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Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

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    Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

    I'm very into the chemistry of Alcohol, and how it impacts our bodies. I spend my AF time reading about it, in order to try to understand how it all fits together.

    My Intro: Serotonin is a neural transmitter. We are not like Data, or the Borg. The fictional characters have wires from fingers to brain. Nerves are cells, and not wires. Your finger is not wired to your brain. Instead, your finger has a longish nerve cell. When you poke your finger with a pin, the cell fires electrically and says "Ow". However, that only works inside the cell. So at the end of the cell it emits some chemicals, which are picked up by the next longish nerve cell. It then fires (electronically) and at the end, it sends a bunch of chemicals to the next cell.

    These between-cell chemicals are called neurotransmitters, because they transmit between nerve cells. They are very fast, which is why you actually can say "ow" within a second of getting poked with a pin. But it's pretty amazing to think the transmission went from electric to chemical more than two dozen times, then got interpreted by three areas of the brain, and responses went out to a) move your hand, b) look at the pin, and 3) vocalize.

    Aspirin (and all NSAIDS) work by decreasing availability of a specific neurotransmitter chemical used by your nerves in your body. Your finger still get's poked, but the message fails to transmit because the chemical is in short supply. Didn't you always want to know how aspirin worked? That's why aspirin doesn't work on AL headaches, because your brain is already there. Now you now.


    You have three brains. We all do. The forebrain, which is what you picture when you picture the "human brain" contains all our higher functions like language, typing and memory. It's the most recent and educated one. The midbrain, is a fist size lump located behind your throat, centered and under your forebrain. The midbrain controls moods, passions, and anger. The hindbrain is very small, and is really just the top of the spinal column. It controls autonomic systems like breathing and heartbeat, and reflex actions.

    Your three brains come from three separate times in evolution, and oddly, use three different neurotransmitters. Your forebrain (the smart one) uses dopamine as a transmitter. AL affects dopamine receptors by overloading them, and so they shut down for a while. That's why you get stupid when you drink, and ignore consequences (no sense of history) or logic.

    AL doesn't affect the hindbrain, because if it did you would stop breathing. Thank goodness some things are off limits to the jungle juice.

    In the midbrain, the Mood center, AL has a number of affects, mostly related to the serotonin system. For one thing, it causes serotonin to be overproduced.

    When you drink, you flood your "mood center" with excess neurotransmitting juice. So every cell that fires, get's heard three or four times. If a cell fires once "I'm feeling good" the receiving cell gets the message three times because there's so much serotonin flooding the system.

    So the effect of AL is that it exaggerates your moods. Contrary to popular belief, AL does not enhance your moods. If you are in a bad mood, AL will make it worse. Fortunately, AL is mostly delivered in sweet drinks with lots of sugar and lovely tastes, so most of us get to be in a good mood just a few minutes before we totally blotto our mood-brain with exaggeration chemicals.


    Serotonin Power Diet is about a diet technique to enhance your body's natural serotonin levels. Those of us with AL induced serotonin need to pay attention, because we flooded our bodies with so much artificial stuff, it takes a few days and even weeks for our natural systems to come back online, even when we give up AL.

    Without serotonin you feel depressed, and in a low mood. That's why the first few days of AF are so hard. Your body isn't getting the "daily dose" from AL, but your natural systems have been shut off (for days weeks and years) because you've been flooding your system with an external source.

    Topa, Kudzu, 5-HTP, L-Glut, all impact Serotonin directly, and GABA is related. That's why suppliments should work. They should work to enhance your mood if you are AL free, and also reduce your need for AL if you are Mod.

    Serotonin is also produced through physical activity. Oddly, it's "Winning" that makes serotonin (may be related to gambling...) and winning includes repetitive tasks like knitting and crosswords. Chocolate and sex also enhance serotonin. Apparently all of these methods only work a little bit, and AL works a huge bit. And the difference is "cravings".

    So the Serotonin Power Diet gives instructions on how to eat foods to naturally enhance your body's serotonin production. The key thing is to eat a carbohydrate "snack" about an hour before Lunch and Dinner. A "snack" is defined as carbs and sugars, about 160 calories, eaten 40-60 minutes before a meal.

    No protein is allowed with snacks, and fat should be kept to a minimum. So you can have 10 crackers, but no cheese. You can have bread, but no butter (bread and jam?). They also recommend for meals that you get your main protein at breakfast and lunch, and dinner should be very light protein, and mostly carbs and veggies.

    I've been working with it for a week. And mostly I eat a single (large) Oatmeal cookie when I take my supps at 4pm, and maybe one more in the evening during my "craving" time. I'm not sure if it really works, but I really like the oatmeal cookie... And I'm still down nearly eight pounds since I first started AF (with many slips) early in August.

    One of my favorite Serotonin blasts since reading the book: After you get to work, take a break and go down to "Great earth Bakery" and get the cinnamon roll with walnuts. Then stop by Starbucks and get a "Tall" (which means small) plain coffee. Eat and drink both at your desk while pretending to be paying attention. Between the sugar and the caffeine you would swear you died and went to alcohol heaven.

    Funny part of the book: The authors recommend building serotonin by counting the number of black shoes in your closet. Being a late-40s male, I'm not sure if counting to zero will actually help, no matter how many times I do it!

    [ame= 8-1] The Serotonin Power Diet: Use Your Brain's Natural Chemistry to Cut Cravings, Curb Emotional Overeating, and Lose Weight (Hardcover): Nina Frusztajer Marquis, Judith J. Wurtman: Books[/ame]

    Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

    love this kind of stuff man. most interesting.
    I can certainly say that eating a cookie and woofing down a starbucks certainly puts me in a happy place!

    I'm a bit confused/concerned over why the snacks in this diet don't allow protein. Many of us were hypoglycemic or ended up that way after years of al abuse and a glycemic 'spike' is not good for us and can trigger cravings (in me anyhow). perhaps there is more to this diet? you have a link perhaps?

    black shoes? crap. I'm in trouble there. and black boots.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

      I added the link at the bottom for the book.


        Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

        Wow, Boss, this is great! I've copied down the formula - the carbs before lunch and dinner. Now, is this supposed to just make you feel good (all the seratonin) or actually curb your desire for AL? And call me dense, but I'm not getting the joke about the black shoes. How do you build seratonin by counting black shoes????

        Love your scholarly posts. Do you think the seratonin power diet will do what the supps do with the desired effect of curbing cravings? Am curious, as I'm working on tapering off Campral which acts to boost seratonin, and don't want to start dealing with cravings. If I do, I'll go right back on it.



          Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

          Hi Boss man
          How long exactly do you have to wait after you get to work before you go to the bakery? I really like that idea.....I think I will do that. Oh wait I work from home....


            Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet


            no protein? i think that is because amino acids compete with tryptophan, which produces serotonin. If you have carbs, there is no competition for tryptophan and so tryptophan gets to the brain. But aminos in proteins would interfere with this process.

            Is that right I read that this is why depressed people crave carbs and that the solution is to have whole grain carbs because the refined carbs give you sugar rushes.

            My book (Food and Mood) says:
            Eating a protein rich meal lowers brain tryptophan and serotonin and eating a carb-rich snack has opposite efect. Tryptophan is a large amino acide that shares an entry gate into the brain with several other large amino acids. When you eat protein rich meal, you flood the blood with tryptophan and its competiting amino acids and they fight for entry to the brain. Tryptophan gets crowded out and only a small amount gets through the blood-brain barrier. As a result, serotonin levels do not rise appreciably after a meal or snack that contains protein, even if that food is high in tryptophan.

            When you have a carb snack or meal, blood levels of all amino acids except tryptohpan drop as these amino acids enter muscle cells. tryptophan levels remain high.



              Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

              Nancy, I think you hit on why they warn against the "snack" containing protein.

              They do make a huge point that a snack is not a meal, and should be consumed ahead of a sensible low fat meal.

              boozehag, I go to work at 6am, and to the bakery at 8am. I'm afraid few people want my schedule... But I'm off by 2. ;-) Sigh.

              Vera, I think counting black shoes is "calculating your empire". It's gaining satisfaction by reminding yourself how successful you've been, and the material ways that is demonstrated. I'm fine with the overall concept, but amused by the simple fact that I've no black shoes to count.


                Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet


                Very interesting thread.

                I am a gastric-bypass patient. For some reason many of us become alcoholics. There have been shows about it, etc.

                One thing us gastric-bypass patients cannot do is eat the cinnamon roll, etc. More than 10 grams of sugar in a sitting causes us to get really really sick. It causes something they call sugar dumping. I get the same reaction with a carb rich starch. A baked potato will make me sick.

                Very interesting...

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

                  ps. What is scary is all I have is black shoes.

                  That is because the basis for my entire wardrobe is black. I have black pants, black skirts, a black blazer and several pair of black shoes.

                  I do this for simplicity.

                  I then can choose any assortment of colored shirts to match with these.

                  This is true, btw.

                  If I had chosen navy blue, it would be the same way but for some reason it is easier to match blacks than navy blues.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

                    Oh Thanks - as usual very interesting and informative.

                    The first 5 or 6 days I stopped (with antabuse- only thing that would stop me) I obviously felt YUK, then around days 7 to 12 I felt great- lots of moments of real happiness- such that I do not remember feeling in my adult life.

                    But these last days haven't been so good- I have had an almost continuous headache for days- I think it must be the antabuse building up- I am still using shampoo etc with alcohol- so my plan is to now try without the antabuse.

                    However in relation to your post- that first ten days I decided not to worry about what I eat- I could do with losing 10 pounds so normally I am a bit careful- but I was eating lots- and high carb snacks as well.

                    After that I decided to go on the Raw Food diet- partly for the health part, but also because when I was on it some years ago (raw food diet plus beer) my moods were very good and stable.

                    So I thought combining the raw food diet and NO AL would give me the best chance of staying off AL- after all if one is feeling a genuine natural high I think we are less likely to pick up- in fact very unlikely. And with coming of antabuse I am going to need all the help I can get.

                    But this last week I have been eating large amounts of protein in the form of raw nuts- I haven't felt an improvement in mood- this is probably partly due to the headaches- but now I see probably also due to the protein. I am going to have small amounts 3 times a day- for example a huge salad with a few nuts thrown in, and inbetween a high carb snack- an apple or a banana for example.

                    I am glad you posted this- it would explain my good moods in week 1, compared to my average mood now.


                      Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

                      Everything I read about nuts is good. Especially the fatty ones like walnuts and peanuts.

                      It's a bit odd to me to eat "high carb" and "fatty foods" while eliminating AL. I've spent the last 10 years on one sort of diet or another. As yet-another almost 50 year old, I live in terror that my doctor will put me on cholesterol drugs (for $200 per month) for the rest of my life.

                      Walnuts and Bananas. I think I can deal with that.


                        Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

                        I've been looking the diet up on the net, and have made some raw food lists according to specifications of quantities of fats and carbs etc.

                        I have already had my breakfast which fitted in the guidelines- guacamole and tomatoes, then an hour before lunch have to have a high carb, low fat, low protein snack, so of to get some bananas!

                        Thanks again for this info- I will report back in a week


                          Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

                          OMG I absolutely hate avocados. I think the taste is the worst thing on earth. I'd rather lick out my kitchen sink drain than taste the slimy fruit.

                          Odd for me to have such a passion. I've spent extensive time in Asia and eat a much wider variety than the normal American diet. It's just Avocados that raise my hackles.


                            Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

                            One 2 thinks avocados taste like a scabby leg!!

                            Excellent post bossman. Thank you!

                            My mood has been great since I gave up al but I am also on prozac. Is that whats doing it?
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Book Summary: Serotonin Power Diet

                              I followed the Serotonin Power Diet guidelines closely yesterday and did not have any cravings at all- so I am going to continue with it.

                              It is early days to say- but I could have drunk yesterday as the effects of the AB will just about have gone and at witching hour I was with a friend who wanted my company at our favourite bar- but I had no inclination at all.

                              I knew I wouldn't drink because there could still be a trace of Antabuse in my system- but the surprising thing was the lack of cravings- and that little voice didn't even surface- maybe one tiny feeble effort where it didn't even get a word out.

                              If you do some google searches you can find the guidelines for the correct amounts of protein, carbs, fat etc, then if you go to FitDay - Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal you can work out exactly what you can eat.

                              I was trying to combine it with the raw food diet- that became a bit difficult- I ate around 60% raw, and will be trying to improve on that as I make more meal plans.

                              Breakfast today will be lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and a few nuts.

