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AF Army - 9th September 2008

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    AF Army - 9th September 2008

    Well I've failed miserably and feel awful today....gave in last night after a day of craving after craving. What I can't understand is how ill i feel even though I had less drink than i used to.
    Does this mean I am kicked off this thread?
    Sorry I feel I let you all down too
    Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
    Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
    For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


      AF Army - 9th September 2008

      Chelle12;404864 wrote:
      AND what the HELL is the blue squishy furry thing???!!
      Ah, its a tangerine(correction - was a tangerine) ... and Im sure it winked at me..
      Congrats Chelle - you made me laugh!
      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


        AF Army - 9th September 2008


        No, you are not kicked off this thread. We just take the troops that have fallen, help them dust off and put them back in formation.

        No worries here!!

        What you need to do is figure out how to get past the triggers from last night.

        Craving after craving means you weren't successful in diverting your attention.

        What day was it, Evie? That is something to know, too.

        Vlad, sorry you are feeling grumpy. It's okay. We have special chores for grumpy troops, so you better perk up or you're gonna be doing KP!!

        Chelle, O2M, I well remember those days of finding all kinds of scary living things in the kid's bedrooms. Eeek. It was always very frustrating because they weren't supposed to eat anywhere but the kitchen!!

        Okay, Private Cinders reporting for duty!!

        Have a good day, all.
        AF April 9, 2016


          AF Army - 9th September 2008

          LOL! :H
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            AF Army - 9th September 2008

            Gonna eat some lunch.
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              AF Army - 9th September 2008

              ONE 2!!!!!! You didn't???????????
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                AF Army - 9th September 2008

                OMG everybody is at it :H Must be this sober living lark....
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  AF Army - 9th September 2008

                  Oh no, think I'd picked a bag for my sandwiches that hubby had used to carry out some empty beer cans from 2 weeks ago. There's kind of a smell like a brewery around my desk. ops: Hope no one notices. :blush:
                  Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                    AF Army - 9th September 2008

                    Popped back on for a break..
                    So far, amongst the delights of cleaning out my son's bedroom, Ive found a 2006 calendar,
                    a cyberman's head and foot, but no body,
                    paintbrushes with congealed paint on them,
                    half-eaten lion bar,
                    lion bar wrapper in paint pot,
                    various wires but nothing seeming to connect them to,
                    oh and I collected about ?5 in loose change (think I'll keep that for a packet of cigs!)

                    I can actually SEE the carpet now.. although I wish I cant really cos it needs a damn good clean.
                    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                      AF Army - 9th September 2008

                      Back from town, and it didnt rain on me! Second time this week. Someone must like me up there! Feeling very positive tdy. Sending out happy positive vibes to vlad and gyco....hands to forhead...hmmmmmmm...there. Hope you got them. o2m, ill pm you the cooking instructions now.
                      Chelle, I decided to clean my 8 year olds room a couple of weeks ago, thinking an hour max and it would be done. 4 and a half hours later, there i was, dripping in sweat with 2 black bags full of crap!! But it was clean!
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        AF Army - 9th September 2008

                        Hey Evie.. dont give up!
                        I caved last week, but got hauled right back in... Same goes for you too!!
                        ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                          AF Army - 9th September 2008

                          Thank you all
                          No i'm not giving up, back on track. It was monday night, I do struggle more then as tired from doing the walking on school runs, then the kids came out of school in a major bad mood, then councelling with hubby at relate.
                          I'll be more prepared next time.....
                          Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                          Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
                          For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


                            AF Army - 9th September 2008

                            Good morning all! I slept till 7am this morning! That's pretty amazing. Felt great. Vlad, I was wondering what your relative (was it cousin?) meant in that post, about 30 days, and another 30 days? It could have meant that he felt like it was drudgery, being stuck with no alcohol month after month, all his life? And if so maybe that's how you feel, too? That there is no joy in being free from alcohol? When I read what he wrote, I thought about it in the other way: after my first 30 days I am happy to embark on another 30 days, and another, for the rest of my life, because my life is SO MUCH better without alcohol. I just feel so sad for him, and for you, if it feels that being without alcohol is being deprived of something "good."

                            OneTwo wrote something about this in another thread yesterday, about understanding that, when she thinks about the possibility of "modding," she realizes that her thoughts are so over-involved with alcohol, that she realizes that she engages in "alcoholic thinking" and that "modding" is not a realistic possibility (help me here, OneTwo, you expressed it so much better than the way I am paraphrasing you!).

                            I was so horrified by my slavery to alcohol, and what it did to me on a day-to-day basis, that I can no longer think of alcohol as a good thing that I am depriving myself of, even if I try to see it in that perspective. And it truly makes me sad to hear from so many here at MWO who are still in the midst of exactly that situation.

                            Anyhow, vlads, that's what I thought of when you said you were in a bad mood, I wondered if you were feeling deprived and resentful about doing this 30 days AF?

                            Eve, glad you came back today! Don't forget what Cindi said: it would be important to spend some time writing down what the triggers are/were, and exactly what you plan to do (to distract yourself, to shift your attention) next time those situations arise again!

                            OneTwo: I am very impressed! Are you smiling, too???? I hope so.

                            Cym: glad you didn't drown!

                            Everyone: have a great day!



                              AF Army - 9th September 2008

                              Good morning/afternoon everyone!
                              Evie, glad to hear you are back on track today
                              It's raining a bit here today too. Not too much but maybe more by the weekend if Ike hits Texas. Still working on my windows. I used the bread maker last night for the first time. Made French bread and used it for husbo's lunch today. Now, I need a bread slicer and a bread box...LOL!! Have a great day everyone
                              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                                AF Army - 9th September 2008

                                Good morning troops!

                                Well, my blind date is turning out to be a stalker. Phones my cell and emails me non stop. I would of hated to see what he would be like if I was sleezy and slept with him on the first date! YIKES! So this is what I have to say, 'SEE YA!' hahahaha

                                I am still looking for a car. Spent most of the last weekend looking and then last night. Going to look at another one tonight. This is taking too damn long, it's tiring, and stressful. These types of purchases you can't take lightly. At least for me. My nana is probably getting sick of my borrowing hers. ahhhhh.... Hopefully tonight the nightmare will be over.

                                I can't tell you how good I am feeling (again) from being sober. I have no idea why I ever tested the waters before. Just to fall flat on my face. I am definitely NOT going to become complacent. I don't really think much about it anymore BUT that is because my days are jammed pack with sorting out shit like this car issue.

                                For those who slipped, or whatever; hop back on and keep on trucking!

                                Have a great day everyone. I must go and make lunches and get my ass in gear for work. Toodles!

