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AF Army - 9th September 2008

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    AF Army - 9th September 2008

    Hi everyone, so good to see new (and new/old!) troops joining up!! Zumba! Latin dance exercise-thing... I saw some folks doin' it once, but was too shy to join in! But it does look fun, and a great workout. Getting that blood flowing is HUGELY important for brain cell re-generation, which in turn is EXCELLENT for improving mood, which helps in recovery from substance abuse! And recovery from substance abuse ALSO improves mood... all these things seem to work in a reciprocal fashion, so everything we do that is positive and healthy works in our favor.

    Anyway, good night to UK and Europe and South Africa, happy evening to USA, good morning to NZ and AU (do we still have an Australian or two around here?). I got in a good bicycle ride after doing all I could to begin getting ready for my mother getting out of the psych hospital. Will find out more, MUCH more, tomorrow. Best news of all is that it appears that nobody at the hospital has yet told her that she can be discharged at any time, so she is not raising hell with the staff, and not calling my phone over and over demanding to be taken home INSTANTLY.

    I was sitting outside this evening at a little cafe-plus-Italian-restaurant, waiting for a friend to join me for dinner. Watching glasses of wine being taken past me on trays, watching folks drinking a beer or a glass of wine, and also watching my own thoughts and feelings. It was intriguing, there was a little bit of a "pull," but much more a feeling of disinterest, as if I were observing something that just had very little to do with me. That was really nice. I know that will not always be the case, there will inevitably come times when there's an internal demand for a drink... or a more subtle "why not?" kind of seductive voice. But that's OK. Every day that I am AF, I believe I get stronger and more capable of recognizing those voices for what they are, and letting them go without acting on them.



      AF Army - 9th September 2008

      Hi Krigs yes I read O2m's post and I agree with her 100 percent.

      The penny has finally dropped with me, I can't believe I was ready to give up and submit to AL. God I've lost years of my life sitting around drinking all day. But not anymore I have a new lease on life.
      It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


        AF Army - 9th September 2008

        Wally preparing for the race
        Attached files [img]/converted_files/613940=3896-attachment.jpg[/img]
        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


          AF Army - 9th September 2008

          how about these ones?
          Attached files [img]/converted_files/613944=3897-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/613944=3898-attachment.jpg[/img]
          It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


            AF Army - 9th September 2008

            I have just received a new photo of O2M
            Attached files [img]/converted_files/613946=3899-attachment.jpg[/img]
            It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


              AF Army - 9th September 2008

              Right that's enough stupidity from me, off to the track to trial some of the dishies
              It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                AF Army - 9th September 2008

                I have been reading and reading tonight.....trying to keep myself from drinking. I am feeling a little on the grouchy side, and ok, well, pissed I painted my damn toe nails and watched Big Brother, but I am going to have to go to bed, or else.......

                I am curious, and kind of poll so to has everyone got to where they are in terms of AF? I read comments that MWO has been what has got them AF and stayed AF and I am wondering how people have done it....supps? hypnosis? meds?

                Sorry I am grouchy tonight....not a good scene on the day you accept me into your group....tomorrow will be a better day....going for acupuncture!
                AF July 6 2014


                  AF Army - 9th September 2008

                  Wally here's an idea on how to cool your butt after your bike ride

                  I'm sure that glass is AF. Attached files [img]/converted_files/613951=3900-attachment.jpg[/img]
                  It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                    AF Army - 9th September 2008

                    Hi Wally, I got them off google images - just typed in frog with a sore butt and frog on a bike, there was also a great pic of a frog cooling his butt on some ice.
                    Everything is grand here, raced yesterday but had a bit of bad luck. One dishy ran a very nice 4th (lost third by a neck) but was his best race in a while. Things are looking up. I have such motivation now towards the dogs and am loving them all again (AL unfortunately took precedence for a while and I was just bumbling along with the dishies, doing the bare minimum).

                    CHRISTYACC - I think I got to the point where I had to stand up to alcohol or just roll over and let it take me. Thankfully I chose the first option. I have used diazepam (like valium) to get me over the withdrawal symptoms during the first five or so days of being AF. Other than that I have just started eating better (which is actually just eating now I'm not drinking all day) and enjoying life. I am over withdrawals so not using diazepam anymore (some people can get addicted to it) and am loving life again. YIPPPEEEEE
                    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                      AF Army - 9th September 2008

                      Thank you for your reply.....I appreciate it. So far I am using the Kudzu, L-Glut and some other Vits.....I am hoping to get a script for some Campral or some Topamax....I am on Wellbutrin XL and can't take Antebuse. I see you are from Burlington, ON, did you have issues getting a script from your doc? I too am from Ontario, South of Hamilton.

                      Just knowing that there are others that feel the same, helps so much....


                      Wally22;405623 wrote: Hi christyacc
                      Welcome to the AF Army
                      First I downloaded and read the book. Then I came on the site and ghosted for a while. I liked what I heard. Then I ordered the supps and the CD's.
                      I have the hypnosis Cd's and I listen to them sporadically, although I did listen to them more at first. I take the supplements, in particular, kudzu, L-glutamine, the amino acids. I also take a very good multi-vitamin (not all-one) and a bunch of other vitamins including B-50 and B-12. I take topamax but didn't at the beginning. I am at 50 mg now and as I am not having any real problems staying AF I will stay at that dose and probably not go any higher (although many people do).
                      Many people use Antabuse or Campral, some people don't use the supps at all. You have to find what works for you.
                      I think everyone on the site agrees, that this forum is a huge part of their success. Just knowing that you are not alone and that there are people all over the world who are going through the same process and feeling the same things you are feeling can make all the difference in the world.
                      Hope this helps.
                      AF July 6 2014


                        AF Army - 9th September 2008

                        So you find the Topamax works? I really wanted to keep it to myself as well, but I figured I might as well speak to her about it and if she doesn't give me the script, I at least know I can get int there. You weren't concerned about any border issues? I almost ordered as far as calling but there wasn't an answer....and then after that, I chickened out. How long have you been on it and have you had any side effects?

                        Also, has anyone heard of GABA and does anyone know if there is any contraindications with Wellbutrin XL? It seems like the same kind of thing as HTP and you can't take the two together.

                        I have so many questions, thank you for all your patience.......

                        Wally22;405636 wrote: Hi Christyacc
                        I didn't actually go to my doctor. I know, I know. I went online to the River pharmacy and bought a month's supply of Topamax from them. It took almost a month to get here.
                        I really, really like my doctor, but am just not prepared to talk about this in the real world, just yet. Luckily I have avoided any obvious physical symptoms and because I am a late night drinker I have been able to keep it reasonably quiet. I also live alone. My B/F knows what I am doing (not about the topamax) but nobody else.
                        It's really much better if you do have your doctor on board.
                        AF July 6 2014


                          AF Army - 9th September 2008

                          I love all the seasons however, I am not overly impressed with the bitter cold of the winter! I love the newness of spring, the heat of the summer and the freshness and colours of the fall.

                          You guys are scaring me with your green thumbs!!!!! Lmao!! Mine are BLACK!
                          AF July 6 2014


                            AF Army - 9th September 2008

                            Thanks again for your help tonight, Wally. I am going to put my grumpy self to bed, and wake up a happy girl again! lol

                            Have a good rest of the night....
                            AF July 6 2014


                              AF Army - 9th September 2008

                              one2many;404999 wrote: AFM.........

                              That is toooooo funny! :H

                              I am ingoring him. I have to tell him I am not interested. The date was fun; but he is in over kill mode. He said he wanted to meet my kids. That was too bizarre for me. Not to mention his chronic phoning etc... Oh well; lots of others out there.

                              You are right WIP. Too good to be true. Aren't most of them?

                              Anyway, off to la la land for me. I have to be at work tomorrow for 6am for a Safety Committee Meeting then I have a Parents meeting at 6:30pm that night. Loooong day for me and I need my beauty sleep. (LOTS of IT!) hahaha

                              Have a good night all! The car I looked at tonight is fantastic. I am bringing it home tomorrow. Yippee! Car woes are over!

                              :l to all.

