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Did You Ever Notice....

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    Did You Ever Notice....

    That those of us with drinking problems tend to be a little self-centered at times?

    A couple of weeks ago I posted that I was going away for a little bit because - well just because. Instead of dealing with it and sharing my frustrations I came up with excuses to step away for a little bit. Funny thing, though - after a couple of days I found myself checking out posts again, and not replying because my pride was getting in the way.

    So, my apologies to all for me being an ass - sometimes it comes all too naturally. I deleted my original thread last week after I realized that it was most likely a pathetic way to get attention. Isn't it funny that in my mind I created more drama - drama that I claimed I needed a break from in MWO?

    Anyway, not sure how to close this other than I am humbled by the experience, and I promise to try and not let 'me' get in the way anymore.
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

    Did You Ever Notice....

    Glad you are back, AA.

    And (but) I believe that being self-centered, even self-absorbed, is pretty common across the board, and not something that alcoholics have "more" of...



      Did You Ever Notice....

      Its something were all guilty of def. When i go on binges, i ignore everyone for days. Calls, e mails, the lot, not realizing that loved ones are worrying what im doing and how I am. We all do it. Your honesty is the important thing. Dont keep it inside.
      Once you start stacking your dirty plates, its important to clear the crap and clean them or they will keep stacking up until they fall and break.
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Did You Ever Notice....

        Glad your back...Maybe it is that we need to be alittle self centered and focused on US to begin the recovery process...When drinking I was always trying to serve others needs(probably to make up for my feelings of not being good enough).At this point in my life I think that I have to put the focus on me,to get better...Just my opinion...Anyway,I am glad that your back...Love your posts..
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Did You Ever Notice....


          So glad you are back with us. Great introspection - thank you for sharing! Yes, I agree. My hand is up. Very self centered at times. Working on that! :h
          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


            Did You Ever Notice....

            I agree with evielou. I think a lot of us have had problems focussing on ourselves in the past, which may be an important factor in leading to our drinking (at least for me).

            So focussing on yourself may be the only way to move towards recovery.

            (Of course focussing on yourself is a little different than just being selfish, isn't it?)

            Anyway, thank you for the introspective and honest post, AA.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Did You Ever Notice....

              Hi Athlete!! Yeah! you're back! Listen, I get it! At just the same time, I also was thinking....who needs this? Tired of it........tired of some boring, self absorbed people......tired of people who want to continue to drink...................but, instead I talked to a couple of people here, who I trust and admire, and........screwed my head back on! I am glad I did!

              And yes, "a little self centered" at times is healthy! You rock!!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Did You Ever Notice....

                Hi AAthlete

                I was sad that you decided to go but happy you are back.

                Yes, alcoholics can be self-absorbed. It's a big problem and needs a lot of energy to fix. I sometimes get fed up with negative posts.

                But people in general need attention-- that is just human. Next time you need some, just file a thread with the title: give me some love!

                ha ha

                Welcome back anyway.



                  Did You Ever Notice....

                  Glad you're back AA!


                    Did You Ever Notice....

                    Welcome back AA, and what an honest post. Sometimes we need to step back so to speak, and take a look at ourselves. I find meditation very good for that, although there are times when I don't like what I see, but it gives you a chance to work on it.
                    A F F L..
                    Alcohol Free For Life


                      Did You Ever Notice....

                      I think you dont have to have a drinkin problem to be self centered. My goodness everybody is at times. And ya I noticed that you had that thread about leavin and thought it was cuz of all the drama around here and that wouldn't be self centered to want to get away form it. Golly.

                      People can be self centered to the point of irritation but in no way were you that.

                      Sometimes I think when we are takin care of ourselves people....and even more so our own self views it as self centeredness. That isnt right dont ya think?

                      I know for years and years all I did is pour out my whole self takin care of my kids husband and house. So finally when I realized that there was no meee
                      in there at all and that I needed to start takin care of me too I blatantly got accused of being self centered and words like all you think about is yourself. (husband, in-laws and even my kids) But the worst thing...even I thought it too and felt guilty and found my self apologizing for it.

                      And now - in this day...I pay the price for not being a little more self centered and takin better care of myself as far as career and planning for MY future. My kids will be fine, ex hubby is fine....but I am a little bit screwed.
                      Gabby :flower:


                        Did You Ever Notice....

                        Yes were self absorbed and self centered sometimes......IAD
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          Did You Ever Notice....

                          Hey AAthlete !

                          I'm not aware of what went on - but I'm definitely glad you're still around ! I have plenty of "....... huh? WHAT did I just do ? " moments. I think the fact that you honestly self-reflect, with the intention of learning and doing better next time, is all I need to know about you!

                          You're AAwesome!!!

                          ww xox


                            Did You Ever Notice....

                            And isnt recognizing our "self absorbedness" part of our growth? Welcome Back!
                            "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                              Did You Ever Notice....

                              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

