! What happened to Laurie Patridge?? although I still prefer KEITH partridge
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            question for cat owners

            Wow on the new avatar!!!!!!!!
            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


              question for cat owners

              Hi Dex,

              I'm not sure what you mean by cheaper food, but I'd be very careful going to anything generic or similar. The amount of filler they put in that stuff is disgusting and can include (so I've read) by-products of the paper & pulp industry. Then they have to add flavoring to get Kitty to eat it. Read labels, and / or crosscheck the manufacturer's name on the internet to make sure there are no lawsuits again the brand.

              I'm wondering why you feed your male cat only dry food? Be careful! Its my understanding that this can lead to urinary tract & prostate issues. Apparently its not unusual for male kitties to be carb freaks (mine is) but since Charley had a urinary blockage I make sure he eats moist food on a regular basis -- kinda like making a child eat their veggies. (BTW if your cat has trouble urinating, take them to a vet IMMEDIATELY. A male cat with a blockage can die within 24 hours, its a very serious issue. I didn't know this until it happened, but luckily I called my vet right away cause it looked uncomfortable) So, you might want to give him a can of something moist every day or every other day.

              I know having pets is expensive (just spent $900 on my dog in the past 48 hours for an emergency) but I think its important to feed them as well as we can afford to.

              Good luck!


                question for cat owners

                we feed ours Sensible Choice, it's a single source protein food, very good for them and not super expensive but it does cost more than others. you find it at specialty pet food stores mostly but some times i've seen it at petco. either way look for single source protein foods.


                  question for cat owners

                  Hi spotty: One of my male cats, now deceased, had terrible urinary problems, so I'm pretty familar with that issue. Awful .. I know the signs.
                  Just from the little I know, it seems that American vets tend to recommend a dry-food diet?Anyone else? However, my cat is insanely in love with canned pumpkin, so he has some of that every day.
                  I know, I adore my baby, I want him to have the best, I just want to make sure he can't do as well on a less expensive diet I know some of the premium brands, like Science Diet, have gotten bashed .. there are SO many opinions out there .
                  :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                    question for cat owners

                    yes - isn't he purdy? He was my avatr for a while last year. Back by popular demand........

                    Dex - my vet recommends the dry diet too, even with the urinary issues. I'm using iams now , which I think is up to standard - right spotty? Still up there $-wise. I go to Petco and use their coupons and stuff which help. I also re-fill my litter containers there from a bulk bin - cheaper and greener.

                    And yes, the occasional bit of fresh salmon, or egg, or whatever, seems to make it into the dish too . Love them!!!

                    ww xox


                      question for cat owners

                      my cats would say hell no we wont eat that cheap poop we want our friskies .. believe me i try they eat the stuff but they didnt know it
                      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                        question for cat owners

                        Boy, am I feeling out of the norm. While I agree with what has been said, and have tried a number of different kinds. I've tried to stay with the better quality but as a single Mom usually can't afford it. We, as a family have always done the best we can by our animals...high cost vs low cost? Not so sure, but ours have all lived well into their teens.

                        I think lotsa love is the most important, just my 2c
                        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                          question for cat owners

                          My vet said to slightly moisten even the dry food because otherwise water is sucked out of other organs for digestion and it will age the pet faster. My kitty gets both dry and canned, and a sardine or tuna too.

                          Her food recommendations are:

                          Canidae- dog only All Natural, Human Grade, Holistic Pet Foods. Dog Food, Cat Food, Kitten Food, Dog Biscuits, & Canidae Platinum Diet or 800.398.1600
                          Felidae- cat only
                          California Natural
                          Natural Balance
                          Newman's Own

                          For Raw Food:
                          Grandad's Diet

                          Human food to use as supplements:
                          Cottage Cheese (low fat)
                          Yogurt (Plain or Vanilla)
                          Chicken (no skin, raw or cooked)
                          Flaxseed Oil 1/4 tsp
                          Chicken Gizzards
                          Lean Ground Beef
                          White Fish but not canned tuna
                          Buffalo which you can get ground @ Trader Joes


                            question for cat owners

                            On our vet's advice, we feed our oriental shorthairs canned Wellness Chicken Formula. One of our cats has severe food allergies and was reacting badly to other foods. This food contains only human-grade chicken and a bunch of fruits and veggies--blueberries, carrots, sweet potatoes, zucchini, cranberries and, probably some other things that aren't coming readily to mind.

                            A word to the wise: be more diligent than I was about feline tooth cleaning! Our cats formerly were able to eat dry stuff that did not provoke any allergies, but the vet found gum disease in a cat who was only two years old. She endured several extractions and gum revision.

                            Bad cat mommy, E! Bad! Bad! :cat::cat::cat:

                            :heart: E


                              question for cat owners

                              forgot to say - that my vet (cats only) said that when I was using the RX food for the urinary issues - that the cans of wet food I gave as extra would counteract the benefits somewhat. But they only shared one small can 3 ways in the afternoon as a treat - and that was okay. The dry food is down all the time here too, and both my kitties are lean (see gallery ).

                              Lucky that's an awesome list - thank you ! I especially love the "real" food treats. And I don't think I recognize even one of those dry food brands (well - Newman's own - but I've never seen it). Do you think Petco would even have any of them?

                              Good thread Dex! Meow!!!

                              ww xox

